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King of Beggars

One of these days we'll form a union, and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve. Then we'll go too far, and become corrupt and shiftless, and the Japonies will eat us alive.

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But What If I Just Wrote An Ernest Movie But It's An Adult Boob Comedy Skinemax Deal? · 11:18pm Aug 29th, 2017

Greetings fellow competing horse enthusiasts! King of Beggars here with the Bronze Medal news!

I wrote another story for a contest, this one for my good friend Oro's thing. I had assumed no one would enter! But tons of people entered. Woopsers~ Oh well, this is the thing I wroted. I might also do something for the AppleDash thingy that's happening, because that contest could use some love, so if you like that ship look forward to something for that. Warning, that story might be kind of dirty. Not like explicitly sexual dirty, but like immature teenage boy sex joke dirty.

What am I saying? Everything I write is an immature sex joke.

For people wondering when Sundowner, it's after this AppleDash thing, if I end up writing it. New chapter's got some written, and the AppleDash ain't very long as I've got it planned. Considering I just came back from a long writing break, these little contest aside things I've done have really helped stretch me out.

This week, on the dumb Orofic thing I did: Sunset Shimmer has a dark and terrible secret, she's in love with a supernatural murderer! Her friends think she's crazy, but are too dang supportive to tell her to give up this crazy dream. Sunset, why not settle down with someone with a more... stable life situation. Like a cannibal on death row! What do you mean you think you can change him? He's Jason Vorhees! He's been killed 10 times, and the only thing that's changed about him is that he went to space once!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy it and that you'll all join me again next time!

Please be excited!

Comments ( 7 )

But what if I just wrote an Ernest movie

You had me right there :rainbowlaugh:

Well right away I can see you'll have an uphill battle selling it. Undead Jim Varney is somewhat lacking in sex appeal.

You'd be surprised, just before he died he filmed a bunch of ads for a local car dealership near me, and they aired those for years after his death. He was quite spry even to the end.

He's Jason Vorhees! He's been killed 10 times, and the only thing that's changed about him is that he went to space once!

Nonsense. He used to wear a sack over his head and now he wears a hockey mask. Change!

Okay, admittedly, that happened pretty much the first time he was killed, and then stayed static.

Seriously that sounds like an interesting and amusing idea for a story.

I was going to make a comparative collage of Jason across the Friday the 13th movies but I got bored after I saw how many there were and how little he changes over the later ones. However, you can still enjoy seeing how he evolved over the first few.
Friday the 13th:
Friday the 13th Part II:
Friday the 13th Part III:
Part IV:

I mean, look that last jumpsuit is green, not blue!

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