• Member Since 20th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2022


Someone who just wants to live his life with the friends he made along the way.

More Blog Posts20

  • 126 weeks
    A Belated Statement

    Hey guys, it's me again. Long time no see, eh? I'll admit, I've been a bit...ashamed to come back on after such a lengthy absence. But there are quite a few reasons for that, which I'll get into.

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  • 327 weeks
    My First Blog Response (Celestia Have Mercy on Me)

    I...normally don't do these kinds of things. I usually think they're not something worth my time. As in, at all. I know many others have made blogs responding to this individual in the past, but I feel like it's time I addressed this. Also, spoilers for the latest Death battle, so here it is if you haven't seen it.

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    89 comments · 2,133 views
  • 328 weeks
    Starfleet Redone is back! (Outdated)

    I'm sorry for the wait, and I promise it won't be as long this time. Nothing can beat a wait of over half a year, that's for sure. So to make up for it, chapter 3 is up and raring to go. Also, I'm still working on the TV Tropes page if anyone wants to.


    You know, if you're still interested at all.

    2 comments · 499 views
  • 330 weeks
    Where I've Been...

    I think it's time I owed you all an apology for my absence. I'd been too ashamed of myself to face any of you after this, but I feel it's time to finally come clean... I lost my drive to write in the worst possible way, in the most embarrassing of ways.

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    11 comments · 565 views
  • 352 weeks
    Rainbow "Danger" Dash and the Legendary Conflict Ball

    Spoilers for the latest episode. And yes, I saw it when it was leaked; I don't exactly like being kept out of the loop.

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Triple Threat Review · 4:35pm Aug 19th, 2017

Well FiM, you managed to fix everything in the end. After the horrendous butchering of Daisy and Lemon Hearts in the last episode, they're back to normal. Also, Lemon's living in Ponyville now, I guess? Dunno how long that's been a thing, but whatever! We have an episode to talk about!

So, Spike has invited Dragon Lord Ember to Ponyville to teach her more about friendship, and all seems well when Thorax, king of the changelings, also arrives! Turns out Spike invited them both on the same day by mistake, and now the risk of two totally different personalities butting heads and possibly causing a war arises, with Spike doing everything he can to keep them apart. Meanwhile, Spike ends up actually having to solve a friendship problem. (Gee, I wonder what it could possibly be.)

I actually kinda like seeing Ember and Thorax interact with the others; it shows a lot more character from both of them that we desperately needed. Just the small talk between these two and Spike, Twilight, and Starlight was great! I also liked Ember's lack of social skills, even if Derpy's muffin had to suffer in the process (r.i.p. in spaghetti, never forgetti). Also, Twilight apparently has a thing for reading chairs. Who knew?

Eventually, however, the two sides meet and they don't immediately hit it off well, but only because they think one another is attacking Spike. When they find out that's not the case, and that Spike was trying to keep them away from each other, they rightfully get mad at him for not believing in their ability to converse. What follows is a pretty good character development scene where Ember and Thorax work out one another's problems, actually gaining some chemistry together that I was pleasantly surprised to see.

My only gripes are with the last scene; it's not terrible by any stretch, but it does try and paint Spike as the only one responsible for the friendship problem he caused. News flash: Twilight and Starlight inadvertently fed into his fears by thinking the same thing. At least Ember and Thorax get to finally working on their problems, and the three hug it out in the end, but Spike episodes kind of seem to have the issue of having him be the only one responsible for his misunderstood actions. Even if it is the case in some instances, it's not always. Also, if I may, the whole "friendship problem" thing was a tad forced. We know how this is going to end up in the long run, and it could have stood on its own without the whole aspect. Spike did at least get to help others with their problems in the process, and at least he's important enough for such a task, but it just felt like kind of an unneeded plot point.

But regardless, this was a rather solid episode with good character moments, funny scenes and meta humor (Twilight and Starlight are kinda the same), and a plausible message of thinking about the positive outcomes over the negatives. This episode gets the salvage. :twilightsmile:

Report SenorCornholio · 679 views ·
Comments ( 97 )

...I wonder how Mykan's gonna react to this. XD

He didn't like the episode, did he? XD

XD Of course he didn't. As to be expected.

Pretty much what I expect from the morally blind.

Either he doesn't get it, or refuses to get it because his mindset is that of a six-year old.

We're talking about the idiot who thinks that if the main character doesn't get the girl then he's destined for a life of eternal loneliness he'll either end up taking his life for becoming a mustache twirling villain.

The same guy who justifies Flanderising the mane six just because they don't fit his description of good characters.

I think it's easy to say that he's not all there in the head.


We're talking about the idiot who thinks that if the main character doesn't get the girl then he's destined for a life of eternal loneliness he'll either end up taking his life for becoming a mustache twirling villain.

And then he makes him die because he didn't get the girl. He actually told me that the reason Logan died becausee he even dared to attempt to move on. No joke. Looks like he never believed in developing characters in the first place.

Pffy, that was obvious from the first time he started this story. The hypocrisy is just laughable.

You can say that again.

Speaking of hypocrisy, for someone who hates MLP, he sure seems to actually enjoy it a lot. His crush on Celestia, for example.

I wanted to like this episode. I wanted to see Ember and Thorax again and see them interact with each other. I wanted Spike to have a good showing. But I couldn't finish watching this episode, mostly because it felt so... predictable. Almost cringeworthingly so.

I'm sorry, but that's just the way I feel about it. Maybe I should give it another go, watch the rest.

That IS hypocrisy. And he hates literally everypony else except maybe Fluttershy, whom he paired with the unholy yellow terror himself.

I think you meant to reply to the comment below mine. Mine didn't mention You-Know-Who at all.

Oh, wow. Wow! I... How did I not notice your comment? I'm terribly sorry!

Anyway, I can see your problems. I didn't mind the outcome, though, so much as the stuff in the episode was alright. But I'll agree and say that the episode's overall resolution was predictable.

I apparently responded to the wrong user. :twilightsheepish:

If you ask me, I think his hatred of MLP (as well as love) might be rooted in a perpetual "cooties/girls are icky" phase.

Actually, that's just why he hates Cadence.

...Did he actually say that? XD

He just hates the idea of marriage and love to the degree that he hates her the most. Everypony else, he just hates friendship and all those other virtues. He said this in a video once.

Honestly though, I think he hates Twilight more. I mean, at least Cadence isn't dead yet. Is that even a spoiler? Because I doubt it's a spoiler anymore.


Okay, (Despite the obvious outcome) I need to untangle this web of idiocy

Cadance is alive because I KEEP her alive to torture her again, and again, and again every time. (Twilight I hated 2nd most, but she was expendable... so I killed her) But Cadance will never die (Can't torture her if she's dead)

And no, as a little boy (And like MOST little boys) I did think girls were icky. It's a typical thing for young people to go through. I was also repulsed by people kissing on the lips, and I didn't like the sights of private parts either! Like most boys, I decided I would never Cave in (I wouldn't fall in love, want to get married and all that stuff with it... oh and definitely NO GETTING LAID) And unlike most boys, I stuck to that vow! I never became interested in girls that way. I don't think their icky or anything, but I just don't want that stuff in my life. As such, I did whatever it took to resist temptations and fight biological urges. (I've never been in love with a real woman in my life, and I'm very happy about that) No one can charm me...

however, I can and DO still act like a gentleman when I have to...

Like when meeting Celebs...



(BTW, they know about my Starfleet, and that I don't like MLP and all that jazz... and they don't mind. It's JUST FAN-FICTION, but they don't take kindly to how people like you behave towards me and others with your mocks and riffs)

Bottom line is, no matter what kind of person I AM now or even could be or whatever, I MYSELF do not want a romantic relationship in my life. (No dating... no marriage... DEFINITELY NO GETTING LAID) I don't want it, NEVER DID, and I don't need it, NEVER WILL. No matter what happens, or what the pros are to caving in... the answer is NO, and I'll do whatever it takes to turn it off.

As for Cartoon Crushes, it's not like that guy who claimed he married his Twilight Sparkle plushy (That guy was twisted) It's just for inspirational purposes.

And my crush on Celestia is a RELUCTANT ONE (One that I really don't want but can't seem to break)

(chuckling) on a funny sense, I like to play it like Celestia's a creepy stalker girl who can't no for answer.

As for Character development. No, I don't care much about it (Neither do you guys anyway). The only thing I care about characters is "I either like them, or a don't like them)

How do I decide that, "Well... it's Pleasure and Dislike.

You get points for all the things that I find cool or satisfying, can I take points off for everything you do that displeases me.

Example: Moondancer Earned major points in AMENDING FENCES for brushing Twilight off, scoffing at her and making Twilight look like a bit of a fool. Unfortunately because she ultimately reconciled with Twilight in the end, she received an automatic fail with me!

(It doesn't how many points you have with me... it;'s either you ALL APPROVE or ALL FAIL) and Moondancer is marked as a Fail for that one screw up (All it takes is ONE rotten apple to spoil the bushel with me)

As for the boy dying if he doesn't get the girl... It's not DESTINY, they get killed in the stories... it's a Protocol... a law... a ruling in my world (When you exist in my world, you'll live by my rules)

He actually told me that the reason Logan died becausee he even dared to attempt to move on. 

No, no... BEAST BOY, not Count Logan (We were talking about BB in Equestria... Not THE END OF ENDS (BB didn't actually die in that one. In the equal, he is alive and very much alive. You really need to learn to pay attention, and not exaggerate!)

But back to subject... I want Beast Boy to be with Terra (There's no finer girl for him out there... and on a playful side, I treat Terra as his one and only remaining hope to gain true love, a happy ending and all the glowing and brightness he craves) Terra dumped him on Things Change... that's it. He is not only to be denied his payment (Happiness) unless he gets the girl after all... but if he tries to move on and be happy with what he has... that's too far, and the penalty is crystal-clear... straight up execution.

"Failure cannot be tolerated"

It's not his destiny to die... it's just MY rule/protocol (There's a big difference between Destiny and Protocol, and I suggest you all learn to the understand that)

Even if I wrote it so there was nothing that could have killed him, then I'd just insert some person who appears out of nowhere and just shoots him right there.

Again, he loses the girl, he's going to lose a lot more than that...

(Watch From 0:25 to 1:33)


think of the General as ME... the man tied up as Beast Boy, and the spectators as the other males of other couples I ship.

*To all the males in the couples I ship*

"If you work for me... success is amply rewarded.

But fail... and you will suffer the same fate as the wretch you have just seen executed!!

That's how I like to picture it... it's not Destiny, it's Protocol.

"Failure Cannot be tolerated"

"If you don't give me what I want. I will not only DENY you of what you want, but if you displease me anymore... I'll take away everything you have!"

Oh, and if you all still beat on Rhymey for such idiotic reasons... here, just to aggravate you a bit... (His voice)

I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. :facehoof:

Also, I'm pretty sure you need to word your stuff better. Even more so, since you're pretty much admitting stuff that's possibly even worse than what I "jumped the gun" at.



and if you skanks really don't care, then DO NOT talk about it.

You know, they wouldn't be talking about it if you didn't keep making appearances here. You're the one who chose to get in on this conversation, despite wanting nothing to do with me. I'm sorry, but it's the truth.


then don't speak lies and bad things about me and maybe I won't feel the need to.

Then stop treating everyone, yourself included, as "expendable", especially the ponies I grew to love. You may think the way you do, but the friends I gained and the lessons I learned are worth more than all the treasure in the world. And no matter what you say to drive me away from my mindset, I'll continue believing in those that care about me.

Some of them may be lies, but some are legitimate complaints. Learn the difference.

...Aaaand that just proves how immature and close-mibded you are. Step away from this conversation now before you humiliate yourself further.

Well said, Mr. I Need TP For My Bunghole. XD

HA! I was wondering when someone would say that about me! XD

Indeed, where I come from, we have no bunghole.

He mistyped. Give him a break. It's not like you, Mr. "Regaurdless".


Nah, nah, it's just people have the gall to call me a sloppy speller when they're not perfect themselves.

(Besides, my Word processor Spell-checker does the weirdest things when it comes to the grammar check)

"What?!" (Gets a green-line)

"What...?!" (also gets a green line)

"And it's all your fault!" (Green line: "And it's your entire fault")


Your spellcheck is the strangest I've seen. But you shouldn't just take it as fact; if something looks like it shouldn't be, then it probably shouldn't.


Then why do Tv Scripts and other books get away with it?

anyway, that's I why I learned texting from DVD subtitles. Much more practical that way, cuz it at least provides me with sound and emotional voices for the wording.


Aaaand my point has further been proven. You aren't making a good case for yourself. Back away now. PLEASE. We do not need this drama.


We do not need this drama.

You stop=I stop

You don't=I don't

And stop trying to get the last word in. It only proves his point.

I didn't start anything, Mykan. You were the one who butted into this conversation.

But you want me to act like an immature ass? I will. Reap what you sow, Mykan.


you started it by talking lies and stuff about me.

I butted in... yes, true, can't deny, but YOU instigated.

No one started shit. You're the one playing the victim card.

Lies? Where did I talk any lies, my dear king? :scootangel:


That's a lie on top of a lie

Says the guy who denies he likes MLP.

He only watches it to pick it apart. Kinda like what he accuses is of doing.

I honestly think all the negativity is making him stronger...

Oh yeah, because he's THE MOST POWERFUL ANTI-BRONY.

Might as well be. No matter what anyone does, he just keeps coming back stronger and angrier than ever. And you know he's going to reply to these once he gets back online, too.

Honestly, I see Mykan as Chris-chan without any of the pity.

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