• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
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I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

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I hate high school. Because of one person. · 8:40pm Aug 23rd, 2017

Well my friends, 13 days into high school I have to change my schedule, and it's fucking me over.



He (He will be referred to as HK) has been my never-go-away-for-Jesus's-sake kind of itch for as long as I've known him. He goes out of his way to annoy, harass, and generally make me mad as much as he can, and generally, he succeeds. I've nearly reached the final straw with him multiple times, even nearly gotten psyhical with him a few times to the point where he retreats if I make any sudden moves toward him, and he puts it off as "being silly", but today...

Today I snapped.

When HK wouldn't stop making dumb faces at me, and he kept asking if he could kick over my own and a friend's desk, I snapped. I told him if he said it again, I would kick him in his balls. It quieted him (and nearly got me a lecture from my teacher), but it still had me fuming in anger. Then, when I thought I couldn't take any more, he made a really dumb face at me, and I lost it.

I told him I would rip his eyebrows off if he didn't stop, and by this point my teacher had to intervene. The rest of the day went fine, but when I got home and had to call my mom because I forgot our garage door code...

She gave me an earful, as she knew about the whole thing from an Email from my Basic Skills Development teacher. And she really tore into me. Then she gave me some really bad news.

She was making me change schedules.

That was real insult to injury. I liked the class that HK and I were in, and the schedule that I had. Plus, frankly, I wanted to forget about the whole thing. My Speech teacher gave me some good advice, but Mom didn't want to hear it. She really chewed me out, and left me to think about it. Believe me, I am pissed. At HK and myself. HK for being such a FUCKING ASSHOLE that won't leave me be. And myself for sinking so low to threaten physical violence. He's just...so godforsaken annoying.

I hate today, folks. It's official. I mean, now I do have class with my XC Coach (I manage our school's Cross Country team) who also teaches History, and I have my Ceramics class First hour (Which might have advantages), but frankly, I think back and I wonder...

Where did I go wrong with him?

If I had a time machine, I wouldn't change anything, but I would just watch as I screwed our relationship over and over again. It was nearly at a point where I could stand him, but then he wrote "Mkchief34 is gay" on our library whiteboard for everyone to see, which started some really bad rumors. I know it was him, but to this day he denies it. That set us back quite a bit, and even now I'm still sour about it.

Anyway, I know I can't change what I did, but at least the great people here are true friends who can listen and help.

And here's the kicker, folks. HE ONLY DOES THIS TO ME. Everyone else just laughs and calls him "funny", but I can't understand why he doesn't act like this towards anyone else. It's only me.


Anyway, thanks for being here and listening to this rant. I just needed to get this off my chest. At least, I won't have him in any more classes with me. That's a start, and frankly, I still feel that he started all this.

Well, that's a huge load off my shoulders.

Thanks for being there, guys and girls. Ciao!

UPDATE-schedule's changed. I've got new classes now. And today I managed to ignore him. Thanks a lot to everyone for your support.

Comments ( 15 )

Why don't you just tell him to stop?

4645781 He never listens, my friend. I've known him since the 6th grade. He never stops once he's set on something. And that somethign is pissing me off

If it's one thing I really really hate, it's bullies

High school, well I don't have much advice other than burn the bridge completely. this is how I deal with crap and its not healthy, none the less hope school gets better for you.

I'm aspergers autistic, yet I understand when people are just teasing me in general and when they are doing it just to me. If you really need to get the message to this person, the next time he starts to do something LITERALLY say the following: "Stop. I don't want to mess with you. I don't want to talk to you. I really want my space. Just leave me alone, or we can take this somewhere else later if you have a problem. I'm game so long as you leave me alone. NOW." Make sure you put it calmly and slow enough that it's not too aggressive. But the last part needs to be a bit louder than the rest. I said the exact same thing to a person like that. Of course the person was a bully and I corndogged his sorry butt when he referred to my mother in a, shall we say, UNACCEPTABLE manner. It worked for everyone else though. Unless you two really have fought fist to fist before then it should work. If it doesn't, just go straight to a teacher and tell him that he is making you uncomfortable and upset and that it's beginning to feel like he is harassing you. Believe me, teachers will NOT ignore a harassment bullying situation unless it's especially petty.


Yeah, it's a toughie. I am changing my schedule so I don't have to have him in any of my classes. Which is probably a good thing.

And thanks for all the support.

4645963 Thanks a bunch for the advice.

I know the feeling. Back in middle school, a kid did this exact crap to me until one day I finally snapped. I ended up smacking him flat on the blacktop during recess, but since most of the teachers watching liked me, I got away with it. He never bothered me again. Not saying violence is the answer, but every so often it is

Annnnytime, let me know how it goes! We may be in more similar situations than we think!

Bro if you need help call me up. :moustache:

Damn, I was in the same situation as you 5 years back. This guy and his friends kept calling me by a stupid name that had no meaning. In the end I ended up outside of school and they came over. Then I snapped and I began beating the main idiot in the neck. He won the round...

But I won the fight! I learned a lesson that day, I learned that no matter how embarassing telling a teacher might be, they can sort the problem out. Don't worry this thing happens to a lot of kids and you'll soon find yourself in an age group where that sort of thing won't happen ever again :twilightsmile:

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