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24 Reasons Why The Transformers: The Movie (1986) and My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) Are the same movie. · 12:08am Oct 21st, 2017

1: Major Audience Confusion

We're kinda introduced to our main characters, many of whom kids and fans will know, but most won't. To some people, these are just random things without much character, which is probably also the reason why their movie has a low rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

2: Party Crashers

Our heroes gathering is interrupted by some bad guys.

3: No screen time for you.

And some characters are snuffed out of the movie, including the leader of their kind, never seen in the movie again, but mentioned time to time.

4: Why aren't you here?

And for plot purposes, they left out some other characters that can practically fix the problem in a few seconds, but doing that will make the movie a huge waste of cash to everyone.

5: A broken Commander.

The Commander for the army, and the one who we follow, is a broken down character that, after meeting the big baddie, was given some sweet new digs to hunt down our heroes with.

6: The sidekick

And they're not alone, as they also has a sidekick who really doesn't do anything, but is the 2nd in command to the manhunt.

7: Big Bad Guy.

But the main bad guy is some really big dude who wants to absorb energy to become all powerful, but uses an army to do so,

8: Generic army

And the henchmen are cookie cutters of themselves that really don't look too different from each other, but may be explored in comics or written media.

9: A Roadtrip

But after the attack, our heroes have to go from their homeland to another world to find some help.

10: Sly Cat.

They meet up and befriend some sly guy that's been living on the wrong part of town. He's not bad, just had a rough start and does whatever to survives.

11:I ship it.

But the bad guys arrive, forcing our heroes escape scene via flying ship

12: Shipception

But they're quickly found again and escape with a smaller ship

13: Buy our toys!

They find themselves in a new world with some other people that are a bit like them, but not really.

14: Universal peace dance.

While the new people are a bit hostile, a dance is needed to befriend them.

15: Yoink!

But our evil captain from earlier captures the McGuffin they need, which is something that's revolved around leadership and powerful in nature

16: Terrible Timing

Luckily, our heroes arrive back to their home, but with a not so good surprise attack as the main baddie gets all the power they need.

17:Horrible Boss

And the main baddie betrays his own commander, who just wanted something desperately in return.

18: Horrible Leader

And our main baddie starts to wreck havoc, not caring for anyone, not even his own troops

19: The Touch

Luckily, a leader for the good guys has a literal change, looking somewhat like their original self, but different enough to stand out

20: Nice, but not good.

And our main hero battles against the main baddie to no real success.

21: Nice try, redemption.

Even the commander, the one that was hunting them, tries to help, but isn't much help.

22: A Kid Friendly Death.

Luckily, it ends with the main baddie exploding into millions of pieces.

23: 'Till all are one.

Afterwards, a huge gathering commences with the heroes and everyone they know with a speech about peace, and reversing all the damage quickly

24: You'll be lost.

And people who know the show know that the characters are gonna have to mention all this stuff in future seasons.

So, those are my reason. Agree? Disagree? Please share your comments below in a respectful manor.

Comments ( 6 )

If there's one thing that MLP the Movie didn't have was a character swearing. And don't forget to mention the all-star casts for both movies.

and even though there was only one celebrity song, it didn't rely on cheesy 80's synth metal rock music

The only real difference with Transformers and MLP was timing; Transformers had only 2 years to develop while MLP had 7 years to be in the public. Other than that as a fan of both films I loved it

okay, seems pretty legit, considering what Silver Quill kind of had to say about the movie, as he did compare it to the old Transformers movie

Please, that's too obvious like how it's a movie based off of a cartoon series and how they're both products of Hasbro with many male fans.

Well G4 MLP is like Hasbro's new G1 Transformers guess they wanted to keep it like that.

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