• Member Since 24th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen April 30th


Let R = { x | x ∉ x }, then R ∈ R ⟺ R ∉ R... or is it?

More Blog Posts349

  • 116 weeks
    Against Stupidity

    I figure I’ll do some popular sociology. I’ve reached the limit of what I can do at the present time, and I need to take a break from all the doomscrolling, because there’s only so much war crime bingo I can read before I go do something emotionally motivated and ultimately useless.

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    16 comments · 1,723 views
  • 117 weeks
    Good morning, Vietnam

    My foreign friends often ask me – the very few that know I’m Russian – what does the average Russian think about Ukraine.

    You can see why I have always kept this private now.

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    34 comments · 1,307 views
  • 162 weeks
    Lame Pun Collection

    So I decided to trawl conversation logs for throwaway lines I spout on occasion. Because otherwise I’d forget them entirely, and some of them are actually good ideas. Granted, most of them are stupid puns… But I like puns, and I’m still not sure why you’re supposed to cringe at them.

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  • 163 weeks
    Rational Magic

    I basically improvised most of this lecture from memory when talking with DannyJ yesterday, but then I thought, why not blog this, should at least be food for thought. It’s not directly pony-relevant, more like a general topic of discussion which one needs to meditate on when writing fantasy – but that includes ponyfic, so you might be interested.

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  • 170 weeks
    A series of unexpected observations

    So I’ve been reading things.

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    15 comments · 1,541 views

Go read this · 9:13am Jul 1st, 2017

Sweetie Bot lies half-built on a lab bench.
Shrink Laureate · 4.8k words  ·  239  12 · 4.2k views


  • It’s a good horror romance short.
  • Even if you don’t like this sort of thing, this can be highly educational in terms of how presentation can enhance text, and what sort of stuff can you pull with Fimfiction’s new bbcode parser. Insert enforced breaks, and it’s a visual novel already.
  • I helped a bit.

P.S. State Of The Oliver-P:

  • Depression, work. Mostly depression and lack of evidence anyone cares. Be serious here, you don’t, not really. Otherwise you’d wonder where I disappeared off to.
  • Summer.
  • Put the little green men back on their space station and get back to ponies, they haven’t made any good new reentry-capable capsules for them since forever and aren’t about to start now.
Report Oliver · 493 views · #signal boost
Comments ( 20 )

You did help quite a bit. And thanks for the signal boost add well.

Did you do anything special to make the link show up as an embed card like that, or does it happen spontaneously?

Right now Oliver, you're probably thinking, "I didn't really do much, there's no need to go overboard". Well, let me point out the importance of moral support. Timed contest entries like this generally involve me going a little insane(*) for the week or three I've got to frantically write them. It's incredibly valuable to be have somebody respond to my rambling and reassure me - even implicitly - that I'm not going completely off the track.

(*) All things are relative.


Did you do anything special to make the link show up as an embed card like that, or does it happen spontaneously?

[embed]url[/embed] recognizes quite a few embed sources, and Fimfiction itself is one of them.

It’s incredibly valuable to be have somebody respond to my rambling and reassure me - even implicitly - that I’m not going completely off the track.


lack of evidence anyone cares. Be serious here, you don’t, not really. Otherwise you’d wonder where I disappeared off to.

I did wonder where you were, but I have a standing assumption that people's interest in the series waxes and wanes over time, as do their output. It's rare for people to be entirely consistent with it. I don't PM authors asking why they seemingly are inactive; it strikes me as a tad close to stalking and pressuring writers for updates. I apologize if that added to the impression that no one cares though.

  • I helped a bit.

P.S. State Of The Oliver-P:

  • Depression, work. Mostly depression and lack of evidence anyone cares. Be serious here, you don’t, not really. Otherwise you’d wonder where I disappeared off to.

Oliver-P ≟ Oliver-NP

I have been wondering where you'd disappeared off to; I had rationalized that you'd decided that PoC updates were going to wait until US airdates caught up…and weren't going to do the EqG eps because you haven't done the preceding EqG movies, but these episodes were also preventing the US airdate from catching up on normal pony episodes. That excuse would have lasted another three weeks? (It doesn't cover the catching-up of comic and/or s1 episodes, though. so it's not sufficient explanation of your silence.)

I was entertaining thoughts wondering where, if one has elided the comments section from one's desktop page as you have, a notification to a comment on your page (possible by mobile page only being the comments field!) would lead…and using such to inquire as to your status.

To get an embedded story card, you use the [embed] bbcode thing that replaced (as a superset) the youtube tag. Does not support blog entries or I would've Ouruborosrecursed.

Sweetie Bot lies half-built on a lab bench.
Shrink Laureate · 4.8k words  ·  239  12 · 4.2k views

Thank you for pointing this one out! It's a really good story. :twilightsmile:

4588619 4588622
Got it. Now I need to go back and reformat some past blog posts. :trixieshiftleft:

Be serious here, you don’t, not really. Otherwise you’d wonder where I disappeared off to.

I assumed you didn't want to be randomly messaged by people wondering where you went. Thought that was an action that would be deemed rude.

Added to read later. I'll take a look in the week. Thanks for the recommendation :twilightsmile:


send random annoying messages whenever anypony says nothing for more than two days.


Be serious here, you don’t, not really. Otherwise you’d wonder where I disappeared off to.

Sometimes thoughts like that are just the depression screwing with you. This is one of those times.

Anyway, when I read this recently finished story:

ERequiem for a Dream
What begins as a simple experiment in spellcasting quickly spirals into obsession as a student of magic discovers an ancient legend hidden within Mage Meadowbrook's greatest enchantment.
Fahrenheit · 30k words  ·  163  2 · 2.3k views

I couldn’t help but think that it might be up your alley. Aside from just being a great story, it’s set in the last days before Twilight leaves Canterlot for Ponyville. So it touches on some interesting answers to questions like “Why didn’t anypony before Twilight figure out that Luna existed and Nightmare Moon was Celestia’s sister?” and “Why was Twilight reading a children’s book of fairy tales in the first episode?”

I just assumed that you were consumed by real life work or something, and that you'd be back in due time. And indeed, you did come back, though I do consider myself at fault for assuming the reasons wrongly. If I'd known that depression was something you suffered from, believe me, I would've been asking after you.

I'm not sure if you'd consider us friends, but I like to think we get along, and I've had friends with depression before, so I'm a good listener. This may sound random, but if you ever need or just want someone to talk to about whatever, shoot me a PM. I'm always available to talk.

Well, there are different degrees of caring. I will admit that, busy with other things, I hadn't thought of you or your work and wondered what happened, but now that I've been told, I'm sorry you've been having a bad time with depression.

I was also expecting that you were re-tooling your toolchain for converting/uploading to FiMFiction what with the new siteversion.

sweetie.log is really good. Doesn't seem like a romance, though…???


Sometimes thoughts like that are just the depression screwing with you. This is one of those times.

They say that an optimist is one who believes a glass is half full, and a pessimist is one who believes a glass is half empty.

I’m a scientist. I doubt the glass actually exists, because I’ve yet to see the bloody thing, whether it’s half full or half empty is entirely immaterial at this point.

I couldn’t help but think that it might be up your alley.

It is, thanks for the tip. Though I think its biggest contribution to chromatic hippology isn’t the interpretation of Moondancer, but the simple answer to the question “what caused Luna’s fall” when Luna is repeatedly shown neither very interested in the appreciation of ponies at large nor going out of her way to seek it.

I think I’m stealing this one. :)


I was also expecting that you were re-tooling your toolchain for converting/uploading to FiMFiction what with the new siteversion.

That took at most a day. It was quite annoying to convert over a hundred blog posts, and I still have the chapters to do…

sweetie.log is really good. Doesn’t seem like a romance, though…???

That’s what the author says. :)

4592670 4593704

sweetie.log is really good. Doesn’t seem like a romance, though…???

That’s what the author says. :)

It was written for a romance contest, but I decided part-way through writing that it just wasn't coming out very romantic.

Hey, I know you've been online pretty regularly, but you've been quiet nonetheless. Given what we learned from this blog, I feel the need to ask how things are going. Everything okay with you right now, bro?


Got nothing much to say, unfortunately.


Alright then. My offer from before is still open, so you know. Hope you're doing well.

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