• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
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Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!

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So, I have some big things to say.... · 10:04pm Jan 26th, 2018

This is going to be long but bear with me, please. I have a lot of things I want to say, some serious and some not, and I’m probably going to talk about this… rather openly. Especially open for me. There’s a lot of things I need to address, and I hope HOPE most of them are good. So, let’s begin, shall we?

1K Subscriber Youtube Update:

A little while ago, me and my little friend group of the Barcast found out that there was a change to the YouTube terms of service that would demonetize videos of users who had less that 1K subscribers and 4K hours of views in a year. We had the views, but not the subs, and it seemed we weren’t going to be able to donate youtube money to our horse charity, Redwings Horse Sanctuary. It wasn’t much money, but it was still enough that we were upset.

So, we decided to try to push for 1k followers. We knew it was a long shot, but we tired. And the support was OVERWHELMING. There were twitter posts, threads on reddit, and countless blog posts on here offering support!!! Our viewers stepped up big time to promote us, and even people who had never watched us before decided they wanted to help too.

Within 72 hours, we’d gathered almost seven hundred new subs, and were over the 1K mark.

Holy fuck. Was that amazing and shocking. Given what was going on in my life, I was touched. I didn’t realize how happy it would make me. It… meant a lot.

Now, one extra little thing. After we hit 1k, some people began to unsubscribe, and I cannot stress this enough. If you subbed, please STAY subbed. We need to keep over that 1K limit in order to keep making that sweet charity horse dosh. If you have NOT subscribed to our youtube yet and are willing to, that would be… actually kind of lovely. I would panic less. We could use a buffer zone, just in case, so we stay above 1K. And even if you never watch, I can promise new content every single week.

You can do so by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ3oGd0VGJCPLpCt2BOwbTg

In the mean time, let me say, from me, just me not from everyone, thank you for the outpuring of support. So, I know this isn’t everyone who promoted us, but I wanted to list people who I saw made a blog post about our issue and say thank you to each by name. If I missed you as a promoter for us, for the love of god PLEASE TELL ME and I will add you. I want you to be noticed, and I want to give you my gratitude. Go follow these people, they’re kinda great.


Dragonborne Fox
Level Dasher
Anon Y Mous
Wanderer D
Jack of a Few Trades
Damien Darkside
Olden Bronie
Rao the Red Sun
Lise Eclaire
And of course, anyone in our Barcast Discord who spread the word without my notice. <3

You were all vital in making this happen. We know we’re basically 4chan lite sometimes, and that we say some REALLY not ok things, but it’s all in good fun as long as you’re having fun too, and we do notice the support you’ve given us. Hopefully we can continue to make good content, and we won’t let you down.

We’ll all definitely do a more formal thank you as a group, and probably have a party to celebrate the milestone. Like… there will definitely be some sort of celebration, and you’ll be invited to come party it up with us. I also know some very special art is in the works!

THANK YOU to all those who subbed and continue to sub! We need a buffer zone of more people, for sure, and we always love new subs anyway. Here’s hoping we can get to 2K at some point!

I Have A Thousand Followers:

So, there's a damn thousand of you.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I’ve been so down and distant lately, I have not had a chance to get excited about this. But I am.
This is an amazing milestone, I never thought I would get this far, and I certainly couldn’t have done it without all of you! I don’t write for all the attention and love, and I’m not trying to be horse famous or anything. But knowing that there’s a thousand people out there who want to hear what I have to say, or want to laugh at my word vomit does make me happy.
I will work hard to make all of you happy too, if I can.

In the meantime, I think this means we need to celebrate. I may combine my 1k party with the Barcast 1K party, but I don’t know yet. All I know is there WILL be a party. You all WILL be invited. There will be games probably, definitely a prize or two, and I’ll get sloppy drunk and slur out that I love you guys, and giggle like a child. It’ll be embarrassing. So I know you guys will love it.

Keep an eye out and I’ll update you guys on that when I can.

Convention Updates:

OH MAN is this a cool part.

The Barcast will be at at least two conventions this year. And yes, that means I’ll be there too, and will be cosplaying at both. Shockingly, we are actually COMMUNITY DAMN GUESTS at Babscon, so if you are going to that, come say hi to us! We’ll probably do community meet and greets, and I know we’ll be on at least two panels… one of which will involve talking about and reading shitfics. Shadowblade, anyone?
We may also do some kind of Barcast meet up, since I know quite a few of our followers are going. If so, come join us for a drink, even if it’s a drink of water (which, unfortunately, costs more than only one dollah in California.)

Babscon is in San Francisco from March 30th to April 1st.
You can learn more about it here!

The other con is High Roller Pony Con in Las Vegas. We’ll be there, we’ll speak there, and we will definitely party there. The con is… oh man so well run, and I know the guys in charge. These guys know the stigma of Las Vegas cons, and paid for everything in advance, AND they have VA guests and stuff who will get their payment. It’s also in Las Vegas, so that doesn’t suck, and you should go. How often do you get to support a new con, run by people who are actually responsible?
If you can, come say hi to us. We’ll be living it up Rat Pack style… I really should do some art of that or something.

High Roller Pony Con (HRPC) is in Las Vegas from May 31st to June 2nd.
You can learn more about it here!

I really hope I can see some of you guys there. I might even give hugs. Maybe. Probably not. Can I interest you in a slap in the face instead?

Why I’m So Quiet Again:

So, we serious bidnesss now.

I’ve taken a little break from Fimfiction this past month, and it’s not because I’m lazy or hate you guys or I am not writing. This is because my life became… rather tumultuous. And I usually don’t open up about why, but let’s do that for just a moment.

Almost two weeks ago, I found out that one of my friends had had some sort of accident, possibly related to substance abuse and/or self harm. He was in a coma, and not a medically induced one. As everyone around me hoped and wished and prepped for the best, I kind of already knew how it would go. Three days had passed with no recovery of any sort, and issues keeping him stable enough for an MRI. I have medical experience. I know the odds on recovery for this kind of thing.

Sure enough, about a week ago, his family informed me that he had died.

It’s been… crushing. He’d struggled with depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, as have I, and he was getting help for that. We’d talked about it before, tears were shed, hugs were given. Even just a few weeks before what happened And I still don’t know if his death was fully accidental or what, and I won’t pester the family about it, because privacy is important for them right now and I respect them. I still feel so empty sometimes when I see pictures of us together, or I go to places where we’d always meet up. At a bar near me, there’s even been a little shrine built for him in his memory. It still hurts to see it when I go there after hockey games. It’s been hard to find motivation to do things.

I’ve been… sensitive, because of that. I’ve snapped at people, I’ve been hard to communicate with, I’ve been kind of a serious downer for a lot of my friends. And I don’t like that. None of it's okay, and all this happening does NOT excuse my behavior. To anyone caught in that crossfire, it is not your fault. My feelings are not your fault, and never were. And I am genuinely so, so sorry if I hurt you, even a little. That's on me. And no one else.
I do feel like I’m on the upswing now, but I’m taking my time for it, trying to keep everything together. I think some of these feelings are going to linger for some time.

On top of that, additional things have been kicking me. There have been family illnesses, as well as health issues with family friends. I had to deal with being alone while my unwell, alcoholic father in law was telling my husband that he is now disowned, and verbally abusing him for a month as he tried to help the man into a care facility states away from me. The money troubles from that are finally mostly resolved. I’ve had my own minor health issues and scares, and I’ve been losing, like… a lot of weight. Mostly by choice. So, in all, it’s been a stressful time, and there are times I could have handled it better. The agoraphobia alone has been a nightmare some days.

I can’t say enough to those close to me who have been there for me. The Barcast really is another family to me, and they’ve been there as I’ve tried to deal with things and been very patient with me. Flam, Enigma, Milk, Rav, Priest... I love you guys. Sincerely. All the homo. Priest has checked up on me every single day, and I know I’ve worried him a great deal. But he’s made me feel loved at every turn, and that has been a huge comfort when I feel like hating myself. 8th has also stayed up late nights with me, even when I was a sobbing wreck, to assure me that I am not in fact a garbage human and keep me from feeling alone. It’s made it a lot easier to get to sleep at times, and that’s been an on and off issue through all of this. Random people I know or barely know have checked with me to see if I am alright, and even when I am, that does feel nice. I have so many wonderful people in my life, as strange as my life may be. And I am so thankful for them. I’m even thankful for all of you taking the time to read this.

All of this did mean I had to step away from Fimfic, though. It’s been hard to write things or interact or keep up to date with things. But I have things I want to do. I have goals, and stuff planned over even the next few days. So, thank you for being understanding. I’m not done yet, I promise.

Upcoming Stories and Projects:

I have a story in the works. I have for a while, but I have not been in the mood. It has to do with nose boops and orgasms. Yeah, it’s that kind of trash!

I don’t actually currently have another Berry Punch story planned. There have been some ideas I’ve kicked around, but I’m hoping the next one will be happier, more comfy, and it’s been hard to stay in that headspace recently. I’ll update that when I can. In the meantime, there will be new LWTSIW at some point, and new little shitfics as I think of them. There’s been a lack of vomit in my work as of late, and I really should fix that.

I have a few colab projects in the works too, and I have some other pony non-writing projects I have a hand in. You’ll have to stay tuned to see what those are though, I can’t give everything away after all.

Cool thing:

OH, also a dude named Silent Author who is kind of a wonderful guy decided to interview me for his podcast, the Filthy Filly Podcast. He’s been interviewing most of the Barcast, and oh man was he not ready for my bullshit. I say a LOT of terrifying horrible things, about kinks, fetishes, life, death, anatomy, and bile. Basically, everything you would expect me to say. That should be up soon, and I will SO post that here.

Other than all that, I suppose I only have one last thing to say. Thank you everyone. You may not all like me, and that’s super okay, I wouldn’t expect you to. You may not really care about most things I’ve just said, and that’s okay too. We all have different tastes, and I’m not everybody’s cup of tea.

But I want you to know that I’m grateful to you for your time. Whether it’s to read my stories, look at the occasional art I do, watch the podcast, heckle me, criticize me, compliment me, or follow me. Thank you for taking time from your day and your life to do so. It is not taken for granted. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Tl/DR: I'm a massive loser who actually likes you and other gay stuff like that. F-fuck off or something.


P.S. If you have any questions about any of this or anything else, I’ll be happy to answer them here.

Comments ( 25 )

Her long hair, still wet from the shower, had been combed down her back in a wet swath. Lyler was sitting on the floor, her round, wet fur hair still wet from the shower’s wet water. She dried off the water with a towel, which then became wet.

Lyler gasped when she saw a reflection in her bedroom mirror: through the slightly open door, she caught a glimpse of the chiseled abs and square jaw of the mysterious human who shared her cabin. She stood and spun around, her mane swinging heavily with the momentum and slapping her in the face. She grabbed the door and flung it open, revealing shirtless Anern (which is seriously his name) quivering with desire in the hallway.

Anern was ashamed at being caught, but his shame made him even hotter – hotter for sex. He stepped into the room, and his bulging abs accidentally smushed into Lyler’s bulging eyeholes.

As Lyler’s previously dried but still moistened face squished up against his granite abs, Anern almost had a dick aneurysm.

“Lyler,” Anern murmured thickly, his throbbing meat wand pressing against Lyler’s nosehole. “There is a secret I need to not tell you: You are my forbidden tendies.”

Lyler had been waiting to hear these words. Her heart was lifted on golden wings that she didnt actually have and soared toward a radiant sun of perfect joy. She saw herself and Anern happy together, bathed in the golden light of dino-tendies. Her snooch got all warm, too.

“ANERN,” Lyler moaned, her lush teats straining with desire. “I NERD YEW.”

Anern, coarse abs pulsing softly in the moonlight, stood silently.

Lyler looked at him expectantly.


At hearing those beautiful words, Anern flexed his rough-hewn abs and Lyler found herself being guided to her soft bed by the sheer force of Anern’s undulating midsection. She parted her hoobes in anticipation, exposing the soft vomit-green petals of her clunge.

Anern entered her like she was a lottery. His engorged pecker pushed inside her and she felt fulfilled with sexual fulfillment.

Lyler clutched at the bedsheets with lust and ecstasy and her hooves somehow. Her spongy love mountains hurled to and fro with each pounding. Her body was like a beautiful flower that was opening and somebody was pushing their dick inside it.

Then Anern moaned, arched his back, and suffered from dick Parkinson’s. He pumped in all of his hot pearlescent sperms as Lyler spasmed with so many orgasms!

The two lay still for a moment as the stinky scent of lovemaking billowed around the room.

Lyler got out of bed, still shimmering with orgasm. She glowed with contentment, like a cat who ate the cream of the crop.

She walked across the room and picked up her towel, still wet with shower water. “ANERN,” she said softly, “THURS SUMTING I NEURD TO TEEEL YEW.”

But her bed was empty.

Anern was gone, escaped out the bedroom window. In the distance, Lyler heard the fading sound of galloping abs.

Oh my god. What have you done.

Happy 1k followers ! :)

Congrats, Pencil on all of those milestones.

I know we don't know each other but for what it worth. I'm really glad you made your goal and even sorrier about your friend. Its never easy to lose someone like that but things will get better. Things are getting better. Just stay the course and things will work out.

Man... like I said on Discord, if I was headed to either of those cons, I'd give you a big ol hug or something. Alas, only Trot and maybe BC for me.

But hell yeah we're gonna help out the Barcast, as well as you, you and the other Barcasters are truly amazing people. You're an awesome person yourself, you have some funny stories to tell, you're funny to listen too on the podcast (whenever I watch) and you're a very helpful and just all-around great person.

Strangers or not, we're all one big demented family here to help one another out :yay:


Also lol, fucking Priest :rainbowlaugh:

Also congratulations on hitting 1k! :yay:



Twilight's brow wanted to escape from her face, but sadly, it had to settle for her bangs. Anon was standing before her, half nude, and with a sudden case of roid rage as his abs flexed on their own power.

"So... you had hot, passionate sex with Lyra's mentally challenged sister?"

"Twin sister!" Anon noted.

Twilight placed her hoof onto her head, both facehoofing and trying to keep her eyebrows on her face. "So, you came to me because...?"

Anon flexed his abs. "Because, don't you want this?"

"You're literally hopped up on a cock-tale of drugs that I don't even think exist in Equestria. Why would I want any of that?"

Anon flexed his abs again. "Because they're like a xylophone. You can take your hoof and play beautiful music with my abs."

"If I wanted to play beautiful music with your body, it would be your brain in a glass dish in my basement."


"Maybe Starlight's kinda fun, but not mine. Please, go put your shirt back on and hope that Lyler's DNA can't blend with your own."

"Relax, she had protection I'm sure."

"Shoving a chicken tender up her marehood isn't protection, Anon."

"Hey, you never know."

Twilight facehoofed again. Anon would be the end of her one day...

That was almost as good as the Apple of Akcers story!

The towel, wet with water...


Good lord...

"Her snooch got all warm, too."

Thanks for sharing that?

4782312 Never fucking change.

Pencil, sorry to hear you're going through a rough spot but I'm glad it's kinda improving and you've good folks backing you up.

I subscribed and I’m staying subscribed :heart:

OMG. I thought Priest was just making that up.
Thanks for sharing. Bleh.

Ohh! The podcast! I'm surprised you have so little subscribers. But I'll subscribe.

Um, sorry for your loss...

I hope life things go better for you, ok?

Congrats on 1k followers, Pencil! It seems like there are a lot of us who can laugh at vomit, blood, and exploding testicles. :pinkiecrazy:

I have one question....
Do you know the wae?

-clicking intensifies-

I'm so happy that the Barcast subscriptions went so well. You guys are a hoot and I enjoy listening in when I can live or on You tube. Also, congrats on the 1K milestone. You are a good writer, Pencil and your stories always bring a smile (and often very loud laughter!) and often some introspection, both of which are good for my soul. Please accept my condolences for the loss of your friend. I know it is difficult and sad. Please know that we and I are here for you, always. And thank you for sharing how you've been feeling and what has been happening in your life. I know it is hard for you at times but sharing the load makes it easier to bear. I hope you continue to have great success and life continues to get better. Take care and be well.

So sorry for your loss.

We've only met once, but I am glad to have met you. The advice you have given me has made me into a somewhat better writer (maybe even human being.)

Please take good care of yourself.

It's easy to forget, in the Technicolor pony haze around here, that there are actual people with real lives. I'm glad to have found a few people behind these silly horse stories. I wish nothing but the best for you and yours, from your personal life to the Barcast to these wonderful, sometimes absurd, stories.

Also, here's to hoping I can hit up a con y'all are at this year!

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