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Today's Episode · 6:11pm May 20th, 2017

Spoilers below if you haven't seen today's episode of "Who Has the Biggest Idiot Stick?".

Yay! They released a Celestia episode, only it wasn't a Celestia episode. No, no, she's not worthy to get one for her. Nope. Because you see, Starlight Glimmer has to be her usual 'I'm going to do what I want and not bother with the consequences' shtick. This is getting old. So very, very old.

This is a redeemed character? One that doesn't learn from her past mistakes? Combine it with a pair of sisters who didn't learn from their own past mistake which resulted in Nightmare Moon the first time they wound up fighting? You know, the one that made Celestia banish her sister into the moon for a thousand years where she had time to relive every day (and possibly every night in her dreams) that traumatic event? Was the banishment nothing more than an extended version of the Treaty of Versailles?

My God. I'm dumbfounded this was the best the writers could come up with. The episode is so monumentally stupid that a thousand years of pain and regret is brushed aside with basically "Nope, nothing changed. Not one lesson was learned from a pair of sisters hurting each other to the point to where the pain was not only physical, but mental." This episode was essentially two sisters being idiots. Two ancient, powerful beings that control the sun and the moon being absolute idiots. One would think Luna would have a special rapport with foals because of Nightmare Night (everyone remembers her little breakthrough episode, I hope). One would think, because of all her years looking into the dreams of children she would know how to interact with them. Celestia, on the other hand, should have already had the experience with running the night given she already had a thousand years of experience under her belt by this time. When did she suddenly become clueless?

Now, I love the characters of Celestia and Luna. Sure they are flawed characters, but to the point of being morons? The only way they could solve this issue was by Starlight Glimmer swapping their cutie marks (against their will...I sense a theme here).

This was not a princess episode. This was a 'Look how OP Starlight is!' episode. This is why I don't like Starlight. They made her too powerful and with that power came a lack of responsibility. This is what drives me nuts about her. She doesn't think. She just 'follows her gut'. This is a terrible, dangerous thing to have in a combination. Take a look at her dream: it was not from Celestia or Luna. This was her thoughts; that the princesses are monsters. She projected what the princesses really were in her mind. Monsters waiting to happen. Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker just waiting in the shadows to leap forward and make everything a living Tartarus. This was Starlight's deepest, darkest nightmare, her perceptions of the diarchy of Equestria. And neither sisters caught on to that.


Ain't that a hoot?

Sigh...I was really hoping for a good Celestia/Luna episode. But no, we got three idiots making assumptions and showing that the past mistakes are only remembered when its convenient and forgotten in order to show off how OP one unicorn is over two ancient alicorns.

If people enjoyed the episode, I'm glad you did. I'm sure you had a wonderful time. The episode did have its moments, but in the end, I felt utter disappointment for the execution of the whole thing.

That being said, I'm going to plug 'Seven Year Twitch' because we're back to Celestia not having an episode yet. We've had plenty of Starlight Glimmer is OP as Hell episodes as it is.

So Hasbro, I'm still waiting.

Report Scarheart · 539 views · Story: Seven Year Twitch ·
Comments ( 32 )

From the little I know about the character, Starlight Glimmer seems to make people have a lot of.... varying opinions.

Starlight might have been in the episode and switched the Sisters cutie marks(and to be honest, I think they needed that) but the ponies taking the spotlight this time are the sisters themselves while Starlight takes backseat. Honestly, this was a rather good episode and I'll admit that the Freaky-Friday flip has probably been done to death but it wasn't done in a typical way and this episode could have been executed in a horrible manner but it wasn't. Make no mistake, I still don't like SG but I'm going to defend her this time around.

4540204 Her character is polarizing. Lots of people are willing to pooh-pooh her mistakes and shrug it off. I see her character as teaching kids it's okay to do things without thinking out the consequences of their actions, because they'll still get forgiven for it. Starlight has never been punished for anything she has done to this point. She is not learning from her mistakes.

4540214 Well, I'll just have you think on this for a sec: Starlight had to be rescued from her own nightmare. Glad you enjoyed it. I was glad to see Luna and Celestia interacting as sisters, but I was hoping they would be more intelligently written.

4540204 You can thank whoever wrote "The Cutie Re-Mark" for that.

Yeah...getting real tired of Starlight throwing around morally questionable spells with zero consequences. It was stupid when she got away with stealing cutie marks and time wrecking Equestria several times over, and it's still stupid now. The one time TWILIGHT did something like that, Celestia was all up in her face about it.

Agreed, too many loopholes and OOC sisters here for me. Nope, don't like Daybreaker either. Midnight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon kick her butt any day for evil adorableness. Is Twilight having a mental breakdown? One good spot, Celestia almost had a Technicolorâ„¢ rainbow moment.

Ever since the synopsis came out I'd been calling that it wasn't going to be a very good princess episode, but another bad Starlight episode. I was right.

see this is the reason i stopped watch the show after season three.
i get to watch people raging at the new episodes without being an inconceivable rage monster myself.

i get to see people giving themselves a blood clot without any of the work, the writers are trolling you all for me.

it's hilarious.

but they're also taking my job.

4540269 Might I direct you to the unemployment line? :trollestia:
I don't mind if people enjoy seeing the rage. I aim to please.

4540277 oh no, the profession of trolling is strictly volunteers only.
which is why i find it weird that a company is trolling in an attempt to earn less money, which is normally the opposite of a company's goal.

oh and for the starlight being overpowered and kind of a twat thing, the only way i could see that ever working was if she gets her ass handed to her by somebody significantly weaker than her but much more clever, and have her ass saved somebody incredibly unimportant possibly by accident.

maybe getting her ass saved by applejack's dog will bring her ego down.

This was Starlight's deepest, darkest nightmare, her perceptions of the diarchy of Equestria. And neither sisters caught on to that.

Actually, this makes some sense.

Starlight, when she got the power she had, abused the shit out of it.

People like that will assume other people do the same thing. That the way they react to having power is the way others react.

So Starlight is projecting the fact that she has tyrannical tendencies onto the princesses. She's afraid they'll be like her.

The show has an unusually high amount of times when Starlight's inner shitty nature like this comes out.

4540278 Wutda tartarus is that mess? Someone playing funny buggers on 4Chan with photoshop.
orig06.deviantart.net/c7e9/f/2017/123/9/6/boulder_stinkeye__by_lynx318-db806tr.jpg Snerk.

4540306 It's terrifying.

I can't decide if this is on purpose, in that the showrunners actually have a fantastically good grasp of Starlight's character, or purely accidental "we need some way to move the story forward" that the showrunners threw in and it just so happens to work right with her.

Maybe something subconsciously "right" about it, which they chose over other options?

4540357 I wouldn't mind it so much if the writing wasn't so sloppy.

Sounds like it was exactly as bad as I predicted. When do we get the episode where they kill off Sueglimmer? And finally an appropriate Celestia episode?

I'll admit I have never watched watched the show, but even I think the fact that she essentially got away with brainwashing an entire town to pretty bullshit.

Also a slightly OT question, but did you remove Bug Pony Horse Waifu Takes Over The World?

Huh? I can see it just fine in Scarheart's listed stories.
As for the episode... I haven't seen it yet. Here are some facts:

I find Freaky Friday plots generally boring, I think Starlight gets too much screentime or at least too much screentime with characters who should spend time with somepony else, I think Starlight should face some serious consequences for when she screws up and not have everypony shill her like crazy, I would hate to see the Royal Sisters not "appreciate" one another for stupid reasons like Luna thinking Celestia is a showboat attention hog, and I deeply dislike the explanation that Celestia keeps losing because she's always holding back.

So, er... should I get my hopes up at all? :rainbowderp:

4540567 Check your mature settings.

4540729 There are some good moments for the princesses. Watch the episode for yourself and see what you think of it.

It's not the best but I would say it isn't that bad either. I usually try not to expect too much from it, so I take it for what it is. I found some good points in this episodes.

Mainly how issues that have driven siblings or even family apart, can still linger even after family member reconcile, still poisoning the relationship. Seen it on other people & have experience it myself. Usually because people will revert to some extent to their old habits, not overtly as before but a bit more conspicuous, whether they know it or not is another question. Than you have pride from one or both keeping from seeing the problem, the injured party can also fall in petty "getting even" to perceived slights, imagined or not. And how one or both will play the victimhood card trying to explain how "they try so hard" to be a changed person, but it's the other "who's not doing their part".

I can see why the map chose Starlight Glimmer, she's brash , very forward, & she doesn't have the bias with the Princesses as Twilight (or even the other five) , especially with Princess Celestia. So in a way she was a neutral party so to speak.


I can see why the map chose Starlight Glimmer, she's brash on forward & she doesn't have the bias with the Princesses as Twilight (or even the other five) , especially with Princess Celestia. So in a way she was neutral party so to speak.

I can see that. On the other hand, the whole thing was sloppy. There was a golden opportunity to paint Starlight in a positive light and they blew it because they (the writers) can't let her learn from her past mistakes and basically repeat her habit of constantly mucking it up.

True, she can never learn from her mistakes. I wonder if that's her trait, stubborn & never learning.

But definitely the episode could be done better. Especially this current season, I have the impression that it may be losing some consistency, for example the previous episode where Big Macintosh was falling in love with Marble Pie. With that weird but cute "Yup" & "Mm-hmm" conversation they were having. Now it seems he's going for Sugar Belle...

Seeing a copy of the Royal Problem, this episode made Celestia more like a nagging aunt for anything else to say... that I did not like... It was bad enough she was easily defeated by Chrysalis, I at least chocked it that Celestial couldn't use her full power because of everyone else present, the dangers of hurting them if she did.

But still, Starlight Glimmer has show a consistent ability of messing other pony's cutie marks & personalities, especially when doing it her way. She's too dominant.

Sorry for my bad grammar from my previous comment, always miss a few...:twilightoops:

Whoops thanks. I derped a bit there.

Hmm About Starlight nightmare... Let's remember that Twilight was REALLY freaking out about the fear of a Nightmare Moon scenario.
It is not so surprising that Starlight gets such a dream... It seems that more or less EVERYBODY is REALLY afraid that the sisters could crack up and go tyrant...


Mainly how issues that have driven siblings or even family apart, can still linger even after family member reconcile, still poisoning the relationship.

I even have a little experience with this, as well, to back it up. You may save your sibling from drowning, but that doesn't mean they'll be grateful for that for the rest of their life and that you won't butt heads constantly.

don't know about you but for me twilight-mini-dancer was great... but nothing beats Day Breaker... great celestia

4543987 I'll admit she was pretty epic, even if she was created in Starlight's mind.

4544138 dreams are the best things... this is how we have princess big mac

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