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Forget not that I am a derp.

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Triantaphilia · 11:06am Oct 10th, 2017

It's funny having the same birthday as Friendship is Magic. Everyone's excited, just not for me. :derpytongue2:

It's especially funny to turn thirty. In the "mad, nervous laughter that speaks of fraying sanity and draining adrenaline as you hide from the monster" sense. Still, my family assures me that the thirties are almost always better than the twenties, so we'll see if that's the case.

Here's to the show and myself, however much longer we last. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 41 )


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Yeah, turning 30 isn't half as bad as your youth-oriented mind makes it out to be. I'll send you your cane in the mail.

Also, watch out, folks: this guy can't be trusted! Apparently turning 30 makes you a dishonest scoundrel. Wish I had known that three years ago, I'd have totally taken advantage of it.

Happy birthday. I'm 27, not too far away from you.

I hope to survive and not join the 27 club!

Happy birthday!!

Truth. Sorry FoME, but you can no longer be trusted. (Or perhaps we can all be untrustworthy together.) :trollestia:

Happy Birthday! :pinkiehappy:

I just turned 31 last month, so we can both be nervous together :twilightblush:

New personal high score for years survived, nice! Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

Now you’re officially no longer “young people,” at least, according to traditional age bracketing in sociology. Exploit that. :)

Happy Hatching Day !!

As they say age is all in your head. I've been over thirty for some time now, still don't believe it.

Many happy returns of the day, FoME! Honestly, even with a third of my thirties spent, I still feel like I became old at 25. That's when you stop growing and start ageing. Until we start getting senior citizen discounts it's just another age counter each upkeep, and hitting a nice divisible-by-ten number really doesn't matter.

Happy birthday to

TF2 and the entire Ornage Box

Lots of exciting birthdays today.

Ahhhh... how wonderful youth is...

Happy birthday! :twilightsmile:

Happy birthday and welcome to your 4th decade! :pinkiehappy:

Also what's that coming over the hill, is it an author

Many happy returns of the day.

Again, Happy 30th Spacerock Circle Milestone Day!

Happy birthday! Thirty...it's not so bad. Nothing really changes, especially these days. You're only as old as you feel, and thirty is where many feel life truly begins.

Now me, in two weeks and change I hit 40. I'm not sure how to feel about *that*.

Does anyone get excited? Myself, it'll be another month before the anniversary of my introduction to the series, and I remember that date far more easily. Generally, I imagine each person's introduction is more meaningful to them than the day the show actually started, given how the fandom developed early on.

In other news: You have survived to qualify for another decade! Bravo, FoME! I wish you good luck going into the next round of life, and may you live in interesting times. :yay:

And of course, happy birthday! I hope there is cake. :pinkiesmile:

Also, am legitimately wondering about the title. What does "Triantaphilia" mean?

Happy birthday, man. Hope the next decade is less painful than the last one.

And remember! When in doubt, blame millennials.

In keeping with my theme of making blog titles out of Magic cards, this is an attempt to derive "love of the number thirty" from triskadekaphobia.

Happy Birthday! Welcome to the thirties! Here in the thirties we start to wear clothes that are out of date. We do this by actually not changing to whatever the new style is. We also notice that we're surrounded by youngins, while still also being surrounded by oldies. It is a fun time, filled with magic, and injuries that don't heal like they used to, and actual permanent pain in places that we didn't realize we had. Fun fun :trollestia:

Happy Birthday! So much to celebrate today! :twilightsmile:

Happy Birthday!

I also hope my thirties turn out way better than my twenties, and see few reasons for them not to.

I was bitter when I turned 30. Hardly noticed when I turned 40, though.

Congrats on still being young, silly. Remember: you're only as old as your age! :derpytongue2:

Good job not dying yet! I just turned 30 in May and still waiting for the thirties to be better.

Happy birthday!

Imma let Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie do the singing.

Happy birthday! :pinkiehappy: I will eat cake and celebrate! (No, really! It also happens to be my wife's birthday! :raritywink:)

Happy birthday!

And yeah, thirties is a good age. You're no longer young, but you're not feeling old either. You've got maturity and perspective that younger you lacked, and hopefully a more stable life situation overall, so you can have fun without the kind of frantic push to experience something new and amazing that younger people often have.

Happy 30th birthday.

'Grats, dude. (Do you still qualify as a "dude" at 30?)

30 is the decade where you largely stop giving a damn and just get on with it. Life is to be lived. Buy a red car and wear a medallion.

Wait, that's a mid-life crisis...

Whatever, do it anyway!

Still, my family assures me that the thirties are almost always better than the twenties, so we'll see if that's the case.

Been waiting on proof of this for two and a half years :derpytongue2:

Happy birthday, FoME!

Hey, you and I have the same birthday month.

Happy Birthday! Also, I had no idea it was the 7 year anniversary of MLP! :pinkiegasp:

Happy b-day! I hit the same number last year, and I agree with what others have said: It's not that bad once you accept it.

Dammit! I forgot the 10th again! :raritydespair: Happy belated birthday Foamy! 🎂

Here's to October birthdays! There are a lot of them in my family. I have one coming up, but I don't like to share the exact date online.

Anyway, happy birthday!

Exceptionally belated natal felicitations!

The bad news is, now nobody under 30 can trust you. But on the bright side, the rest of us stuck out here in the youth-trust cold can band together and pick up the slack.

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