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Out of Context Screenshot Theater #772! · 1:13am Jun 21st, 2017

Season 3 of AMC's Better Call Saul ended last night. Below the cut, I'll share some closing thoughts on this pivotal season.

Whoo. Wow. Holy shit.

So a lot of things happened this season. We saw the groundwork laid for Jimmy McGill to become Saul Goodman, as well as his first use of the name (ironically NOT as a lawyer). We saw the beginning of Mike Ehrmantraut's association with Gus Fring.

We saw Chuck's spiral of self-destruction reach its terminus, and I fucking called the HELL out of that ending. When during the first half of the season, photographs Jimmy had Mike take of Chuck's house showed a lantern on a stack of newspapers, I knew that would become important later. When the episode titles for the full season went up, and the finale's title was "Lantern", I predicted Chuck would manage to burn his house down with that stupid lantern.

I appear to have been right.

Of course, we won't know until season 4 whether or not Chuck managed to kill himself in a house fire, but I know we're all hoping to God he did. Because as much of an asshole as Chuck was in season one? He managed to top that in season three, especially in the finale where he went off on a rant to Jimmy that, in my opinion, makes him completely irredeemable.

You do not treat your blood like that. Ever.

Oh, and we also saw, finally, how and WHY Hector Salamanca went from old but spry vulgar Cartel asshole to pants-shitting bell-ringing invalid in so short a time. He had some help. Nacho's just lucky his scheme didn't manage to actually kill Hector, or he'd be in the body bag right next to him--not from the Salamanca family's revenge, but from Gus Fring, who would have been FURIOUS if he'd been denied the pleasure of murdering Hector.

And, make no mistake, Gus knows exactly what Nacho did.

I'm worried about Kim Wexler. We know that she isn't still with Jimmy Saul later on. After what happened in the last couple of episodes, she either wised up, shed him like a snakeskin, and moved on to become a successful solo attorne, or she's going to spiral into sloth and self-loathing and, well...

Let's just say I think something more than her arm broke in that car crash. Something a lot harder to mend.

So where do we go from here? Season 4 has so much to do, still, to bring us forward in time to Breaking Bad. Here's just some of what I'm predicting:

- Obviously, we'll find out Chuck's fate. I'm banking on him having died in that fire. If not, he's absolutely going to be institutionalized. Hope he didn't cash that check!

- Jimmy will legally change his name to Saul Goodman.

- We'll see the crippled shell Hector becomes, and in all likelihood, there will be a reckoning--it's inevitable the Salamanca family will find out Hector had some help falling apart physically, and Nacho's ass is grass when that happens.

- Fring's meth empire will expand, and we'll see more of Mike and Lydia.

- It's likely we'll get cameos from more Breaking Bad characters in the final two seasons of Better Call Saul. Hank's a given. Might see Jesse or even Walter in minor cameo roles before all is said and done--Jesse in his early "Captain Cook" days, Walter as just a normal guy wandering around town being a normal guy. Might also see some minor criminals from BrBa, such as Windy, Spooge, Badger, Combo, and Skinny Pete.

There's still a lot of the story of Saul Goodman left to tell, and I'm eagerly awaiting season four.

Comments ( 11 )
Wanderer D

"Despite her friends' obvious attempts at getting rid of her, Pinkie Pie refused to go away, and pretended to be happy, ignoring the pain within... and outside. This way, she would tell herself silently, they would eventually appreciate her."

" addicted? Who said I was addicted? I can drop it whenever I want."


" sticky berries, be careful they grow on you. "


" I really should've thought this through before asking that guinie for the duplicate whatever I have in my hooves infinitely wish. "


"Want one?!"

Earth pony seedpods developed many defensive adaptations over the course of their evolution. In these peaceful times, most earth mares just wish they could behave like normal mammals.

The face of someone about to be blown up by an insanely over needed amount of sticky bombs.

What episode is this one from?

"Pshaw! No way I'm allergic to these prickle burrs. I always swell up like this when I'm happy. Say, is anyone else finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden?"

I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is Jackass!

looks like Pinkie Pie couldn't LEAF well enough alone...
...I deserved that


I might need new glasses. Pinkie Pie looks a little burry.

Maud: "Pinkie, you shouldn't use those for acupuncture."
:pinkiecrazy: "It's how I do it."

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