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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Price and Profit · 8:08pm May 19th, 2017

So I learned something rather embarrassing a week ago.

Since the release of Colony, one of the more common questions I've received from fans about it has been "How should I purchase your book in order to make sure you get the largest cut of money?" Which is actually a pretty valid—and thoughtfully appreciated—question. This question comes from a reader who isn't just concerned that they read a book, but that the author of said book is able to support themselves to the next one. Some of you may be scratching your heads even so, though, thinking to yourselves "Wait, I thought it was just an ebook?" Well it is, but there are two ways you can acquire it.

The first is to simply impart money to Amazon.com ($7.99 in this case, unless there's a sale going) for a digital, DRM-Free copy of Colony. And for many readers, that's what they do. However, I'm also a fan of putting my books up on Amazon's Kindle Unlimited Program, which is kind of like a Netflix for books, and that means that it's also available to those paying for the KU program to read whenever they want. Now, KU pays authors, but the question from these readers is "Which way pays you more?"

And it turns out, in giving my answer, I screwed up.

Chuckle at my mistakes—and the revelations they contained—with the rest of this post over at Unusual Things!

Comments ( 2 )

Wow. Had no idea I'd read a 1,700 page epic. :rainbowlaugh:

And good to know that Amazon Bookflix pays by the page read. And deliciously ironic on how that pricing scheme works out for you.

And I had no idea I'd written one! :rainbowlaugh: I always said I'd do my best to outdo Brandon. I may not be beating his sales, but I can check off another spot where I am "winning" (quotes because it's not really a real contest, just a fun benchmark). I double his wordcount, now I've beaten his pagecount! Ha ha! Success is surely to come!

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