• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 5th, 2013

Will of Haphinea

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Luna's Big Mac Attack Followup. Hey everyone! · 6:35pm Oct 20th, 2012

Hey everyone. Just gone done from my sister's (9 year old, very cute) getting a Yellow belt in JKD, and starting on her way for learning self-defense! I was so happy she managed to pass over all the white belt requirements, and go straight for that. She is a great learner, and I am very proud!

Anyway, the reason of this blog is to discuss my very first busy success for the story about Luna and Big Mac. I still am very thankful for those watchers who came in from CMCs and Hope's Asylum, or Letters from Blitzen, as those stories are what started me on the path of my current writing style. (I exclude Wonder-Colt 3 as it was more of a MLP in old Sega game, and while very fun, was meant for myself and my brother than others. If you liked it too, thank you!)

I also thank those few who like PD PIE!!! and The Great Kellie's Story. I may be working on somewhat lighter stories for now, but I shall be going a bit dark again soon (but not back to Mature for a bit...little too much for me)

I wish to share with everyone, new fans included, the layout of what I have so far with the follow up to this story.

It will involve Pip and Luna going out to find the ancient Nessie, and along the way, finding new adventures! I shall be including many other mythological creatures, such as pranking Kelpie, a stubborn Sphinx who challenges Pip with a riddle, and a very happy Pega-Kirin filly. I may include other little things, but this is intended to be a long around 5-6 thousand word one-shot follow-up.

My question, to those who are watching or are fans of the stories I mentioned: What sort of story should it be? What I mean is, it is already an adventure story, but shall I also do a cutesy "Pip tries to romance the favorite Princess while they are together" subplot, or keep it as an innocent fun. Please note, I intend this to be rated Everyone as well, and as flattered as lil Pip will be to the Night Princess, I think she will be gracious and say no... but even that can change!

I thank you all for reading! Below are stories I have in development, in various stages! Please feel free to eavesdrop and see what may be coming soon, to a new release box near you.

Future plans, just to remind myself. Stories to finish:

PD PIIIIE!: Advanced Interrogation ( Day 2 finishing, reconsidering the length of this 'terrorist' threat. A week seems too long for what I have planned...)
Feathers, Fears and Whales. Fluttershy's and Dash's Trip to Baltimare! (Still outlining. Unsure how to make the issue I have come up naturally)
Project Pip and Luna: Outlining, awaiting feedback!
The Dark Soul. Story 1 and 2: MUST Outline again! Priscilla the Crossbreed story is ready, but how to handle Spike's temptation...(start after all others above done)
The Dark Soul finale: Pip's Darkmoon Blade Rescue: Pip becomes a Darkmoon blade for Luna. (NEED to Outline).


Separate storylines, non-related to above.

1st Monster Hunter story: How the hell to bring Monsters like Elder Dragons, and others to Equestria (or vis-a-versa) No hunters/humans. Release no later than MHTriG in March!
Elder Dragon tea party: Monsters discuss the Ponies, while the Ponies are away. (Comedy, basic outline)

Report Will of Haphinea · 220 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Yeah, I Understand your plans, but the question is : will there be more of Luna's Big Mac Attack ?


As in a full story follow-up? Hmm, not sure on that. But, I'll consider an extra chapter when I get back to writing very soon! Got to take a slight break and catch up on reading too!

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