• Member Since 23rd May, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 26th, 2023

Son of Sanguinius

Just a Canadian with a love of fantasy/sci-fi and a bit too much time on his hands. For Sanguinius and the Emperor!

More Blog Posts13

  • 337 weeks
    Blood Angels Codex

    We're getting so much cool stuff. Death Company Captains, flying Librarian Dreadnoughts, and best of all, +1 to To-Wound rolls on the turn we charge. Plus Tartaros Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnoughts!
    It's a good time to be a Blood Angels player, all told. All we need is a way to re-roll charges for deep-striking jump pack squads and we're golden.

    1 comments · 320 views
  • 339 weeks
    Remebrance Day 2017

    May we never forget their sacrifice, nor forbear to give them the honour due.
    May we ever remember that we live because they died.
    And on this solemn day, may we recall their noble deeds.
    Lest we forget.

    MacDonnell on the Heights - Stan Rogers

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    0 comments · 285 views
  • 341 weeks
    8th Edition Blood Angels Codex and Story Updates

    They just announced the Blood Angels Codex for 8th is next! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/11/03/news-codexes-heroes-blood-glorygw-homepage-post-3/
    No idea what we're getting, but here's hoping Death Company will go back to 5+ Feel No Pain, and Inferno Pistols will drop in price (20 points is ridiculous).

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    3 comments · 766 views
  • 377 weeks
    The State of the Story

    Sorry for disappearing for so long. Busy, busy weeks.
    As for CotBA, I must admit my muse has waned somewhat. I have the rest of the story roughly planned out, I just need to respark my interest in writing it. So it will probably hang open for a while yet before I get it some new updates. I do have the next chapter partially written, just have to get around to finishing it.

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    0 comments · 316 views
  • 385 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Hearth's Warming/Sanguinala/[insert holidy here]!

    As the title reads! Sorry it took so long, been doing stuff, only just remembered to post.

    May you enjoy the holidays!

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8th Edition Blood Angels Codex and Story Updates · 11:11pm Nov 3rd, 2017

They just announced the Blood Angels Codex for 8th is next! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/11/03/news-codexes-heroes-blood-glorygw-homepage-post-3/
No idea what we're getting, but here's hoping Death Company will go back to 5+ Feel No Pain, and Inferno Pistols will drop in price (20 points is ridiculous).
For those of you who play, what are your thoughts on 8th edition so far? Like it, hate it, or don't care?

I've released a new story (for those who missed it), "Angel Eagle Wolf." Sanguinius, the Emperor, and Horus end up dropped into Equestria as ponies. Shenanigans ensue. It was inspired by ideas from

Viva i carabinieri

. The plan is to release this as a series of 10-12 chapter stories.

Children of the Blood Angel remains on track to eventually get written; it is not dead, and Angel Eagle Wolf has not replaced it. The next chapter has been concepted, and will get written one day (I'd give a timeline, but we all know how those usually work out).

Have a good day!

Comments ( 3 )

huh. didn't think id get a 40k data drop on this site... but neat to know that's the next 3 codexes. was kinda hoping for space wolves or something sooner, but it's nice the blood angels are getting something. guess if i wanted to do Lamenters now'd be a solid time to get going.

that said, I'm REALLY waiting on whatever book they'll put the Ministorum in this time. mostly waiting to see what unique rules the Sororitas orders would wind up getting, so i know what i have to work with. i REALLY hope Argent Shroud is good...

on 8th in general, i don't have a good finger on it due to lack of personal play, and i don't think the picture will be fully complete until all the codexes have rolled out. some argue there's a lot of power creep, but id argue thats part and parcel to the current issue of codex faction vs index. how long it'll be until everyone's on a codex is a big deal, because a lot (unit changes, subfaction doctrines, and strategems) ride on the codex now. Personally i like a good deal of the edition design decisions, but it's not without it's holes. what about you?

ill have to keep an eye on your efforts. I love this kinda crossover stuff.

Glad to pick you up!
Yeah, I was as surprised as everyone else BA got selected. I'd assumed we'd be sometime next year. But I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, if you'll excuse the bad joke.
Cool to see a Sisters player! I'm hoping the Sisters finally get their due. I've been hoping to put together a Kill Team or small detachment for a while now, but the bad-to-mediocre rules and expensive models have kept me off. Still, 8th's been good so far, at least from where I'm sitting, so there's hope.

already followed you from Children of the Blood Angel! hehe.

not even a joke, just turn of phrase- and no worry about it. gotta love how it ends up fitting. personally seeing as how so much imperium had already dropped, i was expecting more xeno races, namely orcs, necrons and tau to come on down. next years goign to be a solid non-imperial year at this rate.

i mean, we're missing harlequins, Ynnari (unless they are to be covered in both craftworld and dark eldar books), necrons, Orks, Tau, and Genestealer cults on the xeno side along based on this to my count.

we've already done the space marine basics, Grey knights, Imperial guard, Mechanicus, and counting this, blood angels, dark angels, and chaos in it's entirety barring heretic knights, potential Khorn Daemonkin, and Thousand sons. imperial knights i believe got rolled into mechanicus v(considering half of all knights give or take are mechanicus run...)....

so there's not that much imperial (off the top of my head, Space wolves, Imperial Agents, Talons of the Emperor) to go. that said they may still ping imperial to another subfaction for awhile. i just would like my codex before june if possible...

fair enough on the reason to be away from the game though- even if the rules have improved on some level, and a fair bit of business workings seem to have improved in GW, the game is STILL more expensive than most others, even at a skirmish level, but especially at the intended sizes. thankfully as a blood angel fan you at least have the secondary market a bit more in your favor. the only way i was able to build my sisters army is an incredible series of lucky breaks, and making it a priority over other hobby expenditures for the sake of crossing something off a "bucket list" of sorts. currently doing just that as i add more to the army now.

really, i just hope for good sisters rules, and if anything new in models come, ill see. Act of Faith would be amazing in most armies hands, but in the sisters it's honestly seems kind of limited based on my lack of table experience. a model release would be nice, but id only like it personally if the sisters design stays the way they are right now. the reason i want to have them released in say plastic now is to be really able to sell them in more vectors than direct online-through other online stores and in person retail. i don't even think the prices will be dropped enough compared to the metals though for said release should it come. look at some of the brand new kit in the past year... i don't think we'll see a normal sisters squad at 10 for 40 for example.

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