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Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Why You Should Read ... Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium · 8:34pm Nov 10th, 2017

So I'm trying something new today here at Unusual Things. I've had the idea for a post series like this in the back of my head for a while now, and while it's not going to be a regular series like Being a Better Writer is, I do hope it might be an occasional counterpart.

So first up, what is this post? Well, Why You Should Read ... is a recommendation post. I've said before on this site (more than once actually) that writers need to read. It's an important part of being a writer. Reading other's works is an vital way to broaden your writing horizons in all aspects. And, in that vein, I do follow my own advice and do my best to read a decent number of books per year (usually around fifty, but be noted that I'm a fairly swift reader, so don't feel like that's some sort of milestone you need to reach). Various sources and genres, too.

In any case, Why You Should Read ... is kind of the result. Because every so often I'll pick up a book and read it that makes me think "Whoa. That was really good!" for one reason or another. This in turn makes me want to suggest it to you readers for one reason or another (and don't worry, I'll be dividing my recommendation by spoiler potential, so you'll be able to stay clear of those if you so desire, though the recommendation may not be as grounded).

Now, minor disclaimers here before we get started. First, I'm not receiving any sort of compensation for this recommendation. This is a title I picked up and read of my own free will that I am in turn recommending for reader consideration for one reason or another (the rest of the post will get into that). I've not received any compensation whatsoever for recommending this book.

Second, as always, I'd recommend anyone looking for a few more good books to head over to my books page and start browsing! You can read samples, grab bonuses ... I recommend each and every one of those!

Final disclaimer: What did you think of this post? Comment below, past the "End Spoilers" bar and let me know if you like the idea!

Right, with the pre-amble taken care of, let's get this Why You Should Read ... underway! Buckle up readers, because it's time to meet Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium!

Continue reading ...

Comments ( 6 )

Thanks for the glowing review of Ciaphas Cain. I'll have to pick up a copy now.

There's a fusion fic of it on this site, with Blueblood as the commissar and an army more like that of the old British Empire, and I think it does a good job of keeping the same tone and voice for the main character. Have you read it?

I've never heard of it (maybe)? Got a link?

That sounds like it all right.

Added to my list. Might as well check it out. Thanks!

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That's the one. If nothing else, it's one I'm excited to see update.


Oh wow, that sounds awesome. I had heard those books were good, but since I never got into 40K (mostly due to the insane cost of getting an army) I never really bothered to look into them. I'll definitely be correcting that soon.

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