• Member Since 20th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago

Flash Notion

The hardest part about writing is that nothing you make is ever as good on the page as it was inside your head... but other people don't know that, so we worry over nothing.

More Blog Posts73

  • 80 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022

    Hello. Been a while. So I signed up for this thing, as a way to get back to writing. There's still a bit of time left for the .5 of you who bother reading these posts but somehow aren't aware of one of the bigger site-wide events to sign up for it. Happy holidays!

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  • 120 weeks
    I LIVE!!!! (and so does this thing...)

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    But, for those who still care:
    Beanis is back! Remember the beans? Majin does. Go give him the usual love/hate.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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  • 178 weeks
    Only a couple hours to go (for me)

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    This... certainly has been a year. Lots of bad things happened. Lots of bad things are going to continue happening.

    I don't want to dwell on it.

    Instead, I'd like to take the time to reflect on some of the good things that I experienced this year. In no particular order.

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  • 182 weeks
    Smol Update

    December is here, the stores are playing Silver Bells, and this site's Jinglemas 2020 event has officially started.

    I've gotten my prompt and made my outline. I just need to buckle down and write the thing.

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  • 183 weeks
    Oh Shit November

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I f***ed up · 2:34am Jun 24th, 2017


full story below the break:

so, everybody probably knows about my youtube channel. if you didn't- hey, I have a youtube channel!

well, one of my videos got me a copyright strike and it was deleted. unfortunately, this happened a bit after i'd uploaded it, and I had already deleted the file form my laptop to free up precious space. and I deleted the deleted file from by recycling bin. :facehoof:

I wanted to get the file back so I could do a google drive re-direct, the usual, but every program I found online was something that A) had to be payed for and B) was expensive for something i'd maybe use twice.

so I went ahead and made stupid mistake #2. I went to a website that I had used before- I got my very nice video editor from there. it was a program that I should have payed for, but I found a crack on the website that gave it to me (up to a certain version) for free. I've had that editor for a year plus, never had a problem. I thought I could trust the website. anybody reading think that was the case?

if you said no, congratulations, you get a cookie. no you don't, I ate them all. ha ha ha!

I downloaded a program against my windows defender's advice, and ran it. surprise surprise, it was a trap. it started downloading a bunch of garbage I didn't want, made my computer 10 times slower in about 5 seconds.

mistake number 3. I panicked. I did a hard shut down. then I tried to restart the damn thing. hooooooo boy.

mistake number... i'm gonna call it 3.5. upon restarting, it refused to boot properly. it brought up a recovery menu. now, instead of doing the sensible thing and immediately going to a computer expert, I tried to fix it myself. I tried to do a partial reset.

I ended up deleting my operating system.

once I figured out that my laptop was well and truly fucked, I went through a complete breakdown for at least a couple hours. after I stopped crying in the corner, I realized I could use my phone to google computer repairs. I found a nice little place close to me with good reviews, so I decided to give it a shot.

thank every deity you can name, the guy who runs the place actually knows what he's doing, and he was able to recover all the files I wanted and or needed. he was then nice enough to give me a windows 10 recovery disk and walk me through the process of restoring my computer. after several hours, i'm now back to about 95%. i'm missing a few things, especially my internet links, and the disk was actually newer than my windows 10 had been before, so I have to get used to that... but my foul up has been fixed. it's taken about 3 days of my time, and prevented me from doing any work on plp episode 6 or my youtube videos, but at this point i'm just happy to have a working laptop again.

the lesson is:

yeah, yeah I know.

Comments ( 3 )

fuck up number 4 you sent your computer to be fixed without clearing your browser history

I haven't searched porn in weeks, but when I Did I used "in private" browsing. As for clop stories... I read them for the plot :raritywink:

Unless you mean my passwords and such. In that case, I trust the guy, and I had nothing on it worth stealing. what's he gonna do, write weird stuff on my Facebook page?

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