• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


I am Dennis I come from Greece. I am 30 currently and I have finished computer engineering.

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[[~!IMPORTANT!~]]Personal Blog:The future · 2:59pm Sep 11th, 2017

Likely those of you that care about me will understand the importance of this blogpost.

I have been thinking of my future. Some of you may or may not know that I have been busy with studies lately. Recently ((last Wednesday)) I passed Signals 2 after Signals 1. It's a university course that I had been having trouble with. There are two lessons/courses remaining for me.

One is called "Confirmation Techniques", and the other is "Computer Architecture". There is another one but I have been informed by the professor that if it's my last I will be granted a pass free.

Now let's talk my dear friends ((whoever reads this anyway)).

That might sound for you like I am done with university and I will be graduating but there is still my thesis/diplomatic exercise. That being said even if some of you are thinking that after that my hiatus is over... don't get ahead of yourselves. I still have to get a job, get some steady source of income to support myself, make my pc e.t.c. And despite all of this I still have to get my 9 months of mandatory service in the Greek army in November.

Yes our army works like that. I don't like it that much but I'm ready to serve if needed.

That being said things are looking up. My future is spreading itself before me and I will be honest....

I want my writing to be in it. I want to set this profile up and even create a Patreon one day should that time come. I want to write at least one fanfiction that I have in mind before I do that. Or reach some point in it.

I'm also currently in a sort of collab on the Alicorn amulet.

And then there is the thought of my grandpa's farms. Those of you that don't know my grandfather has a bunch of fields with olives, grapes, and some vegetables and oranges/lemons. On the one hand I don't want to spend my entire life on agricultural projects that won't make much profit. I also don't want to stay in my parents home since I want to... break away from them a bit. My whole family to be honest isn't much to my liking but then again what they have built must not go abandoned.

I have considered selling everything that is my share when the time comes but to be honest... I don't really want to see them get wasted on another's hand. Far too many people in Greece have left and abandoned the country, most of which are young. We are officially 40 thousand less than we were 7 years ago. The economic situation isn't favorable and many feel like they have no future. It doesn't help that this thought of leaving is reinforced when I see most of my friends on the Internet are American.

I'll be honest... I want to visit you all one day. I remember I said that to an old lady I had befriended and... she died the next few days. Let's just say that if I get the chance I want to do this. Absolutely yes.

The branches spread before me. To be honest some of these choices will be final and may result in life-long decisions which I don't want to do. I don't like being tied to something and then spend an entire life of regret.

Jesus my heart is heavy right now. Have some Saber Venus to boost you up.

Don't be sad for me, but if you have any advice to offer me I'm right here. Have you been in such a position like this? What did you do? What would you do if you were me?

Comments ( 21 )

I think you should do what makes you happy. If working on a farm doesn't make you happy, then you should look into selling your shares. If you don't think there are many opportunities in your country when it comes to your field, you could try applying for a position in another country. You could apply for a work Visa and find work in your field somewhere else in the world. There are all sorts of opportunities out there if you have an open mind and are willing to find some time looking into them. :)

Regarding prospects is Europe or America better for computer engineering?

4665245 This result said London or Berlin: https://www.quora.com/Which-European-country-is-the-best-for-a-software-engineer-career-wise-Which-countries-have-the-best-start-up-culture-and-salaries

Here's an article about the best cities to find tech work in, if you choose to find work in the United States: http://www.computersciencezone.org/most-computer-related-jobs/

Here are some of the best places world wide for engineering and other tech related jobs: https://www.goabroad.com/articles/jobs-abroad/8-best-countries-for-engineers-on-the-hunt-for-work-abroad

Interesting. Thank you. Is there anything on writers and Patreon? Fimfiction writers?

My attempts at a Patreon fizzled, mostly due to a couple of factors: lack of public interest and lack of motivation on my part. If you want to pursue it as a side means of income, set up a schedule, promote yourself, get your friends to promote you, and for God's sake, be consistent in what you produce.

You've got time to think things through and plan accordingly. Looks like you have a lot of tough decisions.

I can understand consistency being a thing. Is it still working for you or whatnot?

I am in a similar position right now, where I live the economy has been shrinking for over ten years. When your marketing, economics, and pretty much every teacher you have in college tells you to move away when you can or else you won't get anywhere in life; it's telling. The local economy is fracked, all hires made are insider hiring based and it's common knowledge. Cost of living is high compared to what you pay for, and there is a major opioid crisis. In the past year in this town alone I have noticed a spike in police and ambulance sirens per day.

It's quite brutal here if you were not born in the region, a ton of nativism goes on; and certain groups are well known to have followings in this area. I've been given the evil eye and called things behind my back due to my appearance, and refused jobs and openly told it was because I am not "local". Honestly, I'm tired of getting the odd looks from the locals around here; in two months I'm leaving for good.

There is no option for me but to leave this region, unlike you though I have nothing holding me here. No family ties or assets, no mandatory military service, no job, no schooling, and the friends I have are either fine with me leaving or will come with me. The only things standing in my way is finances, which I am preparing to deal with by selling many personal assets.

It's pretty common knowledge that this part of the US is in bad shape, the rumors don't hold a candle to the truth. This region has been losing the younger generation, the real best and brightest it has, for at least two decades. It sped up starting ten years ago, and unlike Greece which might be able to recover this area is truly borked. It brought it on itself though, I'll be happy when I leave.

Much of my family's property is spread out, and anything I stand to inherit will be easy to self manage or get museums to pay to display. The rest I can only obtain by finding something my great grandparents hid really well, even then claiming the assets will take years; because they fall into historical inheritance laws and some other legal mess at this point.

To me the choice seems clear, sell my stuff; and leave. Publish my stories (non fan fiction), and get some graphic novels going, then live my life the way I want. Start a green housing empire, build full body costumes, explore the world, whatever I end up doing. Take advantage of biotech advances, buy some rocket boots, find buried treasure and al, that.

Enjoy the life I wasn't supposed to live long enough to have.

My advice to you is look at where the world is going, in every area, and decide on your choices from there. You can set up your grandfather's farm estate so that it is managed while you are away, and though it may not seem like it will turn a profit that won't be the case forever. Look into artisanal farming methods, eco tourism, and things like that. Heritage crops are becoming big business, maybe you can find a way to make that work with your shares.

Become an absentee landlord, travel to the states and get a second home here so you can be with your friends and meet them in person. Maybe you can start a company that will help rejuvenate Greece and its economy?

You don't have to leave your country, sell your grandfather's farms, or anything like that. There are ways to get everything to work out, you just need to find them and utilize them. Writing can be in your future easily, just write a few thousand words of a story a day.

If I were in your position that is what I would do, in the situation I am in that is what I am doing.
Most importantly don't go in with the mind set of "this choice will alter everything forever and I will never get another chance". That absolutionist mindset will only hinder you.

Life isn't a sprint, a marathon, or even a triathlon.

Life is a dungeon crawling randomized adventure, with new options around every corner.

If advances in Bio tech are anything to go by, life will be much longer for anyone under fifty very soon. Keep in mind that science is close to turning back the clock in cellular age, all those choices and the finite time you think you have right now? It may not matter in five to eight years, so make your decisions now with that in mind.

But no matter what you decide, know there are always other options in the future. Don't choose based on what others tell you to do, make these decision based on what you want to do with your life. Most importantly, always laugh in the face of challenges and hardship; and own all your decisions in life so you have little to regret.

Good luck,
Glen Gorewood


Become an absentee landlord, travel to the states and get a second home here so you can be with your friends and meet them in person. Maybe you can start a company that will help rejuvenate Greece and its economy?

That sounds interesting to be honest. I love my country I really do.

You don't have to leave your country, sell your grandfather's farms, or anything like that. There are ways to get everything to work out, you just need to find them and utilize them. Writing can be in your future easily, just write a few thousand words of a story a day.

I was thinking of that recently and a chapter a week sounds like my alley.

Most importantly don't go in with the mind set of "this choice will alter everything forever and I will never get another chance". That absolutionist mindset will only hinder you.

Sounds reasonable. I do worry too much at times.

Life isn't a sprint, a marathon, or even a triathlon.

Life is a dungeon crawling randomized adventure, with new options around every corner.

ROFLMAO I like the sound of that! Big rpg fan btw.

Thanks. That's really the kind of talk I'd like to hear. To be honest I'd go anywhere where I could find friends I could bond with. Or where I could find love.

I'll be honest I made few friends in my hometown of Pyrgos. Most people were scumbags or didn't care enough. I can honestly say I have two great friends there. Few... but they are the literal best. You could talk about anything with them. If there's one thing I will miss when I go, if I go... it's them.

Hell the problem is that even my best best friend is considering going to Sweden. He's learning Swedish to go there and find a job in the medical sector since he is a doctor. He likes microbiology a lot.

One last thing to add is that the reversing of cellular age sounds good to me. I honestly would want that as I'm... afraid of dying. Mostly of losing what I love. You guys. My friends. If there is afterlife... I'm inviting you all to my crusade to hell! :D

Nah, I closed it.

4665257 You could make a Patreon for your writing and promote it on all of your social media (such as your Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, and so on). You are also free to promote it in all of my groups and chat rooms. :) If you can get the word out about it, you can eventually get a lot of people to donate to it. The most important thing is just getting the word out. You can also make blogs about it on any site you have a blog.

I'll consider it in due time.
Oh. Damn.

4665483 Sounds like a plan. :)

I'm all for a crusade to hell, I like warm weather better anyway.

I'm glad I could help in some way, whatever you decide I know it will work out. Your friend can keep in contact with you while in Sweden, and you could always visit him. Your friends in your hometown of Pyrgos can too, and being absentee landlord is a viable option so you should look into it.

Maybe you could get together with those few friends to start a network, then use it when you make a company or something else. You can always keep your home nation close, no matter how far you go after all.

As for friends, well I find that those just happen. My friends in this area I'm in number three, only two I would consider close. In an entire state they number two total, but I know I can rely on them.

So long as you find people who are real with you and you get along, you will make friends in time.

Of course in this area I live in it is more likely you will literally find dinosaur bones or fossils before making friends. I can verify that statement as truth, people here are not so much scumbags as disturbingly fake. Very cold, and well I'm sure you have met the type.

Take heart in knowing that you can and will make friends anywhere, and again thanks to Bio tech you likely have many many years to do so than you would imagine. The world is no longer limited by borders in the ways it was for our parents and grandparents after all.

Love is a different monster, just be sure you know the difference between the real thing and a monster in disguise. Too many people don't know the difference, I can sort of describe what a real love thing is like though.

It just happens. Nobody forces it, no grand gestures, no obvious flirting.

One day you are playing video games and making jokes like usual, like normal friends. It's almost like you just grow closer to the person naturally, neither of you are doing anything different it just happens.

Death is something I'd rather not deal with, but I'd also like to just have a body that fits "me". It's not so much a true fear of death, but a desire to live and experience everything possible for an indefinite amount of time. Imagine what that would be like?

What is really brilliant about where biotech is headed isn't just the cellular age reversing thing, thus solving the death issue; it's the fact that it could solve one of the biggest issues we as humans have.

The issue is a Finite amount of time to get things done, which causes many to panic and rush their lives. Imagine how much healthier mentally and physically everyone could be if they didn't have finite time to worry about.

The things that could be done without the limits of times ravages on the body.

If we could reverse eye, ear, and other sensory damage at a cellular level? Brain damage, Alzheimer's, all of those problems gone. They've made cellular treatments that deal with certain cancers better than chemo now, and apparently ALS may be on the verge of being cured.

Steven Hawking might be saved!

I'm an RPG and gaming fan myself, even if I'm out of the loop due to financial issues. In the case of life, I find a randomized dungeon crawling RPG to be a better example than anything else available.

Make your decisions with determination, if you are worried about financing your account and writing get a patreon set up. For consistency try to get an update a week going before you set it up, that way those who donate know you are somewhat dependable.

I'm off to bed, good luck in your future my friend. I'll be checking the blog here for updates as often as I can.

Glen Gorewood


Make your decisions with determination, if you are worried about financing your account and writing get a patreon set up. For consistency try to get an update a week going before you set it up, that way those who donate know you are somewhat dependable.

Sounds like a plan to be honest.

Death is something I'd rather not deal with, but I'd also like to just have a body that fits "me". It's not so much a true fear of death, but a desire to live and experience everything possible for an indefinite amount of time. Imagine what that would be like?

What is really brilliant about where biotech is headed isn't just the cellular age reversing thing, thus solving the death issue; it's the fact that it could solve one of the biggest issues we as humans have.

The issue is a Finite amount of time to get things done, which causes many to panic and rush their lives. Imagine how much healthier mentally and physically everyone could be if they didn't have finite time to worry about.

The things that could be done without the limits of times ravages on the body.

If we could reverse eye, ear, and other sensory damage at a cellular level? Brain damage, Alzheimer's, all of those problems gone. They've made cellular treatments that deal with certain cancers better than chemo now, and apparently ALS may be on the verge of being cured.

Steven Hawking might be saved!

That actually sounds amazing. Maybe my father's Parkinson might be cured. I'd like to see that happen.

As for friends, well I find that those just happen. My friends in this area I'm in number three, only two I would consider close. In an entire state they number two total, but I know I can rely on them.

So long as you find people who are real with you and you get along, you will make friends in time.

Well I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to things like this. I mean I can make friends and don't shy away from new or old contacts.

Love is a different monster, just be sure you know the difference between the real thing and a monster in disguise. Too many people don't know the difference, I can sort of describe what a real love thing is like though.

It just happens. Nobody forces it, no grand gestures, no obvious flirting.

Love is something you develop eh?

There is an experimental treatment for Dementia and Alzheimer's in testing right now, the one that actually works decently is helping my own Grandfather recover most of his mental state. His biggest fear wasn't dying, the man survived WW2 in the pacific theatre on a munitions ship (think floating bomb); but rather not dying as himself due to having watched his own grandmother die slowly as her sense of self just dissolved.

I've kept up on recent treatments in Bio tech for years, and can assure you that Parkinson's and other late in life or early onset brain disorders like it are high on the list of things that are being researched. The biggest problem is finding or building a gene that causes true brain damage repair at a cellular level, and also rebuilds the neurons so they are more resilient. I haven't checked the news today, but I know there was a major breakthrough on Parkinson's and ALS last week.

It is possible if your grandfather can make it five more years he can be cured, or the degradation of the brain at the very least be halted.

You should look into what is going on in bio tech, especially the medical advances; it's incredible fascinating and uplifting to read about.

You will be fine and find many new friends no matter where you go, and yes love just grows over time. It isn't overnight, it's generally not flashy; and it can be very awkward if the two in love don't realize it till much later. I have one very good experience as proof of this, sadly it didn't work out but I have nothing but fond memories of that time. The irony is neither of us realized we were in love or dating till after we were not dating anymore, but the emotions were still there though down to embers from what they were. Before you ask, I let her go because we were at different stages of our relative lives; it was a mutual decision.

You will be fine, just look to the future and realize no matter what else is going on the world; it is still bright and full of possibilities. Those of us here and those offline will be here to support you if you need it.

Glen Gorewood


It is possible if your grandfather can make it five more years he can be cured, or the degradation of the brain at the very least be halted.

Father not grandfather.

Anyway thanks for the support.

My apologies, my brain was half asleep when I wrote that. When people say Parkinson's or something similar and I'm not awake, I automatically refer to age range based on my own family and their average ( very long) lifespan. So my brain goes "must be grandfather or great grandfather" even if the message says father right there in front of my eyes.

I still mean it, if your father can make it that long he should be able to have the disease at minimum halted so it doesn't progress further. I really hope that happens.

Glen Gorewood

So do I my friend... so do I.

It's great to hear that you will be graduating soon, and don't worry about what's coming up or how long it will take. Time passes on it's own and you'll be where you want to be soon enough.

You're welcome, and it's great to hear from you again.

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