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Let R = { x | x ∉ x }, then R ∈ R ⟺ R ∉ R... or is it?

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Points of Canon: S7x18 - Daring Done · 9:38am Sep 5th, 2017


This episode got leaked out of order. That’s not the first time this happened, people, and if you aren’t spoiler-resistant, you probably shouldn’t be reading my blog in the first place.

  • So Twinkleshine is in Ponyville reading a Ponyville newspaper. Gees, why doesn’t she just move there.
  • “Ponyville Chronicle” is a newspaper we heard mentioned before. Which actually first turned up in Friendship is Magic #46. Notice that there’s also “Ponyville Express” mentioned in Ponyville Confidential. That’s a lot of newspapers for a small town.
  • News items listed:

    • “New shrubbery in castle gardens.” Wouldn’t that be Canterlot castle? Because neither the Friendship Castle nor the Royal Pony Sisters Castle have gardens.
    • “Parasprite infestation in Fillydelphia eradicated.” Four important things:

      • Parasprite infestation mentioned in Swarm of the Century now much more likely to have been real.
      • Either it took them bleeding three years to clean up or it’s a new one.
      • “Parasprite hype” stories are not uncommon: Looks like they became a significant problem since their earlier appearance.
      • G.M. Berrow likes to demonstrate she still remembers Season 1 too much.
    • “Noodles named official food of Whinnyapolis.” Ponies eat noodles. I’m not sure I’ve seen any, actually.
    • “Author A.K. Yearling announces retirement.” Well, that’s what the episode is about.
    • “Cloudsdale Election Heating Up For Candidate In Favor Of Cooling It Down”. I had to go to the wiki to hear that. Cloudsdale has elections, and elected officials get to decide the weather. This is the only mention of elections in primary canon, I believe.
  • “A. K. Yearling just retired. Like, today.” So it took them less than a full day to get to Vanhoover – because that’s where this house is, as we know from Daring Don’t. That said, Pinkie might be fudging here, because the direct quote from the paper says, “Author A. K. Yearling announced yesterday that the next adventure novel in her popular series, ‘Daring Do and the Curse of the Pharaoh’s Tomb’, will be her last. Yearling looks forward to her retirement.” Notice that this says nothing regarding when would she actually be retiring.
  • This should have been mentioned earlier, but wasn’t: Yearling’s glasses are on the short list of pony glasses which have no arms at all. Some do, some don’t and there’s no rhyme nor reason.
  • “I already explained everything to the Ponyville Chronicle.” That is, Yearling literally conversed with a “Ponyville Chronicle” representative. Why them, and not, say, Canterlot Daily News?…
  • “Southern Equestria” is a place.
  • Notice that for the Southern Equestria, Daring Do is a “local rogue.”
  • “They don’t sell my books in Southern Equestria.” Actually, why? When, according to that same G.M. Berrow, (Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden) even ponies up in Crystal Empire read them? So ponies read your books whenever you want to plug them, but then they suddenly don’t read them when you need angst, is that it?
  • “Then I guess it’s a good thing you look so different as A. K. Yearling!” Actually, the photo Pinkie puts up looks a lot younger to me…
  • “Somnambula village” is also a place. Why would Shadow Lock’s parents want to retire there (Friendship is Magic #51-53) is still an open question. Just don’t tell me this skull on a mountain is his castle…
  • The way to Somnambula starts at Yearling’s house next to Vanhoover, through Vanhoover proper, in a mostly straight line south past Applewood, wherein it stops just southeast of it – between Applewood and the desert-style mountains.

    • This had to have involved airships.
    • Pie Family basically lives next door to pony Egypt.
    • Somnambula is on the west coast rather than east like you would expect.
  • “Daring Do thwarts Ahuizotl’s evil plot to separate the Sister Crown Relics. And if it wasn’t for her, the region would be cursed with eternal night, and the entire town of Somnambula would have sunk into the ground!” Wait, wait, wait. What?

    • How do you curse a region with eternal night? Impenetrable cloud cover?
    • So do the Sister Crown Relics have any relation to the Sisters or not?
  • That this apple cart shatters at the mention of Daring Do is amusing, but I hope it was a visual device.
  • “…and priceless, sacred statues!” Ponies very rarely use the word “sacred” to refer to anything.
  • “It really seemed like she doesn’t want us cramping her saddle.” Nice idiom. Especially considering that saddles came out of fashion.
  • “The last time I rented that rascal a room, she was in a such a rush to hightail it outta here, she didn’t even pay her bill!” The entire Get On Inn is strange in that it has the decor and look of a tourist trap. Basically the only way I can think of the army of Daring Do fans not having pilgrimages to the region is that they believe the entire Southern Equestria is fictional.
  • “What in Southern Equestria are you on about?” This is not quite as bad as “pony Latin,” but still facedesk.
  • “Every year, ponies come to offer precious glowpaz to the Somnambula statue in the village in hopes for a good future.” An interesting ritual, which we don’t see a lot of in the show, and one of the few examples of religious behavior that isn’t connected to Celestia and Luna.
  • So “glowpaz” is some kind of stone, but I don’t see it glow.
  • “Why, that poor fella had his glowpaz necklace stolen by Daring Do just yesterday!” Seeing as how they could not have been here yesterday, this should immediately result in far more than a “Hmmm…”
  • Almost the entire population of Somnambula wears clothing that covers their cutie marks. Which is actually quite rare otherwise. The only exception I caught so far is the bearded guy with the apple cart. Also notice that it’s heavily multi-tribal – unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies are all represented prominently.
  • That pony in a hijab is turning up all the time through this episode. She is, however, the only one wearing this, so I expect this garment does not have religious connotations of any kind.
  • Ponies in Somnambula do not appear to know who Ahuizotl is.

Somnambula legend

  • “Long ago, this village fell prey to an evil Sphinx who demanded most of their crops.” Not particularly evil, come to think of it. The acceptance of riddle challenges, likewise, is really tame for someone “evil.”
  • Sphinxes are legendary creatures, not believed to have been unique – “an” evil Sphinx.
  • “The son of the Pharaoh, Prince Hisan, was so moved by her compassion that he decreed nopony would go hungry again.” Pharaoh was the title of the ruler of the region. Notice also that “prince” is the title for the son of a ruler. Not, by itself, a given!
  • Notice that the Pharaoh and Hisan, like Queen Cleopatrot, are pegasi, while the entire Pharaoh’s army is earth ponies. Also notice that the flashback has no unicorns at all. Notice also the complete absence of jackals in the legend.
  • “But if she accomplished it, the Sphinx would leave from the kingdom forever.” See the general considerations on what the word “kingdom” means to ponies.
  • “Further, the Sphinx had cast a powerful spell that prevented Somnambula from flying.” Not only sphinxes can apparently do unicorn-style magic with no obvious horns, anti-pegasus spells are imaginable.
  • Notice that the decor of the Sphinx Pyramid involves statues of rather weird quadrupedal creatures, most of which are not seen anywhere else. But importantly, the far wall has pictures of sphinxes, in additions to examples of writing that doesn’t look like any previously seen system, or any reasonable approximation of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

The history of Exodus gets a lot more convoluted with the addition of an Egypt on the same continent.

Back to the main story

  • You’d think Rainbow would recognize Caballeron before the dramatic reveal, but nope.
  • So you can basically kidnap a pony in the middle of a town and nopony will notice. And that pony is Rainbow Dash, who never even thinks of flying away, when all of Caballeron’s goons are earth ponies. Huh? Unless Rainbow actually thought that it would do Daring Do good to have to rescue her, I don’t think this can be explained. That is an option: Getting captured deliberately is a common plot device.
  • The pyramid Sphinx occupied during the legend still exists and is largely unchanged. So who built it? What exactly is the source of the slime? It has to be replenished somehow. And with the way the chamber has a huge-donkey hole in the roof, it would have to have sand blown in constantly.
  • According to Caballeron, the anti-pegasi field is still in effect. The existence of such a thing is actually a lot more important in terms of Equestria-beyond-the-margins than anything else in this episode, especially if it’s dated to pre-Exodus.
  • While the anti-pegasus field prevents flying, it does not prevent walking on clouds – Daring Do bounces off steam itself, rather than the steam exhaust nozzles. The effect – preventing the motions of the wings in general – is very strangely selective. Notice also that it did not affect the Sphinx – who flew away, when the anti-pegasus field mysteriously remained.
  • It remains a mystery how Pinkie does it, though. Nobody even asks questions anymore.
  • Notice that this would mean that the Sphinx Pyramid is probably not built by the local ponies, or at least, not built for them: It is entirely designed as an anti-pegasus trap and has an “evil sphinx” as a prominent part of the decoration. Local rulers really wouldn’t want this place to exist at all, apparently being pegasi for generations.
  • Why did Caballeron want the glowpaz in the first place? It does not appear to be valuable enough to make it worth his time.
  • And yet again, we see a pony in a mail uniform, with a winged package on the spot where the cutie mark would be – and this uniform does not match any previously seen mailpony uniform. It’s like every single mailpony runs a competing one-pony delivery service.
  • Daring Do’s letters and other messages are signed with her cutie mark. In color. I’m pretty sure the only practical way to do that is to order stickers.
  • Notice that the innkeeper only replaces the “Daring Do Non Grata” poster with Caballeron upon receiving her payment, not before.

We never saw the function of the other pyramid, the one in the middle of the town, but I’m betting it served as the local seat of government, rather than, say, a tomb, like sane pyramids do.

Let’s see what happens in the respective Legends of Magic issue…

Comments ( 32 )

1) Prince Hisan? Prince Horse? Are we sure this isn't actually in Saddle Arabia?
2) Pinkie can walk on steam, I missed that. Pinkie for secret alicorn, or possibly hiding a horn in that bouffant of hers.
3) Somnambula is far enough south that the area may not be part of the original migration region for the settlement of 'Equestria' in the grand Exodus.
4) All the business about the necklaces reeks of half of the plot left on the cutting room floor.


  1. Prince Hisan? Prince Horse? Are we sure this isn’t actually in Saddle Arabia?
  1. This place is never called such.
  2. Known Saddle Arabians, as depicted in Magic Duel, are not present, neither alive nor in iconography.
  3. There’s no sign ponies know the language either.

Somnambula is far enough south that the area may not be part of the original migration region for the settlement of ‘Equestria’ in the grand Exodus.

Possible. The problem is, for “wild west” to exist, the original settlement would have to be east to west.

All the business about the necklaces reeks of half of the plot left on the cutting room floor.

No, it’s par for the course for Berrow. In Cadance’s chapter book, Shining Armor spends most of his on-camera time getting the Crystal Guard to a higher state of readiness through frankly, very stupid methods. This never amounts to anything over the course of the book.

So ponies read your books whenever you want to plug them, but then they suddenly don’t read them when you need angst, is that it?

It turns out Dr. Caballeron is actually Ms. Yearling's publicist.

How do you curse a region with eternal night? Impenetrable cloud cover?

I'm reminded of the epic spell eclipse from D&D 3rd edition, which basically creates a giant opaque circle in geostationary orbit over the target point. Alternatively, we've seen day and night coexist in "Princess Twilight Sparkle," so it's possible that the curse would create a zone of permanent nighttime through similar means.

I saw the steam jets as pushing the ponies rather than providing temporary cloud platforms. Either way, one has to wonder what's powering the regular, video game-esque pressure jets.

Why did Caballeron want the glowpaz in the first place? It does not appear to be valuable enough to make it worth his time.

Based on what? We've never seen the material before; it may be incredibly valuable in other parts of the world.

Berrow's definitely improving in terms of episode writing, but she still has a ways to go.


Based on what? We’ve never seen the material before; it may be incredibly valuable in other parts of the world.

Anything used as an offering for a “better future” would very likely be suitably common and easy to acquire. An innkeeper outright wears one, in a region that does not strike me as particularly rich.

Your average mystically powerful artifact would fetch a much better price than a sack of glowpaz, I’m pretty sure.

This is the only mention of elections in primary canon, I believe.

Hip, hip! Vote for Pip!

Why did Caballeron want the glowpaz in the first place? It does not appear to be valuable enough to make it worth his time.

I saw it as Caballeron taking advantage of an opportunity. He stumbles across a town where Daring Do has managed to demonize herself in that way that's so popular in movies right now, acknowledging that collateral damage is a thing, and capitalizes on an abundance of shiny rocks to establish Daring Do as a master thief.

As for the resale value of glowpaz... Caballeron is confirmed to be aware of Daring Do's fandom. Assuming a mention of glowpaz in any Daring Do book preceding her retirement, he could probably get more money peddling it as Daring Do memorabilia than as regular old glowpaz.

Also, glowpaz is just safer to sell than apocalyptic magical artifacts. Yeah, it fetches a lower price, but it means you're less likely to enable the next Sombra.

We were just discussing that this episode could fit chronologically before "Stranger Than Fanfiction" without contradiction. He doesn't express any surprise at Daring Do's fandom in that episode, only disgust at its existence.

Remind me, do we know if he knows that Daring Do is A.K. Yearling? I mean, they attacked Yearling's house, but I don't remember what their dialogue implied.


Hip, hip! Vote for Pip!

These don’t count unless ponies also have an Absurdly Powerful Student Council. :)

Caballeron is confirmed to be aware of Daring Do’s fandom. Assuming a mention of glowpaz in any Daring Do book preceding her retirement, he could probably get more money peddling it as Daring Do memorabilia than as regular old glowpaz.

That actually might be it. :)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash kind of have their epiphany about the dual identity of DD/AK Yearling *in front* of Caballeron and minions. They'd have to be incandescently dim to not figure it out from having ponies shout the fact right in front of them?

Notice also the complete absence of jackals in the legend.

Aside from the huge jackal statues in the dark pyramid?

Notice that the decor of the Sphinx Pyramid involves statues of rather weird quadrupedal creatures, most of which are not seen anywhere else.

I took them to be the pony equivalent of the Egyptian gods. Instead of sticking animal heads on people, they put them on pony bodies. Jackal, cow, ibis, hawk, etc...

...or any reasonable approximation of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Not on the far wall, no. But the closeups we get of other walls do have symbols that are simplified approximations of hieroglyphs. I think the sphinx wall has to be a cartoon resolution problem.

It is entirely designed as an anti-pegasus trap.

I don't see that. It isn't any sort of trap, because a pegasus could just walk out. the only thing the flight restricting magic does is keep a pony from flying to the pillar in the middle of the pool. Which brings up the question of how Caballeron's thugs got Dash out there.

Notice that the innkeeper only replaces the “Daring Do Non Grata” poster with Caballeron upon receiving her payment, not before.

I don't have a problem with that. "Sorry for not paying you" doesn't mean much to an innkeeper.
Something else I noticed on the travel map; it leaves out some well-known features, but includes a very specifically detailed location to the southeast of Somnambula. A single building in the bend of a river, with a few scattered palm trees, even closer to the Pie Family farm.
I love the phrase "incandescently dim," and am stealing it for everyday use! Just letting you know.


Aside from the huge jackal statues in the dark pyramid?

I didn’t quite identify them as such.

I took them to be the pony equivalent of the Egyptian gods. Instead of sticking animal heads on people, they put them on pony bodies. Jackal, cow, ibis, hawk, etc…


I don’t see that. It isn’t any sort of trap, because a pegasus could just walk out.

Well, correction. A means of execution.

A single building in the bend of a river, with a few scattered palm trees, even closer to the Pie Family farm.

Might be the place the Shadow Lock parents retired to.

Caballeron’s disguise emits the same Stupidity Field that allowed Daring Do to pass as A.K. Yearling for years just by changing her outfit.

“They don’t sell my books in Southern Equestria.” Actually, why?

Concerns that selling her books in the same region where she does her adventuring could weaken her masquerade?

No, wait, better idea: market research. Before the initial marketing push for Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue, the publisher sent out surveys and a few promo copies to gauge the public’s interest. Results: ponies all over Equestria were really interested in action-packed novels about an adventurer-archeologist... except in Southern Equestria.

Because down there, an adventurer-archeologist raiding ancient ruins for valuables (often destroying them in the process) wasn’t escapist fiction, but a fact of life. And recall that the real-life Daring was pretty standoffish before the mane six introduced her to the Magic of Friendship. So at the time of her first book’s publishing, she didn’t have many friends in the region. More likely, the opposite. In the episode, Caballeron may have used selective truths and outright lies to push the Somnambulan crowd’s opinion to the tipping point, but there were low levels of real resentment against Daring even before he started stirring the pot. That resentment was probably there in the past, as well. South Equestrians had zero interest in reading a book about the out-of-town ruins-smasher and trouble-bringer, let alone one that tried to portray her as the coolest pony to ever live.

The publisher didn’t ever realize the reason behind Southern Equestria’s antipathy for the Daring Do books—they just knew trying to sell them down there would be a waste of money. So they didn’t even try.


Caballeron’s disguise emits the same Stupidity Field that allowed Daring Do to pass as A.K. Yearling for years just by changing her outfit.

I suppose hunting for glowpaz while under the influence of his own stupidity field would be an expected occupational hazard, then. :pinkiesmile:

The publisher didn’t ever realize the reason behind Southern Equestria’s antipathy for the Daring Do books—they just knew trying to sell them down there would be a waste of money. So they didn’t even try.

That’s the only explanation that makes any sense so far, kudos.

  • That pony in a hijab is turning up all the time through this episode. She is, however, the only one wearing this, so I expect this garment does not have religious connotations of any kind.

Alternately, the hijab does have religious significance, but that religion is a minority in this town. Alternately alternately, even if this religion is the local majority, there’s disagreement within the faith over how seriously to take the rules on hijab use.

  • “Long ago, this village fell prey to an evil Sphinx who demanded most of their crops.” Not particularly evil, come to think of it. The acceptance of riddle challenges, likewise, is really tame for someone “evil.”

Go and tell the starving ponies that the creature who took their food is “not particularly evil”. Go on, I dare you.

Sombra is 1 metric evil pony. :raritywink: The Sphinx is what, 0.3?

Slaves get fed. Kulaks can go starve by the side of the railroad after you're done stealing their crops.

The reparations episode!

So Twinkleshine is in Ponyville reading a Ponyville newspaper. Gees, why doesn’t she just move there.

Presumably she has a job in Canterlot with long hours, so she just comes down here every weekend.

That’s a lot of newspapers for a small town.

Probably a bunch of different ponies of the same generation had newspaper cutie marks. (BTW, for those who care about the shorts, there's one of Celestia telling students about magic that just got released. Not much new, but it does seem to imply that cutie marks give you magic that helps with your special talent).

  • Either it took them bleeding three years to clean up or it’s a new one.

My guess is that Celestia was able to contain it by catching most of the Parasprites back in S1, this confirms they've found and exterminated the very last Parasprite.

“Cloudsdale Election Heating Up For Candidate In Favor Of Cooling It Down”

To paraphrase Murcushio, the Cloudsdale City Motto is The Rain in Equestria falls mainly on the rest o' ya. Of course the campaign is about weather. And with good reason, based on the map Cloudsdale has drifted pretty far south right now, must be hot. Also good to note that "politics" is an interest ponies can have.

Pinkie might be fudging here

I assume so. We also know that Rainbow would sprint from the Vancouver train station to AK's house.

Why them, and not, say, Canterlot Daily News?

Ok, new theory on why there are so many Ponyville newspapers: They sell to a national audience, ponies subscribe to read about exciting monster attacks from the Everfree. This makes Ponyville Papers national Papers of Record.

“Southern Equestria” is a place.

Yup. And I believe a wise Obscurian Smooze recently made the point that Equestria is similar to "America," and "Southern Equestria" is probably supposed to be South America.

They don’t sell my books in Southern Equestria.” Actually, why? 

Two guesses:
1) As Southern Equestria is outside the borders of the Equestrian Confederation, international publishing is harder to do, and based on the lifestyle in Southern Equestria, not much southXnorth trade may be going on.
2) Yearling's publisher is aware that Daring Do is not that popular locally, and didn't want to court controversy.

The way to Somnambula starts at Yearling’s house next to Vanhoover, through Vanhoover proper, in a mostly straight line south past Applewood, wherein it stops just southeast of it – between Applewood and the desert-style mountains.

My guess is that Somnabula village is at the northern border of Southern Equestria, In the Southern tip of the Desert.

How do you curse a region with eternal night? Impenetrable cloud cover?

The same way you curse a region with scorching heat... I wonder how effective these ancient relics really were, or if it was just legends made up by ancient ponies.

Ponies in Somnambula do not appear to know who Ahuizotl is.

Yeah, I noticed that. Ahuizotl seems to mostly lurk about in the jungle, staying hidden. It's starting to seem like Caballeron is Daring's real nemesis, and Ahuizotl is this big dumb cat collector that Cab scans into paying lots of money for random golden things he finds.

Not particularly evil, come to think of it. The acceptance of riddle challenges, likewise, is really tame for someone “evil.”

In the desert, their may not be enough food to go around.

“The son of the Pharaoh, Prince Hisan, was so moved by her compassion that he decreed nopony would go hungry again.” 

Notice that he appeared to attack the Sphinx with an army, but as soon as the Sphinx grabbed Hisan, the army just gave up.

The history of Exodus gets a lot more convoluted with the addition of an Egypt on the same continent.

It does retroactively make the Mirror comics less annoying for the Regal sisters to be dressing Egyption though.

You’d think Rainbow would recognize Caballeron before the dramatic reveal, but nope.

He was wearing a cape! No one could see through an ingenious disguise! Also, no one else has an accent like Caballeron's, even though we are in Southern Equestria. Is his accent like the Apple family's?

And that pony is Rainbow Dash, who never even thinks of flying away, when all of Caballeron’s goons are earth ponies.

This felt like an incredibly bad example of Cutscene incompetence. I wish they'd surprised her by throwing a heavy bag over her or something.

Getting captured deliberately is a common plot device.

Doesn't really sound like something Rainbow would do though, does it?

Green Slime is pretty immortal. But with that giant skylight, how did the thing not fill up with sand over time?

According to Caballeron, the anti-pegasi field is still in effect.

This is indeed quite important. But the only magic we actually see used in the temple is the Sphynx, so who knows if other tribes' magic would work? This is the second racial-magic exclusion field we've seen. (Kind of the third, if you really stretch the anti-unicorn fields at the Equestrian Games).

Daring Do bounces off steam itself, rather than the steam exhaust nozzles.

I think that was supposed to be such a concentrated blast of air that it would provide lift to even non-Pegasi.

Follow-up question: Do we think their was ever a rope bridge there, or was that a deliberate alteration of the flashback?

Local rulers really wouldn’t want this place to exist at all, apparently being pegasi for generations.

Did the Sphinx build this, or did she force the locals to build it? If Sphinx's built it, it might be that others did it, but she is the only one left here.

It’s like every single mailpony runs a competing one-pony delivery service.

Doylistically, it might be a running gag at this point. Watsonianally, if you have a cutie mark related to postal delivery, its magic means the letters you deliver or pass on always arrive on time. Therefore, a national postal service is not needed.

As someone who always figured Daring Do was a thief whenever she took an idol out of someone's temple, this episode was gratifying to me. Also she's "saving priceless relics" from Caballeron selling to a rich pony for his collections presumably, and instead we see she's keeping them lying around her cottage. I'm glad she apologized for the collateral damage, but I wish she'd also apologized for breaking into those temples and tombs in the first place. Heck, those relics would probably be safer under glass in Jet Set's study than squeezed into a chest in a run-down cottage outside Van Hoover.


Somnambula is far enough south that the area may not be part of the original migration region for the settlement of 'Equestria' in the grand Exodus.

I agree. Especially since it is south west of the "Mild West" that is just now being settled by Appleloosa.

All the business about the necklaces reeks of half of the plot left on the cutting room floor.

I bet he was planning to go find Ahuizotls and sell them to him as "mystical relics that when combined will cause the entire region to glow!"


It turns out Dr. Caballeron is actually Ms. Yearling's publicist.

No, he just knows her secret identity and address, her convention schedule and names of her friends... Man, I seriously think Cab is spying on Daring Do's publicist now.

4659148 Good catch.
4659206 80% of the point of student elections is teaching kids civics lessons about participating in adult elections. More importantly, this made me realize that ponies don't have a "dominant hand"..... They have a primary cannon.

4659348 I think you nailed the reason why Daring Do is not that popular to begin with in Southern Equestria. I hope one day a young pony from Southern Equestria goes north to the exotic city of Canterlot, and breaks into a tomb adjacent to the Royal Castle, fights off palace guards, and then escapes back to the South, where he publishes stories about how he rescued a relic before some evil Diamond Dog could steal it first and turn everyone in that backward region purple or something.

4659421 Sombra used mind control, but of course to ponies that is a misdemeanor anyway. Also he was trying to free his imprisoned people, so it's tricky. At least the ponies of this village had the option of leaving and starting a new farm somewhere else if they wanted to.


Slaves get fed. Kulaks can go starve by the side of the railroad after you’re done stealing their crops.

Actually, most of those ended up in GULAGs and were then used for slave labor.


My guess is that Celestia was able to contain it by catching most of the Parasprites back in S1, this confirms they’ve found and exterminated the very last Parasprite.

But how do they know it’s the last one? :)

Notice that he appeared to attack the Sphinx with an army, but as soon as the Sphinx grabbed Hisan, the army just gave up.

A pharaoh has his favorite son and heir taken hostage, ordering them to stand down comes naturally.

He was wearing a cape! No one could see through an ingenious disguise! Also, no one else has an accent like Caballeron’s, even though we are in Southern Equestria. Is his accent like the Apple family’s?

There is this whole invisible, but culturally important pony minority that has to be the origin of words like piñata, cute-ceañera, and a few others. My guess is that Caballeron is the only on-screen member so far.

Doesn’t really sound like something Rainbow would do though, does it?

Not something she would do easily, oh yes. But not something she couldn’t do.

But with that giant skylight, how did the thing not fill up with sand over time?

I noticed it too, and didn’t write it up because this skylight is not open all the time. Caballeron shuts it closed at the end of his speech.

I think that was supposed to be such a concentrated blast of air that it would provide lift to even non-Pegasi.

The puff is way too small for that.

Follow-up question: Do we think their was ever a rope bridge there, or was that a deliberate alteration of the flashback?

The flashback is a legend, and its counterparts are openly called folklore. Luna explicitly calls Rockhoof’s story a myth. I’m not sure anything in this flashback happened as described at all.

Did the Sphinx build this, or did she force the locals to build it? If Sphinx’s built it, it might be that others did it, but she is the only one left here.

Actually, I suspect this one pyramid predates pony settlements entirely…

No, he just knows her secret identity and address, her convention schedule and names of her friends… Man, I seriously think Cab is spying on Daring Do’s publicist now.

…I.e. Twilight Velvet? Because that “Daring Do Award” in Neigh Anything has to mean something. :)


But how do they know it’s the last one? :)

They're guessing, probably.

My guess is that Caballeron is the only on-screen member so far.

I think Zipporwill and her Dad are also members of the same group.

The puff is way too small for that.

In the real world yes, but that might be a cartoon resolution thing.

Actually, the bridge must have been there for the earth ponies to tie up Rainbow Dash, then they just yanked it down when they were done.

Actually, I suspect this one pyramid predates pony settlements entirely…

You are probably right, I suspect this was built during the time of the Jackal Kingdom.

…I.e. Twilight Velvet? Because that “Daring Do Award” in Neigh Anything has to mean something. :)

Agreed. Given Caballeron's easy movement around Equestria, either the authorities think he's just a fictional character AK made up, or he has his own secret identity as well. Perhaps a mild-mannered earth pony archeologist reviews Yearling's drafts for Twilight Velvet, just to for veracity's sake?

You know, those giant stone pyramids needed rock from quarries, and you can't really find that in the desert. I wonder if the they were dug up on what is now the Pie Family Rock Farm?


I think Zipporwill and her Dad are also members of the same group.

Possible. Makes me wonder if there are a whole bunch of other non-Equish languages ponies speak in private.

You are probably right, I suspect this was built during the time of the Jackal Kingdom.

Incidentally, sphinxes could have been something of a priest caste in it.

You know, those giant stone pyramids needed rock from quarries, and you can’t really find that in the desert. I wonder if the they were dug up on what is now the Pie Family Rock Farm?

I think the rocky desert further to the south is more likely to be the origin of pyramid stone, if only because it could be transported by sea if so. But what is now the rock farming area is likely to have been the source of decorative stone and gems.


There is this whole invisible, but culturally important pony minority that has to be the origin of words like piñata, cute-ceañera, and a few others. My guess is that Caballeron is the only on-screen member so far.

I think Zipporwill and her Dad are also members of the same group.

I believe one of the background ponies in “Made in Manehattan” had a vaguely Latina accent as well. Also, there was the mariachi band who appeared in “It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies” and “Inspiration Manifestation”.

s7e18 ❧Daring Done

❧Ponyville Chronicle, 1 bit noted
❧Pinkie [ claims to/implies she] reads a paper regularly.
"Parasite infestation in Phillydelphia" parasprite? oh, yes, they say that after.
commercial 1
❧RD running and not flying…everywhere [just with a handful of flapping jumps for emphasis/to get to head of crowd]. This isn't Rainbow Dash, she hovers and flies EVERYWHERE.
♪"local rogue" daring do = she's from Southern Equestria?noted
adobe architecture
♪huh, I thought they said "eternal light" but that was the *first* DD episode.
stubble_pony_count++; just Caballeron again
commercial 2
♪ service bell
♪(new ahuizotl pronunciation, 4syl instead of 5)
∃? Sphinx noted
conjure blindfold
"powerful spell preventing her from flying" (wingbind) and it's still active.
sharp-feather-winged pegasi nobles (This is not just art-style shift to hieroglyph because Somnambula herself, even in the hieroglyph-style, still has round-feathered ones)
❧RD doesn't fly to escape the goons…seriously? I'd claim impostor, but we just establshed perhaps this is before Where and Back Again, and both are changelings-fixes the steam jet problem, the running RD problem, the RD not flying nor fighting problem… 4659151

commercial 3
❧why did they let Caballeron &co by? they had to run by the protagonists (at the very least) to get out that gate. They rearranged the set of ponies present for the escape shot compared to before.

The history of Exodus gets a lot more convoluted with the addition of an Egypt on the same continent.

Yeah, the geography of this episode implied by that mapcrawl lead me to want to throw it out.


. A single building in the bend of a river, with a few scattered palm trees, even closer to the Pie Family farm.

the Inn?

care about the shorts, there's one of Celestia telling students about magic that just got released.

explanations about magic? Where?

We also know that Rainbow would sprint from the Vancouver train station to AK's house.

As above…she would sprint-fly, not gallop. Who is this impostor?

This is the second racial-magic exclusion field we've seen. (Kind of the third, if you really stretch the anti-unicorn fields at the Equestrian Games).

The first…?

As someone who always figured Daring Do was a thief whenever she took an idol out of someone's temple, this episode was gratifying to me. Also she's "saving priceless relics" from Caballeron selling to a rich pony for his collections presumably, and instead we see she's keeping them lying around her cottage. I'm glad she apologized for the collateral damage, but I wish she'd also apologized for breaking into those temples and tombs in the first place. Heck, those relics would probably be safer under glass in Jet Set's study than squeezed into a chest in a run-down cottage outside Van Hoover.

AGreed on most counts.

They have a primary cannon.


The puff is way too small for that.

Pinkie is capable of flying both with pedal-power and solely under her own power, so I disagree. (Alternately: changeling replacement.)

Perhaps glowpaz is congealed/refined green glowing slime. (And yes, it's glowing, which makes me wonder if it's radioactive, bioluminescent, or what?)


Looking at how it glows on Somnambula herself, probably, emotiluminescent.

P.S. Anulos qui animum ostendunt omnes gestemus!


explanations about magic? Where?

The Equestria Girls shorts have been released every Friday over the summer, usually I find them on Daily Motion.

As above…she would sprint-fly, not gallop. Who is this impostor?

If she was traveling with an earth pony friend, she'd gallop.

The first…?

Chrysalis's throne that blocks all magic except that of changlings.

4663186 Looks like we have a source besides the Crystal Empire for another nuke.

Oh hey, yeah, that's probably it! :pinkiehappy:

I don't know Latin "We bear rings that the mind shows"?

Oh, EqG shorts.

Anyway, no, Rainbow emphatically does not have that as a principle…though looking through episodes shows she doesn't quite fly everywhere, she still does far, far more than just about everypony else, Derpy possibly excepted.

Looking at Griffon the Brush Off [gallery-wise] she does walk with Pinkie sometimes…which is funny because Pinkie can fly. However, that's kinda the only time…and she's trying to ditch Pinkie by flying earlier, too.
She's fairly often shown to be flying whenever it's the Mane 6 going somewhere, and 4 3 2 who cannot fly and one who doesn't like to (Fluttershy). (Poison Joke finds it sufficiently a thing that it screws with it.)
She doesn't in Cloudsdale for Young Fliers, perhaps because she's down (and/or flight regulations).

[http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Rainbow_back_to_being_serious_S5E8.png] Hmm. Not consistently be on the ground with Pinkie. Nor for talking.

Still, in most group shots she's airborne when the other five (or more) aren't.

(below comments were empties created by focus remaining on "post" button and hitting space tryng to page)

Comment posted by Cursed Quill deleted Sep 10th, 2017
Comment posted by Cursed Quill deleted Sep 10th, 2017


I don’t know Latin “We bear rings that the mind shows”?

“Let’s all wear mood rings!

That would be imperative…and…huh, does latin not have a cohortative? oh, formed with present subjunctive. Which is ostendāmus instead of ostendunt, if I'm reading these conjugation guides correctly.

So did you use dog latin or pony latin? :trollestia:


Neither, I cited a phrase from a common collection of joke Latin phrases.

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