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Human Gaiety 3: Human Gaily with a Vengeance · 11:00pm Nov 8th, 2017

Yup, more of these, which didn't even have the decency to wait until I got back from work to come out. At this rate, I expect we'll see the entire collection before the year is out. More somewhat spoilery mini-reactions below.

Display of Affection: Holy crap, I was right about human Rarity working for Prim Hemline. :derpyderp2:

In any case, I'm really not clear on whether this is the boutique from the first film, the store from "Good Vibes," or some third installation entirely. Still, impressed that they got a French swear under the radar. Also, I think we got foreshadowing for Sunset's street art in one of the Summertime Shorts. One more activity she practiced to improve her manual dexterity?

A Little Birdie Told Me: Huh. Didn't expect to see Cranky teaching math, but it's certainly a useful datum. Also, I do love how "Those birds were helping her cheat on the math quiz" is now a legitimate accusation in this school.

My Little Shop of Horrors: Suitably named. I'm pretty sure this makes Audreys III through XXV or so. At least they didn't want blood. Also, we get to see some of human Celestia's home, including the analogue of the palace gardens. I feel rather validated in focusing on her earth pony aspect in the Oversaturated World.

Super Squad Goals: Entertaining antics, but you're clearly nerfing the characters to service the plot. Dash alone should've been able to stop the guy. Some of the details make me think you drew from an actual experience, but I respect you and your friends too much to think this is actually how it happened. Still, entertaining stuff. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

Oh, sorry. After that ending, I felt the most appropriate reaction would be to give Sunset a review of the comic. (Also, "Canterlot City"? Really? What, is CHS the one public high school in the metropolitan area?)

Comments ( 19 )
Author Interviewer

The one thing this slate of shorts -- along with The Art of Friendship -- tells me is that Sunset is a visual artist.

That's not something we've seen before. And I have to wonder, is it a hobby she's brought with her from Equestria? Or, in a world where magic is not a field of study, is it something she's cultivated, maybe from a childhood whim, and found a space to let her talent blossom?

I mean, we'll never get a straight answer on that, but it's excellent story fuel.

I'm really digging the weighty bass on the intro/outro music to these. It's very satisfying.

Are these the shorts on youtube? If yes mind giving me a link to the channel.

YouTube, no. Discovery Family's website, yes. Each bolded header is a link to its respective short.

Thanks. Due to lack of normal internet im going to have to watch these from my phone. So i didnt notice those were links.

My mini-thoughts on these mini-sodes... (I'm likely to put up my own blog post this weekend with more detailed thoughts on all the minisodes to date.)

In general: I love how we're getting to see the girls not just in different new outfits, but also little variations here and there (like Twi's boots in the garden short).

Display of Affection: The overwrought hairpin and excess of beads/pearls aside, that was one HOT outfit Rarity was in. Loved that outfit. That's the only takeaway I have from this one. ("Flanksy" though? REALLY? :facehoof:)

Birdie: Fluttershy's finally wearing a bra. Seems the bitchier she gets, the more body-aware she gets. Also, I laughed at Trixie mumbling "I hate math".

Horrors: Well that was...there. It was kinda funny and all, but it was pretty much just there.

The superhero one: Yyyyyeah...meh.

Download the Discovery Family Go app to your phone, they're free to watch with no login required. Alternately, EqD has links to the shorts on the DFG site, but it seems to freeze often.

That might make things easier. Thanks.

I will say, in Display of Affection, Sunset has some of the best smirks and that smile at the end, marvelous!

Maybe someone read Exit Through Canterlot and slipped it in.

Or, far more likely, it's a reference to actual real life street artist Banksy, whom that story also takes the name from?

So, the Plants inteligence was drained at the end?
or are they still sapient, unable to move?

It's a strange coincidence that first human Star Swirl appears, and then shortly afterwards the plants make their move.

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Let's just hope Sunset never designs a bemusement park.

"I have no mouth, and I must sing."

Given the mountaintop observatory and Twilight's not-a-date, I could probably make a comment about Star Swirl's monument sitting above the Timber line, but that feels like a stretch even for me.

In any case, I'm sure Star Swirl's reaction to the musical number would not be Disney-princess-like delight and continued watering. Prinicipal Celestia would probably be lucky to find her greenhouse intact and in the same dimension.

"Star Swirl, what did I tell you not to do?"
"Burn down the greenhouse."
"And what did you do?"
"Burned down the greenhouse. I thought I saw a Manchineel."

As an amateur ornithologist, “A Little Birdie Told Me” made me imagine the songbirds flying to Fluttershy to tattle on nest parasites, crows, raptors, etc.

“Little Shop of Horrors” = Rainbow's worst nightmare.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, this is the first use of “What the hay” in EG. I guess they're sticking to the horse theme, which would make sense if EG and Equestria were one timeline/universe that split in two at some point in the past.

Okay, between Display of Affection and all those extra hearts Sunset added at the end of Super Squad Goals, are they just blatantly shipping Sunset with Rarity now? Because it feels a little like they're blatantly shipping Sunset with Rarity now.

Beach Apple is the cousin no one talks about. Mostly because she doesn't exist. And even if she did, she wouldn't be part of the similarly nonexistent Royal Assassinorum.

I don't know, the end of "Super Squad Goals" felt like Sunset was shipping Rarity with Applejack to me.

Hmm, could be, but that grin... Regardless, someone at the studio is having fun.

"Little apple that drives horses mad" is just crying out for a noir femme fatale treatment. Maybe there's more to Applejack's time in Manehattan than she's telling us.

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