• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Quick News Post · 8:36pm Feb 6th, 2018

Sorry for the lateness. Had work yesterday and I've been battling a gnarly chest-and-throat cold that refuses to die. Now, really quick, some news!

First up, Unusual Events: A "Short" Story Collection, is currently 50% off. It actually has been for almost a week, but being blasted by being sick, I completely neglected to mention it. In any case, you can grab this collection of ten "short" stories (there are two novellas in there, and only three or four of them are actually short enough to warrant the short story tag) for just $2.99!

Second, the Alpha 2 Reading of Shadow of an Empire is moving along, but at this point I'd like to get some more eyes on it. If you're interested in being an Alpha Reader (and if you're confused as to what an Alpha Reader does, check this handy post here on the topic), drop me a line! The more eyes, the better.

Third, LTUE, or Life, The Universe, and Everything, the writing con, is coming up! Next week, in fact, from February 15th-17th. Unfortunately, this year I will only be able to make it to one day due to costs, and that will be the first day, the 15th. Still, if you can at all make it to one of the best writing cons for chatting with authors and learning about the craft, this is it. And if you're going to be there that first day and want to put a face to the words, let me know! I'm always happy to talk with fans!

Okay, last one, I promise. This one has been on the back-burner for a while, but with everything sort of reaching an equilibrium, there's no sense in me not destabilizing my carefully balanced load with some new business. I pose to you readers a question: How would you feel about doing a live Q&A session over Discord? I get a mic, you readers get questions, I drop a link here on the site at a pre-planned time, and I spend an hour or so answering questions on a variety of topics? Anyone interested in that?

Right, that's it for the news! Onward to today's Being a Better Writer post!

Comments ( 3 )

I think that's my cue to go complete my collection of your books. And yes, you should absolutely do the Q&A session!

I don't think I have any questions, but I'd be interested in hearing answers from others' questions.

Thanks! Enjoy!

That's two!

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