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Y-Wing fighter carrier design · 9:35pm Jun 23rd, 2017

So, as you know I love the Y-Wing. And I'm now in the beginning stages of designing a Y-Wing fighter carrier. As in, a carrier designed to launch, repair, refuel, rearm and maybe even create and deploy new Y-Wings. To be clear, it is NOT this:

But it might be something similar. Probably not; not too fond of having them just docked to the outside- too vulnerable, not enough versatility. An interior launch bay and storage racks are probably the best option. Oh, I'm excited about this one but the creative process is a slow one. Especially when you presently lack both the tools, talent and skills necessary to bring said creative vision to life. That being said, I'm very happy about the name of MY design. The one posted above is called the "escort frame" and was commissioned by some other guy on an artist's guild site or something. Looks pretty cool, non-canon as fuck though, even in Legends, not that canon matters.

So, MY version will be designed to launch the Y-Wings I designed: the BTL-M9 Y-Wings from the stories I wrote. Now, those aren't drawn in anywhere yet except inside my own mind. Cue Patrick thinking about a milk carton falling over.

The awe-inspiring beauty and mystery of the intangible workings of comprehension, genius made manifest within the incorporeal confines of conscious thought.

Anyway, I wrote this because while I don't have a specific design yet I've chosen, I have a few in mind and what I'm really happy about is the name: I call this new Y-Wing carrier the Fighter Utility Carrier Y-Wing Escort Ship. I'm willing to omit the first part of it if it's too offensive in... whatever I decide to use it for. Wanted to put it all here so it's out there. It may or may not be in some of my stories, but I'll probably find somewhere to squeeze it in. Tell me what you guys think- you like the name? You have a better name in mind? You want to be the first one to name the production model or prototype, let me know. Always open to new stuff.

Comments ( 6 )

That carrier even looks useless, without armament or visible shielding. It quite frankly looks like a docking ring for hyperspace travel, which is silly given that Y-wings already have hyperdrives. This actually more resembles a refueling station.

That's one of the criticisms of it and why I feel compelled to make a better one. Other than extending the operating range of half a squadron, it doesn't appear to have any other use. What I'm wanting to design is a real carrier, one that can support a squadron both logistically and tactically with an array of long-range weapons and ordinance.

The goal is to create a ship that can maintain and support a full squadron of Y-Wings for quite a duration- maybe a year and half or longer without additional support, if necessary. I'm also going to try to do the same with TIEs and X-Wings, get them some dedicated light carriers as well.


Any ol carrier could do that.

Anyone except that flying gas can. This is going to be a small carrier to support a maximum of 15 ships, crew of 6, 21 with pilots. It's going to be able to fit 15 Y-Wings inside it in special storage racks. The gas can might not even be manned. This will be a lunchbox clubhouse, not a gas can.


That's not really even a carrier. Just a refueling craft

Exactly. So I'm making a real carrier.

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