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Agent Bookfort

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And New Ages Come to Pass... · 6:06am Oct 19th, 2012

So, given enough time and feedback from Bright Eyes it's safe to safe that I buggered up the pacing a bit. People felt the ending was 'abrupt', and I wouldn't disagree with them. I believe that because I'd set the pacing of the story to be relatively slow over the majority of the story, having everything happen and resolve in Chapter 8, was what gave it the abruptness. Something to learn for the future!

If you guys disagree with my assessment, please, I'd like to hear yours. :twilightsmile:

As for what's next, well... I have ideas mulling around in my head about where to go from here, in terms of a longer fic. None of them are directly related to Bright Eyes. I ask myself two questions when I have an idea, as great and inspiring as it may seem: "Does this need to be written about?" and "Can I do it justice?" Some thing are best left in someone's head, and other things may not be able to be done justice. I wouldn't touch the Fallout: Equestria universe, simply because I could never do it justice. So someone else needs to write about Trixie and Twilight's experiences and respecitive ends for me. I'll love you if you do.

So give me some time, and we will see what happens from here.

For anyone actually interested in my present ideas, They can all be found here. I'm interested in hearing if any of my ideas are of interest or worth!

- Agent Bookfort, Over and Out.

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What do the small letters say? They're impossible to read.

Copy paste them somewhere. :twilightsmile:

"So someone else needs to write about Trixie and Twilight's experiences and respecitive ends for me. I'll love you if you do."
what ever this means @.@
Anyway i thought it was nice work with "Bright Eyes" and the ending was ok, because that was something where twilight ends everytime she try to "hide" something from celestia xD

for your ideas:

1. sounds nice, but why should ponies start a war or rebelion when she would die some day and the old ruler can rule again ?
2. intressting, but the SAD tag is most of the time a nogo for me. because its more like mindfuck, than just a bit SAD ...
3. paintball ! i like paintball ! (i don't like CoD this much) but hey PAINTBALL!
4. yeah that sounds cool. but why should someone destroy the stone ? xD

Answers to all those questions would be expressed in the story, or in later planning. Right now, they're just ideas. :twilightsmile:

So someone else needs to write about Trixie and Twilight's experiences and respecitive ends for me. I'll love you if you do.

Does this mean for like a FoE story (cause I've never read any of those fan-based ones, let alone the original; not that have anything against it, but not sure if should take time reading a 200+k (as I've heard) word novel) or for something related to Bright Eyes? Cause I did honestly have the idea myself, of Trixie sometime returning after Twilight's accident, despite not having actually "officially" read the fic, but skimmed it (for most part, when it was 7 chapters in, read the final chapter though, was pretty heavy on tugging at the heartstrings and a good read) to know what happens, but I plan to reread it at a later date. Honestly, had hoped the fire would somehow restore Twilight's sight, cause if the brightness took her sight away, would hope the smoke would've repaired her eyes, as unlogical as that sounds. :twilightblush: But eh, if anyone has your permission as seems to be stated in the blog, though dunno what I'd do with it at this time (hopefully, not cheapen it by making it a romance, if against that, as that's my main forte, though I do have other ideas in other genres for MLP stories). Probably wouldn't be for a while though, as still have to read the story officially at this time, and would like to create some of my own ideas first perhaps.

But have to ask, did you have the idea yourself first and I just never saw something about it? Since never watched you or I followed any notes/comments by you. Sorry if misunderstood and said too much before am ready, but honestly don't know enough about FoE (the original) and meant for that, rather than your own story that was a sad story, but with bittersweet ending.

You mean the idea for Bright Eyes? Yes. I hadn't seen the BlindDash tumblr until someone had pointed it out to me. :twilightsmile:

Hmm, not big follower of tumblrs, though I do check some sometimes. Didn't know there was a BlindDash one. :twilightoops: I meant not of the list of current ideas (if that's what you meant), cause I may not have checked the list until after I finished commenting or didn't find any of them to be to my liking or seeing the final one being set in the Bright Eyes universe.

I was asking about in this blog that bit about someone writing Trixie's and Twilight's respective ends (if not them intersecting at some point, like in my... random idea, cause of not being sure if you'd write anything else related to Bright Eyes) for something of a follow-up to your Bright Eyes story, if it wasn't to FoE instead? If that again was express permission given in this blog here. Though I'd need to sit down and read Bright Eyes again still, if it was for it, cause I've NEVER read FoE and not cause the idea (or what I know of it) irks me but cause I haven't gotten to seeing if'd be worth my time (plus forgetting about it), considering I think it's like a novel essentially. Cause never read if you made a comment like that in a blog since never watched you or checked comments, when checked out Bright Eyes when it was almost complete. Hope that clears it up... :facehoof:

Heheh. We may have a communication error here. However, if I'm reading you right... no, Bright Eyes has nothing to do with FO:E. I started reading that after I'd finished writing Bright Eyes.

As for Trixie and Twilight in FO:E, I haven't seen anyone write about them, anymore than what has already been established in FO:E. I couldn't tell you, without spoiling a portion of the story.

Well, know likely that Bright Eyes and Fallout Equestria have little to do with one another, considering that I think Fallout Equestria revolves around setting/gameplay from a series of video games with the word Fallout in it. And is in a wasteland type setting, etc. I just wasn't sure if for the THIRD TIME :facehoof:, the remark about somepony writing a story about Trixie and Twilight's ends was something for Bright Eyes or the other. But I'd imagine it's for Bright Eyes, if reading you correct? Or WOULD what you said be for someone writing something based off FoE? More likely would guess your own story, if anything.

As I HAD shortly after finishing Bright Eyes, the IDEA that maybe would wanna see/do a sequel (if you wouldn't) where if Trixie came back to town to y'know, try and show Twilight up, but then finds/sees complications with her being blind now. And things progressing awkwardly from there, though dunno if that'd be a very good story, whether wrote it as a romance (which I said, dunno if would cheapen your story, if I did that, but it's my main forte even if I have non-shipping ideas planned for someday) or not. But it seems like you already have more planned for that universe, even if it's probably years after Twilight passed(?) with a new character discovering about her namesake, since Twilight became an Arch Mage like that three-legged pony who became famous for something that was mentioned in the final chapter as one of Celestia's past students. And thus, dunno if could do that or would complicate manners. I was just bringing it up, cause I wasn't sure AGAIN, if meant that for Fallout Equestria or for something related to Bright Eyes (not sure why, when know it's not your only story, but only one up I likely see relating to Trixie possibly), cause I was sure wouldn't be doing anything else related to Bright Eyes universe and hadn't read any comments or older blogs before may have deleted them. I hope you understand better this time. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Twilight_crazy.png

1-Evil Twilight has already been done alot,possesed or not,but dependind how it is written it could be a good story.
2-Spiritual journeys of self-discovery are always interesting.
3-All of my yes,but i can just see Pinkie Pie winning this easily.
4-Do not really like it but that is because i suffer from a disease that makes me incapable of caring for an OC,no matter how well written they are,so i just know i would not be capable of caring for any OC in the story,i would much rather read an story where Twilight and her friends need to save Equestria from something evil,because then you would have an conflict where Twilight is tired of her friends being overprotective of her while they do not understand they are hurting Twilight by constantly protecting her,also that way you can show just what Princess Celestia had to teach to a blind Twilight.

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