• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
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Warning for con-goers · 1:25pm Jan 1st, 2018

This is a quick signal-boost for horizon's blog on a recent incident at Bronycon. I only know what I've read for myself, but apparently, three women had their drinks spiked at the con and were almost victims of a date-rape. Fortunately, they were taken to safety, and nothing else happened, but as far as we know, the perpetrator has yet to be caught.

I don't do many signal-boosters, but as a matter of public safety, I felt this important enough to warrant it. I'm not sure how many of my followers even attend cons (I certainly don't), but at 750 or so of you, I'm sure there are at least a few. Many of you, I'm sure, already know about this from other people you're following, but if anybody is just now hearing about this from me, then I encourage you to go read horizon's blog. If any of you are planning to attend cons in the future, please take the proper precautions to protect yourselves and those with you. For everybody else, especially those with larger follower counts, it would be helpful to link back to the original blog and keep spreading the word.

Other than that, apologies for being depressing for my first blog of the new year, but I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and are doing well. Happy New Year to all, and let's hope for a safer 2018 for everybody.

Comments ( 4 )

It's incidents like that which make me glad to be an asocial teetotaler.

In all seriousness, I'll be sure to watch out for any activity like this in the future. I like going to cons (I was actually at the BronyCon Horizon described), and it'd be a shame if one of them got tainted by such a nasty event again.

Other than that, apologies for being depressing for my first blog of the new year,

Of all your many crimes, this is the last one which merits an apology.


But I'm not sorry about all the other stuff I did.

What kind of degenerate would want to date rape women from ponycon? comic-con I can understand but common

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