• Member Since 18th Oct, 2014
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Trick Question

Being against evil doesn't make you good.

More Blog Posts610

  • 47 weeks
    Coming Soon, Really

    I've been a bit under the weather since Trotcon, but feeling better now.

    This weekend I need to work on putting together some poni stuff for my niece (she's up here for her birthday), and my inability to do basic things makes that a bit difficult. So I may be delayed a few days on the Trotcon retro and the other long post I still really really want to share with y'all.

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    7 comments · 382 views
  • 47 weeks
    Twilight's Enigmatic Clarification (AI ≠ LLM GAI)

    To head off any possible confusion, I've added a clarification to TEEE's story page and a note at the top of the chapter explaining that TEEE was not written using LLM generative AI (the story actually predates this technology by several years).

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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  • 48 weeks
    Trotcon '23 Author Party! (Saturday)

    • Where: the Fairfield Inn just north of Dayton convention center
    • Suite: 324
    • When: Saturday Jul 8 '23
    • Time: 9:30pm to 1am
    • How: You may need to text me at 513-290-6836 to get into the hotel. If not, just head on up.
    • What: Trotcon Fimfiction author/fan party! :pinkiehappy:

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  • 49 weeks
    I will be at Trotcon. Still alive.

    I remain alive, and as of June 13th am now the number of symmetries in a cube.

    I will be at Trotcon.

    Please contact me if you're there! (Or even if not, that's okay too.) :pinkiesad2:

    I might do an author party. I'll announce it with another post. Signal boost would be useful.

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  • 54 weeks
    I am still alive and also at AnthrOhio

    Sorry for disappearing. Ironically the thing I wanna talk about is the thing that keeps me from being here at FF or getting anything done. :facehoof:

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Tired · 8:52pm Feb 8th, 2018

I'm recovering from surgery, and I'm tired... but not just physically.

With ya, Ponkus.

I'm tired of dealing with taking crap from readers who expect me to make changes to my stories in order to suit their personal tastes. Feedback is good, but acting like you own my stories when you didn't commission them isn't. I read and take to heart every piece of feedback I receive. That doesn't mean I have to agree with or assimilate every suggestion, and you don't have the right to complain when I don't make the changes you've demanded.

I'm tired of being accused of illegal activities in RL by people who have never met me and don't know the first thing about me.

I'm tired of being tempted to block fans who keep attacking me in this way across multiple story forums. I've never had to block anypony but I don't know what else to do.

I'm tired of ponies reading more than a quarter of a million words of my novel, and complaining about content that has been present for the past two hundred thousand words. Yet, rather than stop reading, they continue to read and complain.

I'm tired of users complaining about stories that are clearly tagged for their disturbing content. I'm tired of posting moderately disturbing stories—again, which are clearly tagged—and getting feedback about how nopony should ever write about (insert content you don't like here).

I'm very, very tired of realizing that many stories I've been working on I will never be able to post. If readers go ballistic over things this trivial, I'll never be able to post anything seriously disturbing or offensive. I certainly can't post anything pornographic, no matter what the content.

I realize this happens because there are ponies who love what I write and they get upset when it isn't what they want it to be, but I look on other authors' stories that are expressly vile and I don't see anything remotely as nasty and vindictive as I get on half of my stories. I should be flattered, I suppose, but I can't be. I can't deal with this emotionally.

I'm tired of dealing with all this shit. It makes me want to stop writing altogether.

Comments ( 18 )

If this is related to that post a few days ago... yeah, I feel ya.

Remember, though, that this is online life. Your real life is not, or should not, be affected. This site is not the only outlet, ponies are not the only fandom.

I'm not going to tell you to keep writing, I'm not going to tell you to stop writing.

I will simply say: you are more than just one thing. It does not define you, it does not confine you. It has no power over you unless you give it power.

SORRY to hear you are having all these issues.. BEYOND that get well SOON TRICKSTER

Good fortune to you, I hope you feel better.

People will cry and whine about everything, i personally love disturbing or messed up things, just people can't seem to get over themselves. I would suggest making a side account for it, as to ignore foolishness from your main account.

Get well soon. I can imagine how all those things conspire to make your life far more difficult than necessary, so I hope at least some of them get solved.

As for your stories, I admit I'm reading far less than a while ago, so I didn't yet read your last fics. But, for what it's worth, I always thought you were pretty clear what was going to be in any of your stories, so I never saw a reason to complain.

Best of luck with everything.

Author Interviewer

I wish I knew why your writing attracts these people. <.< I've never seen the like.

Don't give up, though, having you around is important. :C

Is this about the comments on TSJ? I really don't understand why people would continue reading it if it offends them so much.

Hope you feel better soon!

Hopefully you feel better soon. Between the surgery and the haters it sounds like a pretty bad combination. Hopefully you can rise above it, but it's understandable if you take some time to recover emotionally.

The negative does feel a lot more then the positive :pinkiesad2:.

Quit writing pony fiction? I can take it.

But it’d be a real shame for humanity to have you out of literature for good.

Site Blogger

I hope your recovery is swift.

I'm tired of dealing with taking crap from readers who expect me to make changes to my stories in order to suit their personal tastes.

This -- and a couple other choice things you listed -- are infuriating to me. What the hell are these people thinking?!

I'm very, very tired of realizing that many stories I've been working on I willneverbe able to post. If readers go ballistic over things this trivial, I'll never be able to post anythingseriouslydisturbing or offensive. I certainly can't post anything pornographic, no matter what the content.

Now, this sounds like prime territory for an alt?

I'm tired of dealing with all this shit. It makes me want to stop writing altogether.

Take a step back for a while, maybe? But it'd be a shame if you bailed outright.

Write what you love, and to hell with the rest of it.

At your number of readers, having haters is simply a matter of statistics.

Some of the shit you deal with girl. *shakes head*
Wish I had the answers. Glad you feel a bit better from venting, at least. But I would say: just block those people. What do you really gain from not doing so? Just a lot of headache. Trust me, Trick, block them.

I'm gonna bug you till you do.

Oh, gee, I hadn't known about the surgery. I hope you'll recover quickly. If I can do anything, let me know.

Thanks! I'm fine, though. It was just a surgery to remove the neurostimulator that wasn't doing what it was supposed to.

Did you block those people yet.

One of the mane reasons I posted this was a pony who flounced but I did not expect them to actually leave. However, so far they have, so stress level is down on that front.

I'll take that as a no. >.> Well, I'm glad they left on their own.

But seriously next time block em.

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