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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.

More Blog Posts22

  • 5 weeks
    Digimon Codex Suggestions.

    Hey everyone. As you know, Digimon Codex's first story has ended. And yes, there will be a second story at some point in the future.

    This blog is because I'm opening myself up to suggestions from you guys about OC Digimon. If any of you have an idea for a fanmade Digimon, I'd like to hear it. But there's also something else I really want to hear your ideas on. Digi-Xros.

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  • 15 weeks

    Our stories are at risk. One of the moderators is cracking down on stories that use similar plots from other unrelated series. This puts a lot of stories at risk of being deleted. But we can stop this. Please sign this

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  • 79 weeks
    MLP Star Wars

    Hey everybody. So, wanted to ask a question for many of my readers.

    My sister's been getting me to watch a bunch of Star Wars shows like the Clone Wars, Rebels and the Bad Batch. Good shows, I'll admit. Anyway, she also asked if I had any intention of one day doing an MLP Star Wars story. I wanna know if that's something you guys would enjoy.

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  • 121 weeks
    Flash Sentry Pokemon Win Record

    Hey all. So a commenter of mine recently sent this to me and I enjoyed reading it and finding out what it meant, so I've decided to let you all read it as well. The commenter's agreed to let me show you as long as I don't tell you who it was. Everything after the line is what he wrote so, enjoy.

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  • 135 weeks
    Five Year Celebration

    Greetings my friends. Well, it's been five years and over 250 chapters since I first released the Element of Courage. And in that time, we've had a lot of fun. We've laughed, we've cried and we've gotten really angry. And now, to celebrate, my editor Kingjoltik and I have each compiled our ten favourite chapters of the Flash Sentry Chronicles series. First, Kingjoltik's picks. Take it away bud.

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Pokemon Harmony and Chaos Pokedex · 1:28pm May 18th, 2017

Hey guys. It was suggested that I should make a new blog featuring all my future Pokemon Stories Pokemon, so here it is.

1/Thawn/grass fawn pokemon/grass
Usually found in forests, Thawn's strong legs allow it to reach 40 miles an hour. Because of their amazing speed and agility it is almost impossible to catch this pokemon in a forest.

2/Chitaleaf/new leaf pokemon/grass/LV18
When in conflict, Chitaleaf charge at one another and lock their horns together. It's theorised that herds of Chitaleaf are led by the one with the largest horns.

3/Stagrowth/forest antler pokemon/grass/LV36
Stagrowth's horns are constantly growing. To prevent them from growing to heavy, this Pokemon carves them on trees. It's said that the horn debris takes root and become new trees.

4/Hisscor/hissing pokémon/fire/poison
Hisscor's whole body radiates heat. Because of this they hunt in particularly cold areas, where their prey is attracted to them and once close enough they strike.

5/Anahakka/boa Pokémon/fire/poison/LV18
This Pokemon has two internal sacks, one for fire and one for poison, which it can switch between in an instant allowing it to either burn or poison their foe depending on the need.

6/Vipeacon/viper Pokémon/fire/poison/LV36
When hunting, this Pokemon wraps itself around its enemies and then lights its entire body on fire. Its sharp fangs can either inject poison or light on fire depending on its battle needs.

7/Aquana/water lizard Pokémon/water
It's strength lays in its strong tail, which it uses when swimming. The fin on its head helps it detect water in even the driest location, while also helping it swim through strong currents.

8/Spranitor/water lizard Pokémon/water/LV18
Its body has grown more adept to moving on land, while its swimming ability has also grown. Wild Spranitor's have been known to help people in distress out at sea.

9/Reptidal/tidal wave Pokémon/water/LV36
When storms appear this Pokemon tests its strength by swimming straight through it. Legends speak of how many Reptidal's gather to test their strength, with the winner gaining the title Ocean Champion

10/Chopmunk/gnawing pokemon/normal
Using its sharp teeth it cuts off tree branches, which it uses to decorate its burrow homes.

11/Munkarve/razor tooth pokemon/normal/LV20
Its super sharp teeth can cut through some metals. Because of this, these Pokemon a renowned for being partnered with craftsmen of all types.

12/Chickling/hatching pokemon/flying/normal
Its wing muscles grow slower then most. Because of this, this Pokemon takes longer then any other Pokemon to learn to successfully fly.

13/Wingust/gust pokemon/flying/normal/LV15
When migrating, Wingust glides on the air currents to conserve its energy. When under attack, they flock together and flap their wings to create a tornado.

14/Tornavian/tempest pokemon/flying/normal/LV30
Its powerful wings can fly through the strongest of hurricanes. A single flap of its wings is so strong, the gust it creates can flip a car.

15/Volemming/snow volt pokemon/electric/ice
It lives in areas where snow fall is common. In the wild it lives in snowbanks which it hollows out using its electrical abilities.

16/Instick/stick insect pokemon/bug/grass
To protect itself from predators, it hides in large bushes where it's stick like body can camouflage.

17/Movine/plant moth pokemon/bug/flying/LV20
When hunting it camouflages itself into the flora and uses its vine like tendrils to grab its prey.

18/Wizentice/magic trick pokemon/psychic
An amateur magician, who uses it's psychic abilities to preform illusions. Many Wizentice like to work together to increase the power of the magic.

19/Magitual/ritual pokemon/psychic/LV21
This Pokemon can manipulate energy to simulate magic. It has a duel personality that switches between shy and mischievous, but no matter what it never reveals it's face.

20/Sagic/sage pokemon/psychic/LV42
Legend says that a Magitual that lives for a thousand years, can become this great magician that has mastered all forms of magic. Legend also says that this Pokemon's wisdom is sort after by philosophers.

21/Crawlder/rock climbing pokemon/rock
Usually found in rocky caves, it climbs walls using its razor sharp feet to dig into the rock. The small horn on its head is used for defence and to mark its territory

22/Spikorn/rock spike pokemon pokemon/rock/LV22
Its body is so large it can no longer climb walls. In protects itself using the spikes on its body to ward off attackers.

23/Stalorn/tusk pokemon/rock/LV44
Its now much larger body can allow it to smash through walls, which it uses to create labyrinth like tunnels it calls home.

24/Bladin/sharp nose pokemon/water/steel
Its body is coated in a steel like armouring which it can use for both offence and
defence. Despite this it's incredibly fast, able to reach speeds of up to fifty knots an hour.

25/Piercish/piercing pokemon/water/steel/LV28
This Pokemon attacks by moving through the water at high speed and striking the opponent with its steel-like nose.

26/Pipple/apple pokemon/grass
It feeds itself by connecting its stem-like appendage to trees, allowing it to absorb nutrients. The higher the tree, the more nutrients it gains.

27/Orchardacre/orchard pokemon/grass/leaf stone
This Pokemon wanders the land looking for dead places which it cares for until a forest is born. It is said that the apples that grow on it become Pipple when they fall.

28/Breezie/breeze rider pokemon/fairy/bug
They Pokemon cannot fly on its own, requiring a strong wind to do so. It rides the winds to transport pollen from tree to tree, which helps them grow stronger.

29/Bunnop/rabbit pokemon/normal
This Pokemon is known for it's temper, making befriending it difficult. It's powerful legs allow it to run at super high speeds for long periods of time.

30/Bunounce/high jumper pokemon/fighting/friendship
This Pokemon's powerful legs, allow it to leap great distances and attacks with powerful kicks. It loves to pick a fight with anything bigger then itself, though it also hates losing.

31/Tockwork/clockwork pokemon/steel/psychic
An artificial Pokemon made long ago, has a perfect sense of time. It is often used in factories or other types of work buildings to help keep schedule.

32/Stegolate/spine pokemon/rock
Dying out over 155 million years ago, Stegolate used the spines on their backs to radiate their temperature.

33/Stegoliath/iron spine pokemon/rock/steel/LV40
These mighty ancient Pokemon's rock like spines, have moulded into a strong metal. In battle they can launch these spines at their opponents.

34/Armadiload/shell pokemon/rock
In ancient times, this Pokemon's shell was as hard as a rock. To protect itself it curled itself into a ball and rolled around, following its nose to search for food.

35/Ankyload/iron shell pokemon/rock/steel/LV40
Its whole body covered in hardened skin, but it also has hard protuberances coming out all over. Therefore, its charge attack has extraordinary destructive power.

36/Opeline/jewel cat pokemon/dark
Usually found in cities, this Pokemon can make the jewels on its body glow to ward off predators at night. They love shiny things and will often steal anything that catches their attention.

37/Mellow/sugar candy pokemon/fairy
This Pokemon moves by bouncing its body around. Because their so soft, people love to hug them despite usually ending up a sticky mess.

38/Mellowmarsh/sugar candy pokemon/fairy/trade with Zinc
It super squishy body is almost impossible to damage, but its own physical attacks are also weakened. Anything that tries to hit it, will end up stuck to it.

39/Starider/star spider pokemon/bug/dark
The star on this Pokemon's back in an indicator of its age. The larger the star, the older the Starider. It can create a silk so strong, a single strand could hold up a bus

40/Ghouwail/wailing pokemon/ghost
When threatened, this Pokemon can release a high power sonic wail. Long exposure to this sound can course severe hearing damage to anyone withing a hundred feet of it.

41/Banshriek/scream pokemon/ghost/LV24
This Pokemon hates loud noise, so it drowns them out with its own. It prefers living in abandoned buildings where noise is rare.

42/Redog/wandering pokemon/ground
This Pokemon is known for travelling the land in search of a trainer to be its master, who it will obey with unquestioning loyalty.

43/Terragon/tiny terror pokemon/dragon/flying
Because they are small these Pokemon live in flocks. There are over fifty known colours of this Pokemon recorded.

44/Beakula/chemical pokemon/poison
This Pokemon can produce and mix any chemical it desires, meaning it is often used by healers to create potions and antidotes.

45/Cauldrula/chemical pokemon/poison/LV25
Its body is a chemical vat, which it uses to store multiple chemicals to use when the occasion is needed.

46/Acidron/cauldron pokemon/poison/LV35
Acidron eats many different herbs, which its body burns down and mixes to the concoctions in its body to make even better potions.

47/Oakid/young tree pokemon/grass
This playful Pokemon loves to have fun with anything or anyone willing to play with it. Because of this they often find themselves in trouble.

48/Oaking/grand tree pokemon/grass/leaf stone
Oaking are known as The Lord of the Forest. They claim forests as their territories and will protect it and the Pokemon that live there from any danger.

49/Scampie/thief pokemon/dark/flying
Usually found in cities these Pokemon are attracted to anything that shines, which it will steal to decorate its nest in an attempt to attract a mate.

50/Pitchawk/pitch black pokemon/dark/flying/LV31
Mostly active at night, Pitchhawk's black feathers help it blend into the darkness before striking with tremendous force. The hood over its head, is used to conceal its face in the darkness.

51/Gumigator/toothless pokemon/water/normal
Because it has no teeth, it uses it powerful long tongue to wrap around its food and crush it into paste. It's large eyes allow it to see far, even underwater.

52/Brawloey/kick boxing pokemon/fighting
Though young this Pokemon's powerful muscles can allow it to strike with over ten thousand PSI. This Pokemon is often targeted as opponents, by wild Bunounce.

53/Clobberoo/mega kick pokemon/fighting/LV27
In battle Clobberoo randomly thrashes its arms, feet and even tail to strike the opponent down. Trainers beware, this Pokemon is highly dangerous when angry.

54/Torpeller/air tortoise pokemon/rock/flying
Due to an immense desire to flight, its shell adapted to become a propeller like appendage it uses to lift itself off the ground.

55/Soartoise/air tortoise pokemon/rock/flying/LV30
It's entire body is a powerful wind generator that can create currents of over a 100 miles an hour.

56/Abearab/cute bear pokemon/normal
Its adorable appearance is its greatest weapon. It seeks out campers and uses its cute charm to make them give it food.
57/Grizzor/Grizzly pokemon/normal/Lv28
Its body is clearly massive and its fangs and claws conceal lethal potential. Although its appearance is ferocious, it possesses a kind spirit.

58/Timbark/dark forest pokemon/grass/dark
Legend speaks of how this Pokemon was born in the darkest forest, where evils came together and summoned fallen trees to give it form. It's breath is so bad, that you can smell it from a mile away.

59/Lizash/flame lizard pokemon/fire
While still in its egg, Lizash's parents incubate them by burying the egg in hot ash. When it hatches Lizash then eat the ashes to help ignite their inner fire.

60/Blazard/flame lizard pokemon/fire/LV24
Blazard uses a magnesium flame which can reach temperatures of up to 3000 °C. They can usually be found in mountainous areas where they can mine the magnesium needed.

61/Blazegon/flame dragon pokemon/fire/dragon/hold Dragonheart Orb day
When a Blazard thinks it is worthy, it will seek out the legendary Dragonheart Orb to allow it to undergo the final evolution into Blazegon. Despite it wings being made out of fire it can still fly.

62/Hoppin/hop pokemon/normal
Its stubby little legs prevent it from walking properly, instead it has to hop from on location to the other.

63/Velocirush/high speed pokemon/normal/LV17
Its powerful leg muscles allow it to reach speeds of 60 mph. The wings on its back are to small for flight and instead are used to make turning at high speed easier.

64/Skeidran/proto-dragon pokemon/normal/flying/LV34
An ancient Pokemon. Though not one itself, it is said to be the ancestor of all Dragon-Type Pokemon.

65/Kelpool/river dwelling pokemon/water
Once considered to be a shape-shifting water spirit, it lives in clear pools of water with rocks for them to sunbath on.

66/Lokelpie/river dwelling pokemon/water/fairy/water stone
Living in giant lakes they communicate by singing. It is said that this Pokemon served a Legendary Pokemon, who they go to whenever they hear its voice.

67/Snocicle/hail pokemon/ice
When a strong enough wind comes, this Pokemon is picked up and thrown into the air. If enough of them are taken they can simulate a snow storm.

68/Stompice/snow feet pokemon/ice/LV25
Because their feet at so large, they often find themselves tripping over. Because of their shy nature, they are rarely seen by humans.

69/Frostorge/big-foot pokemon/ice/dark/LV40 night
This Pokemon's hostile nature make them difficult to train if caught in the wild. Their most common expression of strength, is seeing how much stuff they can break in an allotted time.

70/Crystardian/protector pokemon/rock/psychic
An ancient Pokemon, it lives to protect the royal family that lived in a lost city long ago. It wields three crystal like constructs which it battles with using its psychic powers.

71/Jesterror/phantom clown pokemon/ghost/dark
This mischievous Pokemon enjoys terrifying people, careless enough to wonder the streets after dark. It emerges from the shadows, strikes, then fades back into the nothingness.

72/Piedoom/phantom clown pokemon/ghost/dark/dusk stone
It is a strange-looking and elusive Pokemon that is completely shrouded in mystery. It wields a quartet of swords, which it juggles without fear.

73/Psychick/mental owl pokemon/normal/flying
An curious Pokemon it can often be seen in libraries. A weak flyer it can only fly short distances, another reason they enjoy living in libraries.

74/Owlolar/scholar pokemon/psychic/flying/learn Mind Force
With its powerful mind it never forgets something. Its more powerful wings
allow it to travel further distances, helping in its aim to spread knowledge and learning through out the world.

75/Higear/mechanism pokemon/steel
There are countless gears built into its body, and the gears are constantly rotating. For that reason, if even a single gear is missing, all of the gears in its body stop rotating and it becomes unable to maintain its vital functions

76/Guardroid/robot pokemon/steel/trade with Upgrade
A protector by nature, it can operate for up to twenty hours on a single charge. Because of this they are often used for guard duty, as they have no need for food or sleep.

77/Androrg/bio-mech pokemon/steel/Trade with Bio Disc
Part machine, part organism, this Pokemon's mechanical brain can solve an equation five times faster then the latest super computer.

78/Grubirth/royal grub pokemon/bug/dark
Though young its future is already predetermined. To protect itself it can release a colourless, odourless dust that can cause hallucinations.

79/Queensect/royal swarm pokemon/bug/dark/LV23 female
Living in hives, it watches over the young. Unlike Grubirth it can actually change its physical form, which it uses to hunt prey needed to feed the hive.

80/Kingsect/royal swarm pokemon/bug/fairy/LV23 male
Its destiny is always a great one. It traverses the land, allying itself with anyone worthy of its power. Its horns can give off many different spores, meaning people should be cautious when touching them.

81/Chimplug/outlet pokemon/electric
Incapable of producing its own electricity, it instead absorbs it from outer sources and stores it in its body for later use. The spike on its head acts as a lightning rod, allowing it to conduct an stray electricity.

82/Gorillamp/current pokemon/electric/steel/LV30
The gauntlets around its wrists can fire over ten thousand volts of electricity.
When angered its electrical power will explode from it, causing an electro magnetic pulse.

83/Smooze/oozing pokemon/poison/dark
Made of an unidentifiable substance, it doesn't eat and instead seeks out anything made of gold, silver or platinum. Absorbing to much at once will cause it to grow to large to control.

84/Burroworm/burrowing pokemon/ground
This Pokemon lives underground and senses the vibrations from above to know if something lays above it.

85/Douburrow/double worm pokemon/ground/LV26
Despite having two heads it only has one brain. its said if you cut it in half it will give birth to a pair of Burroworms.

86/Hydraworm/triple worm pokemon/ground/dragon/LV40
It digs by linking its three heads and spinning in a drill like way. Unlike its pre-volutions each head has its own brain, which often times end up squabbling

87/Bloxx/building block pokemon/normal
One of the weirdest Pokemon known to man, its block like body can reform into any shape for short periods of time. Despite its bulky appearance it is a gentle Pokemon who loves to play with children.

88/Lallaby/dream lamb pokemon/psychic
This Pokemon sleeps over twenty hours a day. It is said to be able to connect its dreams to those of the people around it, allowing them to speak in the dream realm.

89/Slumberam/dream sheep pokemon/psychic/LV30 high friendship
They have the ability to enter the dreams of humans, and help them overcome doubts or fears that might manifest. Being in a full fledged nightmare will weaken it.

90/Tantabagot/nightmare pokemon/dark/LV30 low friendship
This Pokemon draws power from fear and often enters the dreams of humans to cause nightmares. Because of this, it often locks horns with Slumberam.

91/Soundrop/speaker pokemon/steel/normal
It can unleash a powerful sonic burst, which it uses for both offence and defence. It loves loud music and often sneaks into concerts and other places it can find it.

92/Boomax/sub-woofer pokemon/steel/normal/LV28
Its sonic blasts are three times stronger then its prevolution. It can link itself computers and play any sound files on it.

93/Calfaze/grazing pokemon/normal/grass
It's spends eighty percent of its time grazing. It can produce seeds which it scatters as it eats, replenishing its food source. One Calfaze can spend its whole life in a single field.

94/Grattle/cattle pokemon/normal/grass/LV25
Its horns are made of a strong wood like material. It can produce over ten gallons of milk in an hour.

95/Electhor/zap pokemon/electric
Though young it can unleash a powerful electrical surge, which can shatter even the hardest of rocks.

96/Thoray/thundering pokemon/electric/LV20
Its hammer is made from a mysterious alloy. Though its can absorb and store electricity, it is not conductive.

97/Volthor/thundering pokemon/electric/thunder stone
When it swings its mighty hammer it can unleash a storm of lighting, which will rain down from the skies and strike the tallest thing there.

98/Reefincer/coral claw pokemon/water/rock
Its shell is incredibly soft, so to protect itself it attaches coral to its body to use as armouring against predators. The only things in Equestria capable of breaking through it, are Sharazor and Thrashark.

99/Starvern/star pokemon/dragon/dark
Legend tells of how it first came into being after hatching from a meteorite centuries ago. It enjoys ramming its star shaped head into trees to build its head strength.

100/Galvern/galaxy pokemon/dragon/dark/LV39
It can draw solar radiation into its body to use as fuel for its attacks. It is said that this Pokemon ascends to the stratosphere where solar radiation is strongest.

101/Suncess/sun pokemon/fairy
This Pokemon draws its strength from sunlight. If it absorbs enough solar energy and amazing thing will happen.

101/Suncess Solar Flare Forme/sun pokemon/fairy/fighting/give Solar Orb
This Pokemon draws its strength from sunlight. If it absorbs enough solar energy and amazing thing will happen.

102/Primoon/moon pokemon/dark
This Pokemon draws its strength from moonlight. If it absorbs enough lunar energy and amazing thing will happen.

102/Primoon Full Moon Forme/moon pokemon/dark/fighting/give Luna Orb
This Pokemon draws its strength from moonlight. If it absorbs enough lunar energy and amazing thing will happen.

103/Sparaken/plug tentacle pokemon/electric
Despite living in water, it is not a water type. Its five powerful tentacles can drain power from other machines before unleashing a powerful electrical surge, giving it the ability to both constrict and electrocute its opponents. If it were to run low on power, it's physical strength would deplete.

104/Skullimor/winged skull pokemon/ghost/flying
This terrifying Pokemon, uses its serpent like body to wrap itself around its enemies before it stares deep into their eyes. It is said that staring at this Pokemon to long will allow it to steal yous soul.

105/Skulerror/terror pokemon/ghost/flying/LV28
It leads hordes of Skullimor in the hunt for their next victim. It is said that this Pokemon feeds of your fear and if no one is scared of it, then it becomes weak and powerless

106/Skullvoc/havoc pokemon/ghost/flying/trade
This Pokemon is drawn to destruction and chaos. It is said that if this Pokemon appears, then mayhem is sure to follow.

107/Fridglet/snow pig pokemon/ice
Its main food source is a special kind of truffle that only grows in snowy mountains. To find them it uses its incredibly powerful sense of smell to detect them bellow the snows surface.

108/Boaraurora/snow pig pokemon/ice/ground/LV21
Its sense of smell is significantly weaker then its prevolutions, but its new physical strength makes up for it. You can often find a tag team of Fridglet and Boaraurora hunting, with Fridglet sniffing out the truffles and Boaraurora digging them up.

109/Geckoxic/poison spit pokemon/poison
It has an internal venom sack under its neck, where it builds up that poison that it then spits at its opponent.

110/Frillace/poison frill pokemon/poison/LV34
Its razor sharp frills are laced with poison. One cut can inject over half a gallon of poisons into the victims body.

111/Venomega/venom pokemon/poison/dark/hold poison gem night
Its entire body can secrete toxins, which it uses for both offence and defence. Its tongue can stretch over fifteen feet in length.

112/Stampalo/stampede pokemon/ground
This Pokemon is so powerful, that when it charges its incredible force can cause
an earthquake. The feather like appendage on its head holds a legend, that each one is earned through an act of bravery.

113/Pyroom/spicy pokemon/fire/grass
As a defence mechanism, it can release an unusual powder that causes the skin to burn. When properly prepared, the powder can be used as an ingredient for spicy food

114/Mushroast/spicy pokemon/fire/grass/fire store
It has an internal flame sack in its head. When angered or threatened, it will unleash a wildfire that burns anything around it.

115/Carbeak/metallic wing pokemon/steel/flying
Its small wings and heavy body prevent it from flying, meaning its only method of flight is to glide on powerful wind currents.

116/Steeledge/metallic wing pokemon/steel/flying/LV19
The metal on its body is a carbon fibre like composite, which is lighter and stronger then any other known metal. It can slice through trees ten feet thick with a single swipe of its wings

117/Flitanium/metallic wing pokemon/steel/flying/LV38
Its metallic feathers are so large that in the past, Equestria's blacksmiths would gather them from Flitanium nests and craft swords out of them.

118/Sharazor/sea predator pokemon/water
One of the fastest Pokemon in the ocean, it can reach speeds of two hundred knots in only eight seconds. When hunting, its razor sharp teeth allow it to cut through even the hardest of its prey's shells.

119/Thrashark/sea predator pokemon/water/LV30
Even the most docile of this Pokemon will go into a dangerous frenzy at the sniff of even a single drop of blood. Even its own trainer must take great care around it.

120/Scrapow/street fighter pokemon/fighting/dark
This Pokemon is well known for its bad temper. It lives in cities and forms gangs with other Scrapow, where they bully the citizens for food.

121/Scrapound/street fighter pokemon/fighting/dark/LV25
They test their strength through all out battle royals. They're well known for fighting dirty in order to win, caring nothing for honour or respect.

122/Scrapummel/street fighter pokemon/fighting/dark/trade
It unleashes powerful punches and kicks against its opponents. Scientists have measured the strength of its punch, to be strong enough to break through five inches of solid steel.

123/Wondor/marvel pokemon/normal/flying
A show off by nature, it loves flying in synchronised flocks to perform aerial feats. Equestrians have dubbed these Pokemon the Wonderbolts after one is said to have flown so fast, it created a sonic boom.

124/Diamalem/crystal clear pokemon/normal/rock
This mysterious Pokemon's body is in a state of flux, meaning it absorbs an unusual energy allowing it to evolve in a special way.

125/Herbarald/grass emerald pokemon/grass/rock/LV up Power Emerald
The gems in this unusual Pokemon's body, grant it Agrokinesis. It manipulates vines and trees in order to catch its prey.

126/Pyruby/fire ruby pokemon/fire/rock/LV up Power Ruby
The gems in this unusual Pokemon's body, grant it Pyrokinesis. It enjoys juggling fireballs around, but often times loses control and may set everything around it on fire.

127/Aquapphire/water sapphire pokemon/water/rock/LV up Power Sapphire
The gems in this unusual Pokemon's body, grant it Hydrokinesis. It can find water in even the most driest of areas, and as a last resort will force it to spring up through the ground.

128/Swirleye/cross eyed pokemon/psychic
It's odd eyes allow it to see in all directions. This is both a blessing and a curse, as Swirleye often end up becoming disoriented and fall over.

129/Swirlutz/clumsy pokemon/psychic/LV20
This Pokemon can often be seen falling over. Because of this, it is use to injuries meaning it is difficult to inflict much pain.

130/Frostoak/snow cloak pokemon/ice/fighting
This Pokemon lives in cold places where snow is common. The cloak it wears is a second skin it uses to defend from the cold.

131/Roglacier/snow wanderer pokemon/ice/fighting/Ice Stone
Even in the coldest of environments, it feels nothing. It wanders the frosty mountains and sometimes comes to the rescue of lost travellers.

132/Geckolar/sun gecko pokemon/fire
The spots on this Pokemon are miniature solar panels. It can often be found sunbathing, absorbing the sun's heat to gain energy. In ancient times, they were kept as pets and used to keep beds warm during the winter.

133/Solamander (Beta)/sun lizard pokemon/fire/Sun Stone
Legends says that an Geckolar that spends 24 hours in constant sunlight will evolve into this powerful creature. It is said that the higher the sun in the sky, the more powerful its flames become.

133/Solamander (Alpha)/sun lizard pokemon/fire/Sun Stone while holding Hyper Band
Legends says that an Geckolar that spends 24 hours in constant sunlight will evolve into this powerful creature. It is said that the higher the sun in the sky, the more powerful its flames become.

134/Seapent/sea snake pokemon/water
Seapent that live in ponds hunt by keeping incredibly still and pretending to be sticks. Pokemon who see them and try to use them as nest pieces end up getting struck by powerful fangs. In the ocean they live in shipwrecks and live off smaller Pokemon.

135/Leviapent/sea-serpent pokemon/water/dark/LV40
In ancient times this Pokemon was known to attack ships who got to close to its young, wrapping itself around them and dragging them down to the murky depths. It uses those ships to create homes for its young.

136/Shadusk/shadow pokemon/dark
This mysterious Pokemon can disappear into any shadow close to it. Its sneaks up on its victims and strikes with its deadly claws, before taking refuge back in the shadows

137/Tyrandark/shadow tyrant pokemon/dark/Dusk Stone
This mysterious Pokemon has power over shadows and can somehow control them, allowing its Shadusk minions to have more of an advantage in battle.

138/Squiron/squire pokemon/steel/fighting
A young Pokemon who wishes to do good deeds, it trains endlessly to perfect its skills with the blade. The iron on its body is a material stronger and lighter then steel.

139/Galladin/gallant knight pokemon/steel/fighting/LV45
A master of the blade, this Pokemon's gallant heart means it cannot walk away from anyone who needs its help. Even its worst enemy can count on it coming to their rescue

140/Dranby/baby dragon pokemon/dragon
This young and playful Pokemon has a very trusting nature. It'll want to play with anyone it meets, which often leads to trouble.

141/Rookaco/rookie dragon pokemon/dragon/fighting/LV24
This tough Pokemon, trains tirelessly to increase its strength. It can often be found in mountains, where it spends its time punching rocks until they shatter.

142/Champagoon/dragon champion pokemon/dragon/fighting/LV48
This brutal Pokemon will seek out bigger opponents, in a bid to prove its strength. Strong opponents are considered as anyone strong enough to get up after the first hit.

143/Horsearth/earth pony pokemon/ground
One of three Legendary Pokemon who protects this land in its master absence. The strongest out of its group, one kick is said to be powerful enough destroy a mountain. When it senses a great danger, it will select a human with an unbreakable will to lend its power to.

144/Pegasoar/soaring wing pokemon/flying
One of three Legendary Pokemon who protects this land in its master absence. This Pokemon can fly at such a speed it can cause a great sonic boom. When it senses a great danger, it will select a human with a noble heart to lend its power to.

145/Mysticorn/mystic horn pokemon/psychic
One of three Legendary Pokemon who protects this land in its master absence. It wields a mysterious power it was given by its master, which it uses only for good. When it senses a great danger, it will select a human with an inquisitive mind to lend its power to.

146/Alicormony/harmony pokemon/fairy/psychic
This mythological Pokemon represents all the positive energy in the world. It sleeps in its own pocket dimension until it is needed, but to make sure the world is safe it created three Pokemon to keep it safe.

147/Dischaos/chaos pokemon/dark/dragon
This mythological Pokemon represents all the negative energy in the world. It sleeps in its own pocket dimension, and awakens once every thousand years to spread its chaos and disharmony before being put back to rest by the Harmony Pokemon.

148/Centirek/cataclysmic pokemon/psychic/dark
This Pokemon is only interested in causing devastation wherever it goes. Because of this two Pokemon who were only ever enemies, chose to work together to seal it away. Should this Pokemon ever be awakened, it would cause untold destruction and nothing could possibly stop it.

149/Sirenity/melody pokemon/water/fairy
This ancient Pokemon's voice allows it to control the seas and water. Its beautiful voice has earned it the loyalty of Kelpool and Lokelpie around the world. Legend says only a person who sings the Song of the Sea, can control it and use its power however they chose.

150/Eclixie/embodiment pokemon/dark/fairy
A mysterious Pokemon, who has the power to create worm holes into other dimensions whenever there's an eclipse. To do this Eclixie must take a journey to gain solar and luna energy.

Report Banshee531 · 3,812 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

There are so many pokemon here it is hard to guess who will have which ones. Though some of the more obvious ones like the ones based on the pets and Wizentice.

My guesses of who has what, at least at the start
Applejack: Pipple, Calfaze
Fluttershy: Bunnop, Abearab, Breezie
Time Turner: Tockwork
Rarity: Opeline, Diamalem
Luna: Lullamb, Primoon,
Celestia: Suncess,
Zecora: Beakula,
Rainbow Dash: Torpeller
Twilight: Psychick
Pinkie Pie: Gumigato
Derpy: Swirleye
DJ-Pon3/Viyln: Soundrop
Sombra: Shadusk

Does it has pictures? Or image of the fake Pokémon?

Too bad. It would be nice what they look like.

Hey is there a creature like Peewee and Philomenia, you know the phoniexies? A partner for Spike...

4873106 Peewee will be showing up, but not as a phoenix.

I firguered that he wouldn't be a proper phoniex, but I can't seem to figure out what Pokemon in your region would be based on a phoniex, there's a lack of fire, flying types.

4873114 It's something that'll connect him to Spike.

Hold on. I just realized something. The three legendaries bond to humans with certain characteristics. The humans for Pegasoar and Mysticorn are obvious, but Horsearth is a little more ambiguous. I mean, Time Turner feels like the obvious choice since he's part of the main cast and in the actual show, he's an earth pony, but "unbreakable will" doesn't seem to describe him accurately enough. In fact, "unbreakable will" can describe practically anyone who is an earth pony in the show. Well, not every earth pony, of course, but a lot of earth ponies. You know what? Don't tell me anything. I mean, you wouldn't be a writer if you didn't make some info about future plot indecipherable and unpredictable.

4922114 Maybe. But don't forget, the person he's based on probably has the most unbreakable will in the multiverse. How else would they live that long without going insane.

So, out of boredom, I typed "aquana" and "pokemon" in Google search, and apparently "Aquana" is Vaporeon's German name. :twilightsheepish:

5029509 Damn. Well, names are weird in pokemon. In japan, Jolteon and Zapdos have almost the exact same name.

Stumbled onto this story today and absently clicked on the Pokedex link to find this craziness. Major props to you for coming up with a 150 unique species!

5059985 Some of them aren't exactly unique. Some are MLP creatures made it Pokemon, others are creatures from other media that I renamed into Pokemon. .

So is there gonna be a Gen 2 for the Equestria region, I would suggest as part of that be the ideas I had for the other Diamalem evolutions, since it's this region's Evee, and being an initial rock type, it can also cover the physical types.

5322481 I have no intention of doing one. If someone else wants to build of my story, they can.

have a base idea that you would share as a launching point to those who would?

5322644 Not really. I mean, my story has the entirety of Equestria as its region. It's not like Johto where there's anything left that's been hidden until now. Not sure what they'd be able to do.

Well, there are areas of the greater area Equestria is part of, Yakyakistan, Klugtown, Mt. Aris, the Dragonlands, they would be more like sub-regions, and the story could be more focused on an older Spike, maybe with the CMC and/or Student Six,

5322702 Well the Dragon-Lands are already gonna be in the story.

:ajbemused: you seem to have missed the point

It'd be incredible to see what most of these Fakémon look like, though! I would be down to play the shit out of this game, if it was playable in any way.

5568661 You should check out the game blog. That explains the story I came up with for the game so that if anyone ever wanted to make a game, they would know how the story turns out.

I don't make games, unfortunately, nor do I know people who can or have such an ability.

But, as someone who's also trying their hand at a Pokémon styled story, that involves Fan made Pokémon, I really enjoy your story and the multitude of Pokémon that you've presented. I'm gonna be reading your Pokémon Harmony and Chaos stories for a bit and maybe if you want to, you can read a bit of what my story, Pokémon Sparkling Violet, has to offer. You have a really fantastic concept for a game, where as I'm taking more of an anime styled approach to it, and thus it'll still center around the Main 6 and what their goals will be at the end.

Again, I can give you a link if you want it, it's up to you, but I really do enjoy your story, and you've got 3 whole stories about this. That's dedication, my friend.

Right on spot. Your guess are indeed correct

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