• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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The November Patreon Supporter Reward is Here ... · 9:27pm Dec 1st, 2017

... and it is a big one!

How big? Well, let's just say that as thanks for their support this month, Patreon-goers are getting an early look at ... drumroll please ... The first chapter of Jungle.

Yup. Which, by the way, I'm in the last few chapters of. At last. This book has swollen far past what I expected. Editing it will be a nightmare. But at the same time ... Well, I'm not going to say anymore.

Anyway, if you're a Patreon supporter and read Colony, what are you hanging around here for? Don't you want to know what happens next to Jake, Anna, and Sweets? Sure you do. And given what happens in this opening chapter, I— Well, I'm not going to get ahead of myself. But I expect you'll have questions for me.

So quit hanging around here and hop on over to November's Patreon Reward on Patreon! And if you're not a Patreon Supporter yet, it's pretty easy to do. In return for helping support Being a Better Writer, you'll get access to monthly supporter rewards, which range from early looks at chapters and stories, to behind the scenes stuff ... to even some exclusive stuff long before anyone else, such as a look at a short story for More Unusual Events!

Cool, right? All that's yours to look at for supporting! So get on over there!

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