• Member Since 28th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Cold in Gardez

Stories about ponies are stories about people.

More Blog Posts187

  • 10 weeks
    Science Fiction Contest 3!!! (May 14, 2024)

    Hey folks,

    It's contest time! Wooooo!

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    3 comments · 449 views
  • 13 weeks
    A town for the fearful dead

    What is that Gardez up to? Still toiling away at his tabletop world. Presented, for those with interest, the town of Cnoc an Fhomhair.

    Cnoc an Fhomhair (Town)

    Population: Varies – between two and five thousand.
    Industry: Trade.
    Fae Presence: None.

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    5 comments · 310 views
  • 24 weeks
    The Dragon Game

    You know the one.

    A sheaf of papers, prefaced with a short letter, all written in a sturdy, simple hand.

    Abbot Stillwater,

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    7 comments · 591 views
  • 43 weeks
    EFN Book Nook!

    Hey folks! I should've done this days ago, apparently, but the awesome Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest has copies of Completely Safe Stories!

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  • 46 weeks
    A new project, and an explanation!

    Hey folks,

    Alternate title for this blog post: I'm Doing a Thing (and I'm looking for help)

    I don't think anyone is surprised that my pony writing has been on a bit of a hiatus for a while, and my presence on this site is mostly to lurk-and-read rather than finish my long-delayed stories. What you might not know, though, is what I've been doing instead of pony writing.

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America Day! And another anniversary, since we're in the mood · 2:11pm Jul 3rd, 2017

Everyone's already aware of the July 4th holiday, I assume. Or, at least, the Americans are. If you're not an American, you may go back to whatever it is you normally do on July 4th. Work, I suppose.

But what people might not be aware of is that July 4 is also the day I joined the fandom in an official way, with the publication of my very first story on Equestria Daily back on July 4, 2011. Six years ago! I even went and found the link, just to make sure I had the date correct. I've been writing about ponies for nearly 2.5% of America's existence as a nation!

It's funny the little things fate can hinge upon. I wrote that first story, Maiden Flight, as a bit of a challenge to myself. At the time, I had no intention of making writing a dedicated, intensive hobby of mine – it was only because the fine blogponies at EqD accepted the story that I gained the confidence to keep writing. And now, six years later, I've just passed the ¾ mark on the way to 1,000,000 words. I know a lot of authors have written far more words than that, but it's always been a kind of distant goal of mine. A gold ring to grasp for.

This blog post doesn't have anything to do with any particular story (except Maiden Flight, I guess), but I'm allowed to tag stories so I'm going to cheat and point out that I just published the latest chapter of The World is Filled with Monsters. If you're looking for a long-form, epic, world-building adventure that's also a subtle meditation on war and violence, this might be the story for you. Also, unicorns! And pegasi! And the others ones too!

Comments ( 22 )

I don't normally do this, but your math is a little off. It's closer to 2.5%, assuming you're going by the 241 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.


You know, you're right? I don't even know where I got the 1.25% from.

Man, I remember Maiden Flight. One of the first stories I read back in the day. It was the lonely island of Scootalove in the stormy seas of 2011's Scootabuse. That story was why I started writing. (What have you done to me, you monster?) Apropos to that, I really need to read Monsters.

On a side note, I see that fimfiction now truncates all extra spaces after an ending punctuation down to one single space. This triggers me more than it should. :twilightangry2:


On a side note, I see that fimfiction now truncates all extra spaces after an ending punctuation down to one single space. This triggers me more than it should. 

Finally, the last piece of our plan falls into place. Soon we will assault the Oxford Comma, and our dominion will be complete.

Site Blogger

I for one am thrilled that you've continued to write. Happy ponyfic day!


Soon we will assault the Oxford Comma


Happy anniversary!

We're a small step closer to having to publish everything as an image of text just to respect the formatting the author intended. :pinkiesick:

Also, unicorns! And pegasi! And the others ones too!

Heh, poor earth ponies. They just don't get no respect. :eeyup:

Thanks for all of your excellent horsewords – stories and blogs – and congrats on your anniversary.

I congratulate you! This date is special for me too, it's birthday of my wife. :pinkiesmile:

The ride never ends!

Also, two spaces after sentences is eternal. :twilightangry2: Fight the power!

4591013 You'll never take my Oxford comma!

4591068 Stand strong brother, we shall defeat them.

Keep your filthy paws, hooves, hands, or whatever you may have off the Oxford comma!

Happy... uh... fandom birthday? Fic day? Hm. Regardless, thanks for writing such good stories for all of us to enjoy.

Maiden Flight remains one of my favorite ponyfics. It's such a perfect combination of funny, cute, and aerodynamic. :rainbowkiss:

Double space forever!
(Shakes cane)....

..and stay off my lawn!

Happy poniversary! :twilightsmile:

And we all love you for your presence here.

You're a very good writer.


Finally, the last piece of our plan falls into place. Soon we will assault the Oxford Comma, and our dominion will be complete.


Y'know, since the actual end of the US revolutionary war was signed off during the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783, that's the day we as a nation actually gained our independence. But hey--this is America. We enjoy being different. :pinkiecrazy:

The UK didn't recognize the US as a country until then, but the US recognized itself as an independent nation after the signing of the declaration, and some other countries (like France) recognized it as such.

It has been so longlikes. I wish I knew my official Pony Day, but other than knowing it's somewhere in December 2010 or January 2011 or thereabouts, the actual day is lost to the ages.

...Or some deep Google server if it has my youtube history and I just can't find it

You'll never get away with this, Auizho Gardez!

Congratulation! I sure love your stories, and now I have another thing to celebrate on July 4th!

Happy Cold in Gardez day everyone!

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