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I am the lucid dream

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Hello everyone. · 5:30am Aug 4th, 2017

Work was a slow tonight. Which gave me time to think of stuff. Mainly stuff for Of Bones and Balloons.

Now I know a lot of people are wanting more I Am Become Death, but I’m just not mentally in the place to write more on it. I know what’s going to happen, I’ve got a few chapters planned out, I’m just not motivated to write it. Which Is why I worked on the nexus-verse for a bit (and probably will more) and have been putting out chapters for Of Bones and Balloons. The latter of which I have been really excited about recently. I know I’ll come back to I Am Become Death (note that it’s not on hiatus and neither is My Life as an Eldritch Horror) like I always do. I can’t give you guys a set time (which also happens to share the same reason as why I can’t write on a schedule) because I don’t know when my Muse and/or motivation to write it will return.

I hate to disappoint everyone. :pinkiesad2: But that’s just how I am. I’m sorry to make you wait, especially where I left it. But I can’t really force myself to write something I have no motivation to write. Either I end up staring at a blank page for an hour or two or I put out something awful.

Once again, I’m rambling. (as I tend to do) Sorry, the lack of work at work made me tired. I hope you all enjoy what I end up putting out, even if it’s not what you want to read.

For now I leave you with this.

Comments ( 23 )

Waiting for the next chapter of I am death be like.

But In all seriousness take your time and write It when you feel like It.

thats why i dont work on a sceduale as well tho if your feeling up to it i have a chapter you can edit :moustache:

:trixieshiftright: You’re treating it like your waiting for Half Life 3 :trixieshiftleft:

I may take a look at it. Tomorrow’s going to be busy. Sis and I are finally going down to Denver for her appointment.

ok well good luck with the appionment

It’s for her and it’s just for a 10 minute xray. An hour and a half drive twice for a ten minute xray. That’s why we’re doing something fun while we’re done there. Probably a movie.

maybe get some ice cream i hear its gonna be hot tomorrow

NO but that's what It feels like. The better the fic the longer the waiting feels.

.sierots ruoy daer t'nod I ,uoy wollof I hguoht nevE

Btw, political stuff is a good way to get people to write you off as an author. Unless it's something you want to get known for. :moustache:

aaaaaaaaand removing that

.ris evissnefo yrev si taht

Eh, I changed it anyway, I don’t want to offend anyone. :twilightsmile:

I’m aware, I responded anyway.

That doesn't make sense I'm also gonna go scold him for the lols on his userpage.


Was just pointing something out that might be useful. I'm political, the people that follow me know it, BUT it also can piss off your readers. Was just making sure Sanguine knew that. A lot of folks do it, then wonder why their reader numbers drop or stuff gets voted down.

Politics don't work well unless it's something you're willing to sacrifice readers over. Me personally, I don't give a crap. I'm an older guy that writes to pass time while I recover from serious illness.

Nobody is immune from it. Hell, Stephen King took a drop in sales after getting political. A lot of folks don't realize that, so I figured it was worth a note about.

That’s good info to know. :twilightsmile: I hope you recover quickly.

Thank you, but it's been 4 years already. Likely I'm going to be on disability for life no matter how much it annoys me. (Brain tumor that screwed up a lot of stuff)

Oh ok say it like that next time. The way we saw it it was worded offensively.

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