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Kel'thuzad Comes · 6:42pm Aug 21st, 2017

The Archlich will end you all. This makes my I Am Become Death Muse stir... Should I have a Lich?

Comments ( 13 )

alright. he's cool........almost as cool as Ainz. the whole....Egyptian style....giant collar.....thing.....probably makes it really hard to get in and out of doorways though......

am torn on my opinion of being a lich. on one hand, immortal, ultra powerful skeleton who has all of eternity to perfect ancient magic (plus, you can nap the years away in a coffin when you're bored and scare the shit out of adventurers when they wake you up, like the skyrim dragon priests). but....on the other hand.....you're a SKELETON, and they, by definition, lack several features that, as a healthy male, are very important to me.

You don’t have to be a skeleton, it’s just what comes from being dead. That’s normally the end result. There are other Lich who keep their bodies in perfect condition with spells and the like for the same reasons you worry about. Also the smartest Lich live in society where nobody knows who or what they are. However that’ more D&D Lich and not Warcraft Lich. Btw I’m using Lich as a plural as well as a singular because Liches sounds stupid.

Yes you should have at least one Lich and they should be the only serious one there

As a lich, Ainz lacked certain emotions, he had logic and reasoning, but it was shown that normal human compation and even care, was nothing more than an empty sound for him.
It also shown in mini series, that after using a joke item that made undead units have emotions again, that his libido was also affected, therefore meaning that as a lich, your emotions, instincts and all around perception of the world, will change.

Adding a lich character is a nice touch, but even better, would be to make a lich out of already present character, like a servant he has, or something like this.
I've seen too much stories that add all the characters they could think of to the story, without any sound or reason, it was horrible, please don't be like those stories.
Even if character is from the same universe, there is still no way they could be there without a good reason for it.

Hmmmm Serious Lich. Now I’m imagining a personality like Toffee from Star vs. the Forces of Evil.

I'm not sure what he's like since I've never seen Star vs. the Forces of Evil. When I made that comment i was thinking about DBZA Tien,

Now that makes sense.

“F*** Goku! F*** Power Levels! And F*** You! Shin Ki KO HO!”

Ah that's one of my favorite scene.

"I am the only serious one here, and that's the joke."


Edit: Also Jaina is a Dreadlord #confirmed

lol that’s what everyone's been saying.



First I was like Evolve? :rainbowhuh:
Then I was like Godzilla! :yay:

If you were to make an already present character a Lich, I vote for Freddy. But yes, a Lich character would be cool.

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