• Member Since 18th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 14th, 2020


Lecturer by day, pony word peddler by night.

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  • 269 weeks
    Words in print

    Recently, I've been asked for permission by Avonder to include Whom The Princesses Would Destroy... in a story anthology he's putting together. I'm not one for hoarding words and I gave it quite, quite gladly.

    You'll find it here.

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  • 304 weeks
    Ghost Gallivants to Glorious Galacon

    Ghost Gallivants to Glorious Galacon


    A Supposedly Fun Thing I’m Totally Doing Again

    (with apologies to David Foster Wallace)

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  • 305 weeks
    Now(TM) with Travel Advice

    I'm safely ensconced in my hotel room in Ludwigsburg. Hope to meet at least some of you. To increase the odds of this happening, I offer the following advice:

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  • 305 weeks

    I will be flying to Galacon 2018 in under twelve hours and I expect I will be safely in Ludwigsburg within 24 hours. I will be hard to contact during this period, though I think I've acquired a method of fool-proof Internet access no matter where I am (aside from six miles straight up, of course).

    Hope to see many of you soon!

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  • 306 weeks
    Happy July 20th!

    ...or July 21st, depending on your timezone.

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Bronycon Support Post · 2:56pm Aug 10th, 2017

By the state of my feed, everyone is at Bronycon.

I am not. This distresses me greatly.

But worry not, I will be with you in spirit. Also in spirits.

You see, in support of this august occasion, I offer the recipes for the following libations, paired by pony:

Rarity's Rose Kiss
In a chilled deep coupe glass combine:
1 part creme de cassis
1 part rosolio
8 parts Champagne (or substitute, I personally prefer a nice Prosecco)

Rainbow Dash's Daring Done
2oz of Tanqueray #10 gin
1 oz of Lilet Blanc
five good dashes of Angostura bitters
Juice of two whole red grapefruits, strained twice
Stir in a mixing glass full of ice for 45 seconds with a bar spoon,
Strain well, and serve in a chilled cocktail glass.

Pinkie's Liquid Happiness
1 1/2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
1 oz light rum
1/2 oz Kahlua,
1/2 oz creme de cacao,
1/2 oz amaretto
stir vigorously, lengthen with milk, grate some nutmeg on top, and serve in a tall glass with a preposterous straw.

(Princess) Twilight Sparkle's Unaccustomed Aviation
2oz gin, preferably Tanqueray
1oz dry vermouth,
1/2oz maraschino liqueur
shake well with ice, strain, and lengthen with lemon juice and sparkling water in a 3:25 ratio

(Faithful Student) Twilight Sparkle's Bittersweet Musings
2oz vodka,
1/2 oz Campari,
1/2 oz French (i.e. sweet) vermouth,
stir with ice, 45 seconds, lengthen with cranberry juice and serve in Old Fashioned glass

Fluttershy's This Is Just Fruit Juice, Right Rarity?
In a Boston shaker's larger half combine 2oz of good vodka (I favor Русский Стандарт platinum, but that might be hard to find), a dash of grenadine, and then fill the whole thing with a mixture of frozen cranberries. Shake maniacally, until touching the shaker causes you to lose a layer of epidermis. Strain into glass and top with the fruit blended smooth with the help of some cranberry juice.

Applejack's Long Day
In a shot glass build:
1/3 shot of whisky (I generally use Johnny Walker Black Label),
1/3 shot of walnut liqueur,
1/3 shot of prune liqueur.

Applejack's Fine This One Has Apples In It (actual name "The Apple Family Hearth")
Take a strip of cinnamon, blowtorch it until it smokes, and invert a burgundy glass over it, once the smouldering stops, invert the glass quickly, saving as much of the smoke as possible, and pour in 1/2oz of maple syrup warmed so it pours smooth, 2 oz of Applejack (natch), and 2oz of dry, uncarbonated alcoholic cider.

Dotted Line's Hemlock Light
3/4 oz Fernet Branca Menta
1/2 oz Pernod Absinthe
1 oz Lilet Blanc
Mix gently with ice for 1 minute, add a splash of lemon juice, and lengthen with sparkling water.

I hope I've provided suitable inspiration for some post-con festivities. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 34 )

For what it's worth, I'm not at Bronycon yet. No one ever told me the festivities really begin the day before the doors open.

I've never thought to mix wood smoke with my alcohol before. An interesting idea.

They all sound interesting, but way too much effort to make. I'll just sit down with a nice glass of absinthe instead. :pinkiehappy:

By this time next week it'll be like bronycon never happened.

Post-con? People barely wait for the pre-con :D

We do all wish you were here!

Looks like a great breakfast menu to me! :pinkiehappy:


Just remember Ghost, we all love you and wish to meet with you and the only thing between you and a glorious Brony Bacchanal is your willingness to make the trip. That, and an ambiguously fascist regime, apparently, but that's just details.

I hope you have a good weekend, regardless. :twilightsmile:

I'm not at bronycon, and I don't have the ingredients for any of these drinks in my liquor cabinet :raritydespair:

I'll just stick with nice scotch served neat, I guess.

Site Blogger

Applejack's Fine This One Has Apples In It (actual name "The Apple Family Hearth")
Take a strip of cinnamon, blowtorch it until it smokes, and invert a burgundy glass over it, once the smouldering stops, invert the glass quickly, saving as much of the smoke as possible, and pour in 1/2oz of maple syrup warmed so it pours smooth, 2 oz of Applejack (natch), and 2oz of dry, uncarbonated alcoholic cider.


I’m not going to Bronycon and I won’t get to enjoy the spirits you describe. Woe is me.

Oh well. :)

I fear that you forgot Applejack's This one is made with apples, well, mostly apples.

Author Interviewer

Cinnamon smoke? These are insane!

a 3:25 ratio

I mean, you just did this because Twilight likes math, didn't you? >:B

Why, back in my day, we didn't need those fancy Overseas types with their Bronycons and their Brony Bacchanalia!
And before we from the Old World brought them over, they didn't even have horses, let alone pretty pastel ponies.

Oh, I remember the days... (devolves into drunken, senile grumbling)

Damn, son.

You ever decide to quit the 1's and 0's you could tend bar in style.

I'm not at Bronycon: I'm at Worldcon 75 instead! :twistnerd:

Someday we'll get you and Ghost in the same place with every kind of alcohol in the known world, and we'll all appreciate the complexity of your combined artistry.

...well, for about 45 minutes. Then we'll appreciate being really drunk.

A friend went early last week. But, really, is Bronycon an event or a state of mind.

Not mine, I hasten to add. I've seen it employed in some particularly fancy cocktails and gave it a whirl. It's really tricky, and I am not convinced I've the knowing of it just yet (an ice-cold glass helps) but it is dramatic to look at and smokiness is a prized thing. You an use any sort of aromatic smoke you fancy. I may take the opportunity to get some applewood and dry it well to see if it'll be even better.

Yeesh. At least dilute it. That's how it was originally drunk, d'you know? If you look at, say, L'Absinthe by Degas you'll see that it is milky. Absinthe (like all anise-flavored drinks, i.e. Ouzo) is subject to spontaneous emulsification, i.e. if forms an emulsion on its own when mixed with, say, water. The business with the sugar cube came later.

I was trying to be nice.



Crikey. I'm not sure I know any particularly breakfast-ish cocktails... I've been working on a truly magnificent Bloody Mary for ages now, but I can't get it to stick. I've been trying to use, as base, a 1:1 of my San Marzano tomatoes/estragon/white wine sauce and cherry tomato juice, but it's still harsher than I'd like.

Awww. Thanks. But what actually stands in my way is the extreme reluctance of any of your governments to give me as a Redactedstani a visa. It's expensive to even apply and the rejection rate is high.

There's a lot to recommend the simple pleasures of a scotch, served neat. Or using non-meltable cubes. I've had my eye on a nice set of stainless steel ones that chill without diluting.


This is a lamentable state of affairs. You don't drink or is the problem stocking the ol' liquor cabinet? Because I can offer my recipe for Summertime Gin-and-Tonic that only really requires one spirit? You take a suitable amount of gin (1-2 oz is traditional), preferably of a subdued-juniper variety (Tanqueray #10 or Bombay Sapphire, say), you pour it into a tall glass over ice-cubes made of frozen mango juice (no, seriously), lengthen with tonic water, and add a _very_ generous splash of lemon at the end, until the mixture clouds. Lastly, rub a lightly mangled bit of lemon zest around the rim for that final touch.

(I don't believe in garnishes, but if you must, a lemon wheel would do well)

Agh! I wasted such an opportunity.

Well spotted.


Cinnamon smoke? These are insane!

I figure if a thing is worth doing, it's worth overdoing.

a 3:25 ratio

I mean, you just did this because Twilight likes math, didn't you? >:B

Well, yes. I could have said 12%. That said, 3:25 has advantages. A reasonably full drinking glass has about 25cl of liquid in it (or the ones I use are). An IBA pony-measure is 3cl. Therefore to get the proportion you need you just pour a glass of sparkling water, and add a pony's worth of lemon juice. Easy peasy.

I tell you, the past ain't what it used to be.

Why, we had a proper past when I were a young lad.


Why, thank you.

The ones and the zeroes are serving me well, but I'll keep bartending as option #2.

(Actually, what I want to to is retire from the ones and zeroes after acquiring filthy lucre, and open up Ghost's House of Studious Pleasures, the world's only bookshop/cocktail bar/tearoom hybrid.)

Good news! I hear alcohol works the same way over there!

Now that would be an evening to remember!



(I've actually become quite adept at cutting people off when it is necessary, especially since the first time I decided to stage an exhibition of my mixology for my friends I got everyone so terrifyingly drunk that I was responsible for a hangover so epic it caused my friend to miss a flight two days later.)


This is a lamentable state of affairs. You don’t drink or is the problem stocking the ol’ liquor cabinet?

Neither. It’s just that all of this refinement would be lost on my palate entirely, and stocking the liquor cabinet would involve actually walking. So I usually don’t bother, it’s not like I have anyone to drink with. :)

Site Blogger



As in, have some. That sounds amazing.

I don't believe in garnishes

Pinkie Pie: :pinkiegasp: "Then what's even the point?!"

Ah, a shame. I'm finicky about taste, myself, and I figure I'd best use it by fiddling with spices and things. Besides, it's a great pleasure when you figure out someone's tastes and can craft a drink just for them.


It's more of an autumn drink, really, but it is so very Applejack. You can also make it with Calvados[1] if you are, for instance, in Europe and can't find applejack for love nor money.

Not that I would know anything about it. *grumble grumble*

[1] I make it with an apple first-press distillate made by monks in a nearby monastery, but since that's made here and nowhere else in the world I figure I'd err on the side of universality.

Site Blogger

Honestly I've had trouble finding applejack here in the States -- not that I've looked real hard, but my local liquor stores don't stock it, and I've wanted to try it ever since, well, MLP happened.

I make it with an apple first-press distillate made by monks in a nearby monastery

what is your life I can't even


Well, I did say that an ambiguously fascist regime was impeding your progress.


Oh I'm quite familiar with how to properly drink absinthe (and I've never been a fan of sugar). Used to be quite the aficionado back in the day. Had at least a half-dozen different bottles at any one time, mostly Swiss, a few French, one or two domestic. Don't drink that much these days, but I'm happy to live somewhere that now produces two of the highest rated absinthes in the world -- Pacifique and Marteau.

Was a fairly active member of The Wormwood Society a number of years ago, if you're familiar with it.

Oh! Respect! That's some fine connoisseurship right there. Well, then, a nice glass of Absinthe by your lights is as fine a bit of tipple as anyone could wish, you hardly need my concoctions. :twilightsmile:


Nonetheless, "Twilight Sparkle's Unaccustomed Aviation" and "The Apple Family Hearth" both sound delightful (if a bit on the sweet side for the latter). I shall certainly have to give them a try someday in the not-too-distant future. Finding non-carbonated cider is rather difficult, but we do have some splendid cideries in the vicinity producing some fine examples of the craft.

Why, thank you. The Unaccustomed Aviation is one of my personal favorites.

I have been working on a variant of the Hearth which is less sweet, where I replace the uncarbonated cider with apple cider vinegar and water, meaning that the mixer is really an odd sort of gingerless switchel. It might be easier to make and I suspect (though cannot confirm) that it is even better.

Trying to hit up Galacon. Much closer to where you're at, I think. I'll bring some good Australian wine with me.

Author drink:
1 part vodka
1 part regret or sadness

Repeat as needed.

A Bloody Mary always struck me as more of a liquid salad than a breakfast, despite the tradition. Now, an alcoholic version of a blueberry pancake would be just the thing! :pinkiehappy:

I'm not at Bronycon!

Still, I hope you have a good weekend regardless.

I'm quite tempted to try Pinkie's Liquid Happiness, I even have everything except the creme de cacao... well and perhaps a good light rum (Bacardi 151 might not be considered light). However, can any straw truthfully be crazy enough to do Pinkie justice?

This has me considering what pony a couple of my own favorite drinks might best go with. They've nothing on your list here but I've always enjoyed them.
Liquid Cocaine
1/2 oz Jagermeister
1/2 oz Rumplemintz
1/2 oz Bacardi 151
Serve in an ice cold rocks glass.
I had this for the first time on my 21st birthday, my friends ordered it for me and would only tell me the name and nothing else until I'd tried it. Quite the experience but I came to love it, the 151 gives it a hell of a kick and the Rumplemintz gives your nose a tickle.

1/2 pint hard cider (use what you like, I tend to enjoy something slightly sweet and fruity)
1/2 pint Guinness
Pour the hard cider into a Guinness Pint glass and float the Guinness on top.
This one is quite obviously Applejack, not just because of the western name and the hard cider, but because I find this one is just perfect at the end of a hot day when you want something to refresh you. The slightly bitter milky taste of the Guinness hits first and then you get a rush of effervescent sweetness as the cider comes in underneath it. A perfect complement to each other.

Stay classy, my good man. We'll get you here one day. :moustache:

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