• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Hello Fluttercord Fans and shipper fans alike! My name is MissKoiFishPony, but you can call me Miss Koi or Missy:) I love My Little Pony, I love to write, I love Fluttercord.

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Miss Koi Reviews "Forever Filly" · 1:27am May 14th, 2017

Guys, I feel old. Not old as in “old old”, but happy kind of old when it’s really not old but wise and profound and all that fun jazz like Betty White old :) Even though in my eyes, she ain’t old;)

What do I mean by this? Well, once again, the moral of the episode was really relatable to me and the family feels got to me and made it well even more relatable to some of my real life experiences :) Man, what’s up with this season being so true to life and the family feels?XD Anyway, it got to me cause it reminded me so much of me and my younger cousins. They just grew up so fast, and while I didn't try to recapture their youth when they got older, but I understand Rarity's sentiment at the end of the episode: My time with them while they were young was a one time experience. Now, it's time for new memories with them as their own individuals as, well, adults:)

Anyway, this episode starts with Rarity, and big surprise to me, Sassy Saddles:D

I shouldn’t be surprised to see her, after all, she works at Rarity’s Canterlot Boutique:) I guess that I’m reacting to not seeing her for awhileXD Lol! Anyway, we start with Rarity as cool as a cucumber BD

But once our favorite marshmallow starts to miss our favorite little crusader, oh boy she becomes a wet marshmallow melted mess XD With black eye-liner crying to matchXD Tehee I miss over-dramatic Rarity:3 Sorry Rarity, for taking pleasure in your painXD

After Rarity takes off for her mission to spend more time with her little marshmallow, our little marshmallow is with the other crusaders doing what they do best: Helping others find or figure out their cutiemarks:) Boy, it was great seeing this again:D Again, don't know why, but it feels like forever since we've seen them do this and plus, their little missions dealing with cutiemarks are always fun:)

Plus their wall of pictures of ponies they've helped before on the wall of their treehouse was a nice touch:)

But the main cutiemark crusader mission in this episode was Zipporwheel and her puppy Rippley (is this who you spell his name):
Boy, again, we haven't see her and her puppy in awhile:D And her return to the scene (as well as her puppy's return) was quite welcome in my eyes. I found her to be a relate-able, sweet, and just overall enjoyable because her story with her puppy really tied nicely with the overall moral of the story and brought up a nice moral we don't see too often: Kids learning to accept that their puppies/pets are growing up <3 You know, that one episode of Full House where Michelle learns to accept that her golden retriever is growing up and such;)

Haha lol sorry y'all, old reference for yaXD But hey, I'm a reference junkie, whatcha going to do with me?;) Anyway, while I never struggled with this kind of moral when I was younger with my dogs, I have known kids and adults (that's right adults) who have struggled with this and I think it's an important lesson to learn. Especially when it comes to the care and love and concern of the pet in question.

HAHA LOL, okay okay you guys, I don't know if this counts as a crack ship or not, but I found a MLP crack ship that satisfies my crazy crack ship side of my shipping self: Mr. Twisty Pop (the balloon stallion guy in this episode) and Rarity XD

Oh my gosh, what do you even call this crack shipXD? RariPop, Twistity?XD Oh my gosh, I don't even know!XD Let me know if you guys support or just plain laugh at this ship;)
While this episode wasn't a funny episode, it did have one stand out moment that will probably be in the highlight reel for Season 7 XD And I'm glad that everyone likes this moment too:3

Overall, I give this episode 8 hearts out of 10<3
Next time on Missy's Reviews:

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