• Member Since 28th Feb, 2012
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Professor Plum

Retired staff. Please stop asking me to approve your stories.

More Blog Posts110

  • 207 weeks
    One Last Update

    Hey all. As my last blog said, and as you've probably noticed, I've basically left the site. Comments from me are very rare and I expect blogs (like this one) will be even rarer. But interesting times have gotten even more interesting, so I'm back for one final message.

    Black Lives Matter, my dudes.

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    11 comments · 615 views
  • 230 weeks
    Updates, and Endings

    Been a while, eh? A part of me wants to put a joke there, maybe a "kept you waiting, huh?" reference, but I don't think this is the blog for it.

    Just a heads up, this isn't going to be a fun blog.

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    47 comments · 1,551 views
  • 273 weeks
    mfw a bunch of blogs I'm not allowed to read turn up

    9 comments · 674 views
  • 282 weeks
    Musty Chrysanthemums

    7 comments · 467 views
  • 303 weeks
    Galacon Was Fun

    Well, strictly speaking, Galacon itself was a massive let-down. Only a single writing-related panel during the entire convention and it was awful. It was also apparently part two, when part one happened last year? Bloody stupid.

    But that's ok, because I had the good sense to stay away from that nonsense, and hung out with some cool Horse People instead.

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    12 comments · 765 views

Prof Plum's Guide for Horsecons · 11:50pm Jul 22nd, 2017

or rather, conventions in general, but this is specifically geared towards folk who, like me, are dumb enough to attend things like Bronycon.

This is aimed primarily at first-time goers, but god knows there are plenty of people who've attended cons in the past who need to learn these rules.

1) For the love of God, SHOWER

You would be amazed at the number of people who fall at this first hurdle. Or, if you've attended a convention in the past, you probably wouldn't be.

Personal hygiene doesn't stop becoming a thing just because you're excited about anthropomorphic horse conventions. Unless you have a written note from your doctor explaining that you can't shower every goddamn morning of the convention because your skin would fall off, you better get your ass clean before you decide to do anything that day.

2) For the love of God, WEAR DEODORANT

Personal hygiene is taking up both the first slots because it's that goddamn important, and so many people fail to appreciate that.

Wear deodorant. Stick or spray, it's not hard. Even better, if you've got a bag on your person (which you should), carry a stick/can of deodorant in there, just to top up. Baltimore can get very hot in the summertime, and convention centres tend to be stuffier than most places.

3) Look after yourself, fam

Horsecons can be super fun, with lots of stuff to do. Early morning panels, evening group events, getting drunk and staying up playing mariokart at midnight (fuck you sunchaser you Rosalina min-maxing sonofabitch), etc. Lots of cool shit with cool people.

But don't forget to look after yourself. Not just hygiene wise. Make sure you at least grab a sandwich or two during the day (I know Bronycon has a Jimmy Johns about ten seconds walk from the front door), or proper meals if you can. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, too, so you don't end up crashing mid-con. Caffeine is not a proper substitute for rest, as many zombie-faced con attendees will attest.

Super simple stuff, but easy to overlook in the excitement of horsecon shenanigans.

4) Even at conventions, people are people

And people can be dicks. Don't leave bags unattended, cos some dickhead might nab your stuff. Don't wander the streets at night, cos some dickhead might try and nab your stuff by force. I know we're a fandom for magical friendship horses, but that doesn't mean everyone who attends the con (or hangs out in the general area of said con) is a cool person. Again, simple stuff that can be overlooked due to the magic of friendship and horses. Just be sensible, yeah?

4.5) Talk to your friends

A bit of an addendum to the last one. Hang out with cool people. Not only does that make you cool by proxy, but it means should worst come to pass (say, accident that gets you hurt), someone can be there to help, or pass on that you're alright. Nobody wants to see a face on a missing poster, or to spend the weekend worrying about someone who just ended up going home with a twisted ankle, or whatever.

5) Don't be a dick

For realsies, folk. We're all going to horsecons to hang out and have fun. Don't spoil it by being a bellend.

5.5) Seriously, don't be a dick (Special rules for cosplay stuff)

There are some seriously awesome cosplays at horsecons. Like, for real, legitimately mind-blowing stuff that makes you wonder how the hell they pulled that off.

But remember that every person cosplaying (or in a fursuit, or whatever) is still a person and, crazily enough, still has concepts like personal space and privacy and the like. I'm not saying avoid at all costs, but just ask before you try petting that Pinkie cosplayer's hair, no matter how much like real candyfloss it looks. If they say yes, go for it my man. If they say no, respect it, don't hold it against them, cos maybe they don't like being touched by strangers. Or maybe their costume is super delicate, or whatever. Regardless, be a cool dude and don't press the issue.

6) Be excellent to each other, dudes

Like I said before, we're all going to horsecons cos we wanna hang out with cool people and do cool things and stuff. Don't be a party pooper for a party of 10,000 people.

If you see someone who you don't like online, don't engage with them. Better yet, hang out with them. People often act super different irl from online, and you may make a few new friends that way. I can personally attest to this, as can Bad Horse.

So yeah, that's my horsecon etiquette blog. Super Simple Stuff. May add to it if I think of anything else. Feel free to suggest additions.

Dun 4get 2 liek fav subscrobble

Comments ( 19 )

Joke's on you - I break all of these and I never go to conventions

Question for you, I am planning on attending one someday (Hopefully in the near future) what parse would one cosplay as, (I have many ideas, none of which pony related but with pony references in the make to be added... such as a Scootaloo sitting on the shoulder of my 12ft tall Astarte Armor that is still being slowly forged... currently just have the basic moldings and schematics detailing the power supply (A car battery) and hydraulic system...)

In other words, what type of cosplay would be acceptable?

You do you, man. I've seen Space Marines at bronycon before, as well as several Master Chiefs, dozens of generic Fursuits, a bunch of New Lunar Republic soldiers, an uncountable number of alternate takes on characters (R63, steampunk, etc.), and plenty more besides.

Go for whatever.

Two more things I think you should add to the list, just to be absolutely safe:

7) If possible, wear a face mask. Better be safe than sorry. It's also a good idea to keep any potentially harmful pathogens away. Goes double for folk traveling long distances—tripple for those carpooling. The last thing you want is a car full of sick people.

8) watch what you eat and drink. If you left something edible in a spot that is away from your eyesight, it's best to get something new. By the time you turn to look, it's either gone or tainted by someone else Safety should always be at the forefront of all planning.

Seriously, con sickness is a real thing. Had it not that long ago when I attended Anime Expo here in LA. There was also a case of someone going around spiking people's drinks while they weren't looking.

At any rate, hope ya'll have a good one. I'll sadly have to miss out due to financials. Perhaps next year.


Wait, you only shower in the mornings?

You filthy animals crash in bed all hot and sweaty?!


I'm literally bringing a stick of deodorant in my backpack, and woe be to whoever I smell there (because I'm gonna throw it at you).

Also, #4 especially. The Baltimore con center is right next to Camden Yards and the whole sports fanatics crowd, plus the whole city immediately around the Inner Harbor is a favorite haunt for homeless folks. Not trying to be mean about or to em, but desperate people do desperate things. And if anyone asks if you carry cash, the answer is always "No." Even if you literally have coins and dollar bills fluttering in your wake.

Caffeine is not a proper substitute for rest

Plum, I think you slipped and started speaking some crazy foreign language there, buddy.

Ha, yeah, I carry deodorant with me when I go.

Can't go this year though. School and other things get in the way.

Regarding the first three points, I recently saw a reference to a "3-2-1 rule" for conventions, which refers to a daily minimum of three hours of sleep, two meals and one shower.

(The first of which seems ludicrously low, but I just hit thirty so maybe I'm just getting old.)


I feel like you've been to a gun show.


Also, sidenote... Should I bring my Fallout (non-pony) costume to Bronycon? For any reason? I can't think of one.

Okay thanks... hope the doors will be large enough for me to walk through... lol :pinkiehappy:

Good lord, three hours of sleep does not sound like enough to me.

The reason is that it would be cool

Only if you also bring a rubber horse mask to wear with it. :trollestia:

I swear the same thing happened last year though.

Oh well. I don't get a discount for being a kid anymore anyway.

I say a minimum of 6 hours or I will not drive.

Another suggestion for horse cons- Buy M.A. Larson booze

Spread this like wildfire.

feel free to, my dude

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