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Net neutrality repeal overreactions · 3:22am Dec 15th, 2017

So, I think most of us are aware of what has happened earlier today. The FCC, defying the majority of Americans who were shouting, literally and metaphorically, to leave the system alone, officially dissolved net neutrality in a 3-2 vote. Net neutrality, for anyone who doesn't know, is defined by Dictionary.com as, "the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites (Google "net neutrality meaning)." The FCC just gave a big middle finger to the American people, as well as to the republican and democratic ideals on which the Union was founded; the people of the nation should have had their say on something this big, no just the benefiting corporation.

In the wake, such as it has been, of the so-called "vote," the internet has - metaphorically - exploded, with news channels covering and largely condemning the action and private citizens on Facebook and Twitter erupting with protests. Already, lawsuits to overturn the decision are being made.

Most disturbing among the protests are death threats sent toward the chair of FCC. One such threat said, "We lost #NetNeutrality now you lose your life," and was accompanied by a picture of three men holding assault weapons, including an AK-47 if I'm not mistaken.

I understand the fury behind such threats; The Independent has stated, "Net neutrality prevents ISPs from slowing down connections for people attempting to access certain sites, apps and services, and blocking legal content. Without the rules, they’ll no longer have to treat all internet traffic equally, and will be able to prioritize certain websites and services over others."

But nothing, up to and including the FCC's decision today, gives anyone the right to threaten or murder - yes, I said murder - anyone. There are always better ways to fight back, and to do so legally; boycotting FCC services, the aforementioned lawsuits, and determined peaceful resistance that costs the FCC more than it would to simply bring back net neutrality is the best way.

Please, calm down guys and gals. This is really nasty. I know it is. But murder will NOT solve the problem. If you're that angry, I'd suggest going to the gym and smacking a punching bag until the anger is out, and talking to a doctor about it. Sign petitions (preferably offline). Join (peaceful) protests. Put up signs and flags on your lawn condemning the decision and calling for the return of net neutrality. But for your own sakes, don't do anything rash, especially stuff that will land you in jail.

Please, just calm down, and if this subject is that grating, then its probably best to stop watching the news and media for a while and concentrate on the hobbies you enjoy doing; reading, gaming, tabletop simulations, whatever legal hobby or interest that holds your attention. It's NOT over, and humanity has existed long before the internet was a thing. We've survived two world wars and decades of the threat of nuclear annihilation hanging over our heads. We can survive this too.

May God go with you all.

Comments ( 7 )

I've been called a corporate shill for saying that people are acting hysterically about this whole issue. It's like I'm literally Hitler for daring to suggest that this isn't the end of the world.
This is how everyone else seems to be reacting right now...

Rationality on the internet? Heresy!


LOL the guy holding toilet paper right off the bat XD

But yes, that's how the internet has been behaving today, I had my bout of anger, and to be honest I was worried, though it's largely either withered away in the last little while or just suppressed. My concern is with the death threats. The other kinds of protests, assuming nothing illegal is done, might be tolerated.

I have been on the net way before NN showed up like it did. I think people are being very overly dramtic.

I think people are beginning to overreact when they start sending death treats and act like it’s the end of the internet. This is coming from someone who likes the idea of net neutrality and generally leans conservative. As a matter of fact I’m currently an IT major in college and the repeal on net neutrality might directly affect my future, but you know what people are still overreacting in some cases.


I think both sides kind of overreacted on this. But NN is not always a good thing for some things. But i'm sure there are other things out there that could be the same as NN but also fix the issue's that brought to.

Also a note, Net Neutrality came into existance in 2015, we have been fine without it for a long time so chill. Yes it is a good idea, but it isn't life condemning.

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