• Member Since 11th Mar, 2015
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Pony writer

A wise woman once said, " Fuck this shit." And she lived happily ever after

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  • 194 weeks

    I havent been on this site in forever.

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  • 194 weeks

    I havent been on this site in forever.

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  • 243 weeks
    Ponies for sale

    I am selling my pony collection.
    I have about a thousand ponies. Every one is different.
    There are drinks food cupcake wrappers party favors party supplies ribbons jewelry bracelets necklaces shoes socks wigs drinks candy purses backpacks keychains hundreds of blind bag figures ( some with cards) brushables large figures story tellers light up

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  • 260 weeks
    Remember that horrible story I wrote

    About the dirty cowboy who stole Fluttershy and liked to ride her and jack off?
    Should i ressurect that story cause i feel like it should be.

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30 days in facebook jail AGAIN · 6:53am Oct 10th, 2017

UGh, I guess Freedom Of Speech is just gone. WAKE UP people!!

Report Pony writer · 308 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

What's going on?

This is way i dont have Facebook.

Actually Facebook is a privet company, as such they have terms and conditions they enforce on their platform, and freedom of speech dose not extend to privet company's nor dose it over rule their T&C, so Facebook, Discord, Skype and any other such company can ban/jail you for saying anything they find breaks their T&C.

The current Administration is attacking FOS and Civil Liberties on several platforms.

What expressions are you under fire for?

Calling an Antifa a faggot

Use of the word Faggot as a deragatory is definable as hate speech.
If you want to make a point and disagree with someone; you need to be better than them and the zealots who dabble in spreading hatred.

Have I ever called you a racist or facist for supporting an Administration that promotes the idea that I shouldn't have the same rights as straight, white christians?:eeyup:

Well it was,my own page , it was a fake antifa page. And it should be allowed to be on there, its ok for them to promote violence and talk about commiting it . The double standards are unbelievable. Callkng me a nazi is hate speech, too, but thats allowed?! Who promotes the,idea that you shuldnt have,the same rights as....white straight people?
Its not Trump, what rights have you lost?
Trump is trying to make
America great for AMERICANS, ALL Americans!!
When did u ever hear him say tbat?
I think the news may have said it for him.
Because he wants everyone to be happy. Everyone.
He wants us to look at the person next to u and say "ihave your back.'
Its true. Hes not a fascist. Or racist. The media says that
True story.

Jeff Sessions and Mike Pense are two very blantently stong opponents of Marriage Equality and LGBTQ rights.
Last week they both openly supported measures that allow discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Sexual Identity under the guise of Religious Liberty; and this is just the most recent attack.
Donald Trump CONDONES this. He can easily say "hey, LGBTQ people are just as American as you guys", but he is supportive of their agendas.

Donald Trump is not a friend to anyone who is LGBTQ, and has committed to allowing his Administration to take it further.
Donald Trump picked a side. Simple as that.

What rights have I lost?
I lost the protections that the US CONSTITUTION promises to all Americans and Trump is committed to making it law.
You can legally treat me as a lesser person because of something that I have no control over.
I did not choose to be Pansexual.

I dont treat you lesser?!
I like you just the way you are!
Well, all i have to say about that, is that Trump is just trying to make a,better country.
I know you dislike him, i wish i could convince you that hes a good man. Not saying you or your issues arent important, i think that he is just dealing with bigger issues, like n. Korea, healthcare,ect.
I love you, though..does that matter? I wish we could all nust unite and be each others friends, instead of everyone hating on each other

I made a fake antifa page, lol and people who liked it got exposed. Lol when the vegas thing happened i posted, " this is a fake page, only hete to make fiun of these faggots"
BAM. Banned.
But they can call me a fascist asshole, nazi, racist, promote violence, its the silencing of conservatives. Period.
Liberals want the constitution gone

I know you don't treat me any lesser.:derpytongue2:
I love you unconditionally.

This is still America. It is our patriotic duty to have civil chats about politics.:derpytongue2:

The current Administration is displaying a lack of regard for the seperation of Church and State, and seeking to undo Supreme Court rulings.
They are the ones who have problems with the Constitution as it is.

The Alt left and Alt right are both wrong.

I'm not quite sure where you heard that, I know people on both sides of the political agendas. And they don't have this kind of animosity towards each other. Both want the government to uphold the constitution, both want equality for everyone, both want an end to all the violence in a peaceful and civilized manner. And they've held understanding and educated conversations over many of the current topics, and I've even gotten in on this discussions as a neutral party.

Sure all three of us have our disagreements, but through those disagreements we find our common grounds and build an understanding an acceptance between us. Take the dreamers situation for example, both of them are conflicted on the matter. One says it's a good idea to get rid of the program, while the other says it's a terrible idea, I on the other hand told them that both ideas are bad. As one has no real solution to the situation, and the other just continues to drive people towards a problem with out a solution.

What we agreed upon was rather than getting rid of the dreamers program, it would be better to slowly work in restrictions over the progressing years till it is fully balanced out. At the end those who are at the youngest age that can apply for the program are more likely to be accepted, but as they get older the risk they will be dropped will gradually increase till the age comes they are completely dropped from the program. Till then they have a time gap that warns and reminds them of an inevitability, which in turn causes them to seek out citizenship.

Which will slowly drop the number of those who are not citizens, both sides get what they want. One issue we agreed upon is that congress is full of adult sized infants who can't agree on a damn thing, and love to argue and drag out issues because they can make more money off some of these issues.

Of course liberals and their 'army' of special little snowflakes want the Constitution gone. They ARE trying to erase the Civil War from history books.

That's the totalitarian cyber regime for you.
If it makes you feel any better
He's something you may find funny. Antifa has begun to clash with BLM

Is there something wrong with being gay?

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