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I don't know what you're talking about, I've always looked like this.

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Ultimatum announced · 12:22am Sep 13th, 2017

Don't worry, the gun is pointed at my own head on this one.

If I do not have a new chapter out by Monday, consider the story cancelled and you can move on with your lives. I am done with fucking people around with this.

Have a good one.

Report Handyman · 2,189 views · Story: Bad Mondays · #Countdown
Comments ( 63 )

I am done with fucking people around with this.

you know what they say handyman

if u don't use it

you'll lose it

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Scamper #2 · Sep 13th, 2017 · · 1 ·

What are you saying my good sir Handyman?
Cancelling the greatest HiE fic on this website?
Truly such madness is merely a jest.

Is it "really canceled" or "consider it canceled"? Is it the final countdown?

And if you do that, screw you, I was re-reading the fic and pointing the mistakes that were still unnoticed and was planning to make and compile the French corrections for the dialogues when I reach the affected chapters.

And just like that, I found religion. There will be much praying this week.

Heh, I'm doing the same thing, just not the French bit.

If I do not have a new chapter out by Monday, consider the story cancelled


you're awesome handyman.

So you screw him too? :eeyup:

You should pray to Ilos.
The infinitesimal speck of divinity that knows all things that ever were, are, and shall be until the end of the universe where all matter slowly tears itself apart to form energy and all energy is spread against a large enough space that they might never interact again.

Until the spark of Ilos flares to Un-life once more I beseech thee, oh Uncreated Life, The Final Truth, the Dweller of Nothingness, The End of That Which Was, The Progenitor of That Which Shall Be!!!

Allow the Muse to flow around the Handyman, may They be overtaken with ideas of the fantasy world.

That Which Could Be, must not be denied.

Cmon man, you have 1700 likes on that story. It's one of the biggest HIE stories on the site. You've gotten this far, and I don't think you should just abandon it after all the time and passion you put into writing this. Many people have been reading along for 3 years now.

I understand that writing it must be stressful, but every chapter has been worth the long wait so far, so just take as much time as you need.

Dude, I'd rather you take as much time as you feel you need than just cancel it outright. Better a long wait with a satisfying payoff--and your chapters meet that criterion quite readily--than nothing at all to wait for.

I'm literally shaking right now

Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Don't quit. I like what you do...

You say the gun is pointed at your head, but this is more like an artillery shell strapped to your chest with you standing in the middle of the room.

Ease off the trigger, cool down, and come back whenever you're ready my guy.

Between these two posts is how all your followers feel.


Whatever happens I'm still glad I got the opportunity to read what you put out

XD the first day that I'm following you...

Handy, I just got a notification the other day about how the story "Shades of Twilight" (a Mass Effect/MLP:FiM crossover) got a new chapter after a YEAR of nothing... just to be canceled in the same moment as the story's editor had to finish that last chapter because the real author is MIA and probably never to return.

So what I am saying is... PLEASE PLEASE PUH-LEE-HEE-HEEZ don't cancel your story too, especially since the wait isn't that long from the previous chapter!

Welp, guess I'll go back to staring at my stories and wonder where the fuck it all went horribly wrong.

Please don't cancel this, it's one of only reasons i even stay on this site. Even if you don't manage to get a chapter done by monday, i want... no, need you to continue this. It's the beacon of hope in the darkness.

Comment posted by Razjel deleted Sep 13th, 2017

I have a question: WHY do you feel the need to cancel your story? Is it because you think that you take too much time to write each chapter? Someone was insulting you in some way? If you don't know that by now, then there are people out there, that wait for each chapter with patience. They are willing to wait a couple of months for a new one. Someone before me said, that story got an update after a year. One. Year. And someone was waiting for that. Take your time, there is no need to rush things. We can, and will, wait. Whatever problems you have, I can only wish that you'll solve them with the best outcome you could get.
Right now I can only hope that you get what I wanted to say. Good luck.


Hell, one year is tame by some standards. If memory serves, Admiral Tigerclaw went something like five years without updating Sleeping With the Girls, but is now back on semi-regular updates.

It's alright, my man. Don't feel the need to cancel because of little ol' us. Take as much time as you need, even if some people want to tell you otherwise.

Hey, no pressure. We can wait. This fic is too good to cancel. It really hasn't been that long since the last chapter. I've waited longer (and for shittier fics, I might add). You do you and take as long as you need.


I noticed and I appreciate your efforts. Thank you.

Well something good came out of this at least.

I can never tell if that expression about to cry' or 'disappointed.

I understand, and I thank you all for sticking with me and the story for this long. I'm touched at how much this story means to a lot of people and I'm sorry for any distress this is giving anyone. But like everyone who thinks its a matter of time, or commenters/fans getting impatient, its not. It actually is just me being unable to bring myself to get back to work, not only on this but any of my other projects, (I used to have several going at any one time, now they are all in the same state as Bad Mondays). I am tired of procrastinating, I am tired of putting it off, I am tired of not being able to push through with it or anything else when I have all the time in the world. Hence the ultimatum. If Bad Mondays is ever going to see completion, I am going to have to put the fear of God into myself somehow, and that calls for being prepared to just let it go if I am unwilling to move on with it. Again, sorry for any distress this is causing, but its better I put this up as a visible reminder both to myself and to those reading, so that if I ever do just put away the pen, it doesn't just come out of the blue for most people.

As are you guys, thank you.

Huh, the muses, I forgot about them. The equivalent we have here are the Leanshe, which are nowhere near as nice.

Nothing like a terrifying game over soundtrack to set the mood.

Again I thank you guys for your patience in all of this, but its not an issue of time. I have all the time in the world but I am just not using it. I need something else to get me to actually do this, and nothing else is working.


I'm glad to hear that.

No kill like overkill.

A robust gif if ever there was one

I'm glad it gave you and others such joy as it had.

Heh, sorry about that.

I'll endeavour not to, but like I said earlier in this comment, its not an issue of time.

That... is an amazing clip.

I'll be back.

Yeah. Sorry man.

Nothing went wrong on your part, dude.

I'll consider that, I don't want to cause anymore distress than I already am, but I need to do something.

The reason I feel the need to put this gun to my head is precisely because otherwise I am not going to get the next chapter out. I am at a state in life where nothing much is ever really changing or likely to in the near future and I am just tired of everything. So it was either do this, or keep fucking around for God knows how long. I think its better if I do something instead.

That's one hell of a gap.


Its not a time issue.

Thank you.

Comment posted by More Dakka deleted Sep 14th, 2017

And now I'm in the hospital

Really? Shit, sorry to hear that, what happened?

4668045 In all seriousness though, please just don't get trapped in the loop of feeling like you have to make the chapter better than the others to justify the longer wait time. More often than not that only adds fuel to the 'frustration-self loathing- procrastination' cycle.

They shoved something inside me and I just got out of surgery so gimme some time to come to terms that my penis hole expanded whilst I was asleep around lots of cute doctors and nurses


I need something else to get me to actually do this, and nothing else is working.

So the problem is motivation, huh?goodmenproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/2010-01-02-Throwing-money.gif

They were probably 'miring. Don't worry too much about it.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bad Mondays.

The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head.
There's also Handy's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.

The fans understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.

As a consequence people who dislike Bad Mondays truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Handy's existential catchphrase "Bollocks," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. 

I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Handyman's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens.
What fools.. how I pity them.

Look, I don't know what this conversation is about. I'm pretty sure theoretical physics are not something involved in most of these jokes. I realize that you're really trying to troll people and I don't rightly know how high my IQ is. But I do know that I love this story. And I also know that putting others down in life doesn't really get you anywhere - nor does it help to educate those who lack it.

Just saying.

I see you're quoting what I assume is by now a very infamous comment someone made regarding Rick and Morty.

Ah. well, that does explain some things.

Forgive my rudeness good sir.

Dear Handyman,
I know it was said time and time again, but I want to stress this out again; you do incredible work with your story and many fans (including me) is waiting patiently for each and every chapter you post no matter the wait.
It is one of these stories that is worth waiting long periods of time between updates mainly because of smart writing, interesting characters and surprising plot. Normally in scenarios like this author would recive an advice about taking their time but as you said its not the matter here.
Instead maybe start slow if you have troubles getting out of your stagnant state, change your daily routine, eat more or less meals a day, maybe start a new hobby, like sports, videogames or, for nerds pathfinder or even reconstruction group if you are into it. Just do something, even little if you think it can help you.
Of course you don't have to, I am but a random comment on a pony website.
Your sincere fan since beginnings of Your story

Tomorrow can be a really good Monday, or a really Bad Monday.

Reminder that a one-word long chapter is still technically a chapter.

4666760 [Praying intensifies]

*Is very worried this awesome story will get cancelled*

Wait a second. Is the downvote guy back?

'Tis a sign!

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