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Fixation on death aside, this is lovely —Soge, accidentally describing my entire life

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Ask Me Anything · 1:41am May 18th, 2017

It doesn't matter when you find this blog post. This AMA is active for at least the next two years.

I've always wanted to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything). And well, I just hit my 200th follower!

Now seems just as good a time as any.

So go ahead, Ask Me Anything. :twilightsmile:

I may run out of time to answer questions tonight, but they will be answered eventually.

Comments ( 23 )

I guess I can throw a few out here to get things started.

How are you liking that new job so far?

What is the best book and/or fanfic you've read recently? (Feel free to be loose with the word "recently.")

What is your current favorite not-MLP show?

Would you rather hug a pony-sized chinchilla or a chinchilla-sized pony?

What are some of your goals for the next ten years?

What scares you even though it shouldn't?

Hey J!

How are you liking that new job so far?

Ughh..... Ahhh.... I DO like it. But this transition to full time—40 hours a week—8AM to 5pm every weekday has left me in despair. It feels like I have three whole hours a day in which to be myself :/
I do like the job, I just wish it paid nearly as well as the one I was in before I had to leave my university. I took a pay decrease in desperation in order to get hired, and they haven't increased it yet. >__>
I need more career capital before moving on though, so I'll be staying there for now.

I'm getting better at talking on the telephone though! I'm the kind of person that HATES (despises, really) bothering people. But as a designer, the biggest bother I can have is in NOT designing something that people want to use. Therefore, I MUST talk to people in order to see what they want. It's a nice setup. But it does leave me in despair that the nature of modern work means that it practically has to be my life.

I want more free time D:

On the upshot. It's gotten me more decisive. I get home and I'm like: "This is the last three hours I have to myself until Saturday, what am I gonna do with it?"

What is the best book and/or fanfic you've read recently? (Feel free to be loose with the word "recently.")

I joined Starscribe's RPG campaign set in his My Little Apprentice series. So I had to blaze through that entire quadrilogy. Luckily, it really was quite good! It almost had too much going on, but it was really good. My favorite was the third book.

Also, I've been listening to the Worm audiobook project for a while now. It's managed to keep my attention at least, which is impressive for a story with over a million words.

But if we're going for, "this affected me a lot" level of stories. I'd still have to go with Death's End in the Three Body Problem trilogy.

What is your current favorite not-MLP show?

We Bare Bears.
I just wanna tag that show as "me irl" and call it a day. I feel if someone stuffed all three of the main characters personalities into a blender, they'd get me. It's a little too relatable.
I also gotta give plugs to Steven Universe and Puffin Rock and the utterly terrible but I can't stop watching, Future Card BuddyFight.

Would you rather hug a pony-sized chinchilla or a chinchilla-sized pony?

Definitely a pony-sized chinchilla. I bet that thing would be fluffier to hug than Fluffle-puff.
Though if I got to keep it as a pet afterwards, I would probably pick Chinchilla-sized pony, for portability's sake.

Hey Horizon! :pinkiehappy:

What are some of your goals for the next ten years?

Hmm... there's a lot here.

I wanna write more original fiction. I've already written a fanfic novel, I know I can do it. It's just "the resistance" blocking me from going full blast towards that goal.

I want to get really, really good at UX design. I've been told that job satisfaction doesn't really take place until you've been doing it for a few years and are really good at it. I want the career capital to eventually do Freelance UX design and therefore work from anywhere in the world. I'd like to spend six months at a time living in random parts of the world, wandering for a few years before probably returning back to where I started. Though I'd probably spend most of my time in Japan, because... well... I speak the language and I want to speak it more. I rather like the idea of the Digital Nomad, Minimalist worker presented in The Four Hour Work-Week. I still feel like I need more career capital/life experience to reach that point though.

I feel like I need a day job to keep me grounded because I don't think realistically I want to chase after the "get paid enough money to live" writing route. I like writing, surprisingly more than audiobook and video production, so I think I'll always be dabbling in writing in some way. I may end up writing a UX textbook.

There aren't any universities with UX design degree programs. With the demand the way it is, and the complete lack of education, I could realistically become a professor of UX design or something in a decade or so. That might be fun.

I still see hundreds of possible paths moving forward. It's hard to peg down a single goal. But perhaps I'm setting myself up for failure by not having a more concrete plan? I dunno. Those are my thoughts.

What scares you even though it shouldn't?

I have a crippling case of Apeirophobia—the fear of eternal life/infinity in general.
It's mostly a theological fear, though I'm sure if some rogue superintelligent AI wanted to make the human race immortal, it could happen.

It's mostly outside of my control, so it probably shouldn't bother me so much. Though the only current cure for Apeirophobia is to just... not think about it :/
I end up writing about it a lot because that's where my mind goes.


Favorite food? :pinkiehappy:

Gonna have to go with Pizza. I'm not that picky, but I do prefer the kind with an absurd amount of toppings on it. :moustache:

*bolts upright*

If the square on the hypotenuse equals the sum of the square on the other two sides, why is a mouse when it spins?

Will you write a Collab with me? Would you be interested in joining the Socialist party?

'Sup Albert!

If the square on the hypotenuse equals the sum of the square on the other two sides, why is a mouse when it spins?

Why is a mouse when it spins? That's a very good question.

I think to truly understand why a mouse when it spins, we must understand that a mouse has to be as far as decided to use even go want to do look more like. Without understanding the inherent nature of deciding how that mouse spins even go want to do look more like, I don't think I can answer this question truthfully. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hey Super Trampoline!

Will you write a Collab with me?

A collab? That might be fun!
I haven't attempted too many of these. Do we just open up a google doc together and write, or what?

Would you be interested in joining the Socialist party?

Uhhhh... not really. :twilightblush: I'm really more of a libertarian. Governments kind of scare me. Especially the all powerful kind...

If you had an MLP episode about you, what would your friendship lesson be?


If you had an MLP episode about you, what would your friendship lesson be?


Wow, that's a hard one.

Hmm... Okay, It would probably be a really weird episode where Twilight Sparkle realizes she has too many friends to realistically spend time with all of them. So it's about her trying to downgrade some of her friends to "acquaintance" status so she can at least talk to them in certain schedules, but then it all falls apart and she has a mental breakdown and just has to accept that having too many friends isn't a bad thing and is better than the alternative of when she didn't have friends at all. But then she feels bad about not spending enough time with everyone. And then the friendship lesson is that she just has to accept that that's... life?

I've got a question: What's the story you know you really want to write, but don't think you'll ever have the time/skill/patience to make?


Governments kind of scare me. Especially the all powerful kind...

Read the Bread Book

4536979 real talk if done well that would be an amazing episode

4536942 and yeah if you have any silly story ideas that could use that super trampoline touch just open up a Google doc and start writing and send it to me.

Hey Starscribe! :twilightsmile:

I've got a question: What's the story you know you really want to write, but don't think you'll ever have the time/skill/patience to make?

The deponification of The Library of Accord Trilogy.

I honestly tackled far far more than I could chew writing and especially thinking about that book and those scenarios. It ended up... okay. But it's something I'd want to return to after I've spent a long time getting better at writing. They're huge ideas, to say the least, and a deponified version would enable anyone to read it, opening the way for much more criticism.

I feel like it's the most important thing I could ever write. And so a rewrite of it would have to be done carefully.
With those kind of conditions, I can imagine myself procrastinating on it indefinitely.

I suppose I should just start on original fiction stuff.
Here's three original fiction novels I could work on.
Project #1: An alien race from a previous universe hid themselves in our digits of pi—they're quest to continue enough calculations to resurrect everyone.
Project #2: A starving, struggling writer agrees to sell the rights to his brain for cash to an AI startup. One year later, he realizes every single one of his stories has already been written by hundreds of AI copies of his brain.
Project #3: Absolutely Everyone. A single man is stuck time looped on the same day. However every time he wakes up, he's in a different body. Everyone on planet earth is just him for that day. Future versions of himself that have been alive for millions of years have gone crazy.

I just got this idea in my head of that Mulan song changed to: "How could I make a man socialist out of you?"

Woah, those projects are some neat ideas. You'll have to let me know if you ever get any of those written one day.

Thanks! I've been stewing those ideas around a lot over the years. Though I feel like I should travel the world more before I try to tackle idea #3.
And don't worry, you'll probably be a beta reader. :twilightsmile:

4537034 i work with prog dems to tankies to greens to libertarians to ancoms

How would you describe the awesomeness of alpacas?


Imagine, if you will, a fluffy horse. No— stop! You're imagining it wrong. Let me describe the majesty slowly.
Imagine, if you will, a chinchilla. It's absurdly fluffy, it's Peruvian, and it's adorable. Now imagine if that chinchilla magically turned into a llama—keep the fluffyness, but change the hair to a thick fur like a sheep.

It's as kind and nice as a creature can be.

That is the awesomeness of Alpacas.

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