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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...

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Just to let you know, Her Royal Coffee Colt is progressing · 5:20am Dec 20th, 2017

Not as fast as Twilight at a buffet, but going at a fair speed. Sneak peek below the break. Bring napkins. And I love writing Fluttershy like this at her temp job.

(Quick summary of the plot for those who are not keeping up. Dry Roast has found himself as the prize in an alicorn dating contest, of sorts. He's so doomed. Today is his first real date with Twilight at The Hayburger.)

~ ~ ☕ ~ ~

There was only one word to describe a hungry Twilight Sparkle at the table: Alicarnage

There was probably a reason why Ponyville did not have any all-you-can-eat buffets, and the reason was sitting across from Dry Roast. Still, she had manners even in the middle of the consumption process. She did not eat any of The Hayburger employees. Or the table. She was very careful to wipe her mouth between bites, even if it was on the remains of the hayburger being fed upon. She did not even take a bite out of the very long stick that Fluttershy used to bring an extra hayburger and order of fries, although Dry Roast could see some older toothmarks on it.

The truly impressive part of lunch was the sandwich makings. Dry Roast was proud of his talent in that regard. He might have even considered opening a sandwich shop if not for the fact he liked making his megasandwiches for himself, and never did understand why other ponies disliked avocados or ghost peppers on them. Twilight treated the hayburgers as a building base, a fair sized foundation with sufficient structural integrity to begin construction whenever she passed through the salad bar like a starving tornado. Pickles, peppers, cucumber wedges, barbeque sauce and thin slices of tomato formed distinct layers, supported by flying buttresses of lettuce barricades and tied together with rings of raw onions. It was a fascinating process in a gruesome fashion, and extremely temporary.

In the end, Twilight did not so much stop eating but slow down to a leisurely pace that made only one or two hayfries meet their doom every minute or so. Dry was done with his food, although he could not remember eating the last bite of his own hayburger, and any fries that he had managed to grab onto was strictly by luck. With all the immediate danger over, Dry Roast finally looked up at the rest of the restaurant… the empty restaurant and got up from the table.

“Excuse me, Twilight.” He brushed some lettuce out of his mane and smiled, only partially from politeness, but mostly from suppressed humor. Spike was probably going to have to hose Twilight Sparkle off before he let her into the castle. “I’m going to go see about the check, and then we can go.”

“Sounds good.” Twilight looked around the table. “Bring back some napkins, please.”

Despite wanting to comment on the possible fate of the napkins which had been at their table, Dry held his tongue and strolled back to the kitchen where the rest of the restaurant staff were. The present owner was huddled in the back of the room with one of the servers, who just kept repeating “The horror! The horror!” but Fluttershy was right there with a happy smile.

“Oh, Mister Roast. I didn’t know you and Twilight were done yet. I’ll get your check.”

“I just wanted to add a couple of decaf affogatos for the road,” said Dry with his magic already picking the foam cups off the ice cream machine. “I’ll mix ‘em up for you and… um... Sorry about the mess,” he added. “Here.”

“Thank you,” said Fluttershy, who sat the hefty bag of bits to one side and began totaling up the bill. “I’ll have your change in a minute.”

“Keep the change,” said Dry Roast. He capped the ice cream coffees and popped a straw into each of them. “I mean… you’ll probably have to mop the walls, after all. Does she eat like that when you all are out saving Equestria?”

If Equestria is ever attacked by a haymonster, Twilight could solo it.

“No, not really. She’s a very dainty eater when we travel. I think it’s her nerves.” Fluttershy gave a quick peek over the top of the register at her friend and smiled a little wider. “She’s not nearly as messy as Hairy Bear. I normally get takeout for him. Too many ponies get nervous when he’s around. I’m just glad you and Twilight are hitting it off so well. Are you two planning on mating this afternoon?”

It was only a matter of fractions that kept Dry Roast from either inhaling the glob of affogato he had just taken or spitting it out across Twilight’s friend. Instead, he deliberately swallowed, took two deep breaths, and asked, “Mating?”

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy’s eyes sparkled with joy, and the pencil which she had been using to calculate the check dropped forgotten onto the counter. “Most species have a period of intense feeding before mating, so the female can rest during the early egg implantation phase. I’m so looking forward to Twilight having one or two darling little foals to play with, and you’re big and handsome, so your offspring should have good hybrid vigor. Or is she pregnant already, and developing her embryos? Oh, I don’t even know if alicorns have foals! Do they lay eggs? Will she need any help sitting on her clutch? Do you think eight or nine eggs in the nest would be too many to hope for?”

“I’m… pretty sure alicorns have foals like the rest of ponies,” said Dry in a rush. “Luna has been giving me a pretty good education in that respect. Although she didn’t mention eggs, so that doesn’t mean… No, Cadence is pregnant and she hasn’t laid eggs—”

“Yet,” breathed Fluttershy with an expression of hope.

“Ever, I don’t think, no.” Dry Roast took a deep breath, but the image of Princess Luna sitting regally on a dozen dark eggs had amazing persistence in his brain cells.

“Oh.” Fluttershy drooped a little, although she still seemed entirely too happy at the concept of a dozen little Sparkles running around underhoof. “Well, the ice cream should help with eggshell thickness, just in case. You two run along and enjoy the afternoon, Mister Roast. Oh, and if you need any help finding a good spot to mate with Twilight, let me know.”

It took a moment for Dry Roast to nod back and excuse himself for the trip back to the castle with Twilight. Although he could not help but think about what Fluttershy would consider a good mating spot for the two of them.

A library, probably.

~ ~ ☕ ~ ~

“So, how did it go?” Luna held herself poised in the middle of Dry Roast’s kitchen, with all of the happy tension of a mousetrap about to snap closed on a juicy mouse. “Did you two enjoy your lunch date, Mister Salad?”

“Oh.” Dry looked up at his mane, which still had one lone piece of lettuce dangling from it. Before he could protest, Luna scooted him into the bathroom, shedding her own shoes and crown in the process.

“No words, you delicious young thing,” said Luna. “Just into the shower, hop to it, or I’ll start nibbling and won’t stop.”

A shower was just what he really needed, and having Luna in there with him was even better, but it took until his mane had been properly shampooed and they were both sudsing down each others coats before something else slipped through Dry Roast’s hormones.

“When did I get a walk-in shower?”

“Shush,” admonished Luna. “More soaping around the shoulders, please. Your previous shower was far too small.” She stretched her wings out under the pouring water, then wrapped up Dry in their soggy embrace, dragged him closer, and kissed him. “This is better,” she added once they surfaced for air. “Far more intimate. Now, did you and young Princess Sparkle proceed any further in the direction of passion?”

“We had lunch at The Hayburger,” said Dry, a little weakly due to the soft soaping that Luna was doing to his back and down his sides.

“That much I could guess,” said Luna with a deep sniff. “Thou smells of two mares. Did you invite Fluttershy for an afternoon of—”

“No,” said Dry as firmly… as directly as he could in the circumstances. “She served us… I mean she was our waitpony. Um… Alicorns don’t lay eggs, do they?”

Luna’s laughter, particularly in the confines of the shower with the water cascading around them, was divine. “Oh, I miss this when we’re apart,” she gasped. “Perhaps it is a good thing that I have hidden you away from my sister.” She closed the short gap and kissed Dry Roast under the spray of steamy water.

“Very nice,” gasped Dry Roast when they broke for air.

“Tis only the start,” teased Luna. “We have far to go to catch up with your activities of this day with the fair Princess Sparkle.”

“Actually,” gasped Dry between kisses, “she didn’t even kiss me goodbye at the castle doors.”

“Really?” Luna quit kissing him and backed up enough to cock an eyebrow.

“No, just ran inside when about a dozen ponies were standing there with stopwatches.” Dry Roast shrugged. “I think the pool is down to intervals of ten seconds. If Twilight doesn’t kiss somepony, the pool will get out of control, and we’ll bankrupt the town.”

“Well, well.” Luna straightened up and took a step to one side in the shower, which Dry Roast did not understand at first. “If you have not progressed in your relationship with the fair young princess, our relationship likewise should remain at this level. And there is only one way for that to happen now, when our blood has begun to boil.”

She turned the shower to full cold.

~ ~ ☕ ~ ~

Comments ( 9 )

Do you know how soon you'll publish it?

”Alicorns don’t lay eggs, do they?”

Yes alicorns do lay eggs, at least according to this story.


That was exactly where my mind went when Fluttershy started talking about alicorns and eggs. Georg is maintaining the story cross-reference system. :twilightsmile:

Fluttershy found it much easier to go out in public once she realized that ponies were just another species of animal. But sometimes she forgets that they've built up some more sophisticated social structures than most of her friends.

This story snippet shows just why you’re one of my favorite authors. I can’t wait to read this story!

Also, I just remembered that Harry Potter crossover you were working on; what’s going on with that? The snippet you showed a while ago made me hyped up for something I never knew I wanted.

Looking forward to this one :pinkiesmile:

4754175 Yeah, it's going to be a huge project. If I did nothing but write on it... I'd go insane around Feb. and still not be done, so I'll keep poking on it whenever I get time. I like fish-out-of-water reactions, and I've got a couple of characters who will make good fish.

“Hey, Ponygirl!” Sparrow bounced into the bedroom and dropped onto the bed, rump-first. “What’cha up to?”

“Writing back to my friends in Ponyville. What?” added Sweetie. “Why are you giggling?”

“It’s just… Ponyville? That’s like having a town called Humanville. Anyway, I don’t have a plug in my room. Is there one in here?


“For my laptop computer.” The human girl opened up the flat black bag and produced the strange device. “The batteries are almost dead, and there’s no phone here, so I can’t get online. It’s like living in the stone age.”

“Oh, neat!” Sweetie Belle ran her fingers over the device while listening to Sparrow describe what each part did and how cool it was. Afterwards, she rested her fingers on the keys and pretended to ‘type’ out what she had been writing to her own friends. “So how many friends to you have that you talk to on this computer thingie?”

“Dozens. We’ve got this guild on Ultima Online and all kinds of crafters, but most of them are old and just sit around and talk all day instead of going out and slaying dragons or exploring dungeons.” Sparrow held up an odd piece of metal on the end of a cable. “I’ve even got an adaptor for the weird British power, but no phone. I wonder if they have phones in Hogwarts.”

Good heavens do I know the feel of going mad from 100% focused work on something. Currently working on an accursed little story that's grown into quite the full-blown novel on me, and there are few things I crave more now than the sweet embrace of death having it finished.

Anyway, just wanted to say that your prose makes me weep (happy, mildly jealous tears). I have read and considered your recent writing advice post and I think the bit I'm missing of late is that I don't read enough. Going to tackle more of that in the new year.

“Sounds good.” Twilight looked around the table. “Bring back some napkins, please.”
Despite wanting to comment on the possible fate of the napkins which had been at their table, Dry held his tongue and strolled back to the kitchen where the rest of the restaurant staff were.

Equines need a lot of fiber in their diets. Really. It's a thing.
PS: Dry Roast? Run, run while you still can, and don't stop.

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