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Lord Of Dorkness

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Micheal Bay is directing a Dora the Explorer movie · 2:18pm Oct 24th, 2017


Yes, really, really.

Micheal 'Boobz N' Explozions!!!' Bay, and a teenage, live-action Dora 'Swiper, no swiping!' the Explorer. Currently aiming to defile a cinema near you in the year 2019.


Wowzers, did somebody slam their head against the cray button until both broke, or what, huh?

You know, I'd normally never end a blog on two clips, but both these seem too appropriate not to share.

Source for my, uh, source.

Comments ( 10 )

either this is the greatest prank ever, or a sign of the cinematic apocalypse.

Or both.


Meh, Hollywood runs on a mix of black-magic, cocaine, and weapon's grade denial at the best of times.

The really sad thing?

Yeah, that... :facehoof:


Eh, could be worse.


Decideing to make a Dora movie is the wrong thing to learn out of the MLP movie.


You are not going to tell me that Raul Julia's last preformance was a sad thing. He took that film for his kids while dying of ass cancer and his preformance as M.Bison is a cinematic masterpiece. That's on the same level as John Cena working his glutes off to do all the "Make a Wishes" he is requested for despite the fact he was, and still is, a main liner for RAW.

No, it's everything else about that film that sucks.


Meant the 'but for me , it was Tuesday' sentiment regarding Hollywood's usual level of madness as seen from the inside of the cauldron by whatever studio-head that dumped millions on... well, a Dora The Explorer movie directed by Micheal Bay, as compared with how we brief, mere mortals are reacting.

And I must admit I'm sick and twisted enough to consider Streetfigter: The Movie good unironically, but yeah, Raul Julian was on fire in that movie, the break-away performance in the whole thing, and his death so young was a tragedy.

I dunno, college humor did a fair job with it:

As well as a 3 part mini movie.....What's the worst that could happen?

Darn beat me to it.

But seriously why.... why dose that combo make sense to anyone?

Oh god don't even get me started on the Streat fighter movie... had so much hope for that and then.... uggg...

Edit Woops was suposed to be in one post.

I found the trailer.

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