• Member Since 12th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.

More Blog Posts513

  • 5 weeks
    If you were looking at the shirts I sell...

    ... they're about to go away. My shirt printer is retiring, and I have no replacement.

    After May 5 I'm going to take down the online order links on my little business's online store, and after this summer I'll clear out of whatever shirts I have left.

    So if you'd noticed any of these before, now's effectively the last chance.

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    1 comments · 121 views
  • 10 weeks
    Not back to KSP yet, but I did do some space stuff.

    I haven't touched KSP since my early experience with KSP2 was a combination of glitchy game and impossible-to-read UI. I've been thinking about it here and there, but I've had other things to do.

    But that doesn't mean I'm not doing space stuff, and yesterday I finally edited and posted a video of such.

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    9 comments · 338 views
  • 12 weeks
    My muse is nagging me.

    I've done very little writing the past five months, partly due to being busy, but mostly due to recurring headaches when it's writing time.

    I have a couple weeks off, and I'm going to try to make time to get back on my projects (the Octavia story and novelizing Peter is the Wolf). But my mind... well... it's trying to jump ahead, or possibly back.

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    7 comments · 248 views
  • 13 weeks
    Life imitates art...

    So, a privately built and operated space probe became the first US lander to soft-land on the Moon last week- Odysseus.

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    16 comments · 664 views
  • 16 weeks

    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
    --- probably not Mark Twain

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    6 comments · 473 views

Time to edit the *yay* out of this. · 5:22pm Jul 13th, 2017

New Changeling Space Program chapter completed.

Current draft: 25,508 words.

I will spend my non-sales time this weekend at my booth at Delta H Con editing, getting viewpoints more consistent, punching up descriptions, and definitely looking for deadwood to trim.

But I don't anticipate finding much.

And once I complete this final pass, the thing will get posted.

I came very close four or five times to splitting this in two, but... well, to me each chapter isn't so much a chapter anymore as it is a sort of novella, almost a stand-alone story in its own right. And splitting this one apart felt wrong, profoundly so.

So congratulations, here comes another mega-brick of a chapter in just a few more days.

Comments ( 7 )

I am both excited and intimidated! :D

Twenty five thousand words. Talk about an anvil.

That's no chapter, that's a heavy bludgeoning implement.

All of the yay!:yay:

I thought from your rant about the Changeling episode that you had abandoned this story because you now hated Changelings.


No. There were things I liked and hated about the last season finale (particularly that Chryssy's plan made no sense, and reformed changelings look awful, but the hive looked awesome), and that had that episode come out before CSP, I probably would never have written it because the ep makes the setup for the story impossible. But with the story begun, I don't intend to abandon it.

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