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Net Neutrality is being Kicked Down Again - a rant copypasta from skype · 12:37am May 5th, 2017

Want a tl;dr?

[4:46:38 PM] Baba Daya 『Marik』: Fuckin' A, Net Neutrality has been officially struck down. It was the FCC who backed down.
...Honestly, I've been involved in this whole Net Neutrality thing that I don't know what it really entails.
[4:46:38 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: I've been hearing horror stories about how it could mean it'll become like cable television
[4:47:13 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: or that those with the biggest wallets will get the fastest "highways" while leaving the rest of us in slow traffic
[5:03:18 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: alright did some light research
[5:03:44 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: net neutrality is basically treating all web traffic equally
[5:03:58 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: ye
[4:47:13 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: or that those with the biggest wallets will get the fastest "highways" while leaving the rest of us in slow traffic
[5:03:18 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: alright did some light research
[5:03:44 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: net neutrality is basically treating all web traffic equally
[5:03:58 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: ye
[5:04:06 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: if net neutrality is gone, than the ISP company with the biggest wallets can pay for having the fastest highways
[5:05:00 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: meanwhile, net neutrality being gone means regulations on them as "telecommunications services" are gone
[5:05:30 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: as net neutrality, I believe, classifies broadband providers as such
[5:05:55 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: what does this mean exactly?
[5:06:19 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: well if regulations are gone, it could mean that big name ISPs will start charging more for their internet
[5:06:36 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: we don't even know if they'll be faster after this
[5:09:29 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: if you live in a rural area, than you can expect to pay way more than before (which is already a lot now)
[5:09:43 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: and internet gets slow out in the rural areas
[5:10:17 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: so basically everyone may suffer from net neutrality being gone, but cityfolk will have it less worse than others
[5:10:44 PM | Edited 5:14:53 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: the only people that will benefit from this is the establishment. the ISP companies
[5:14:32 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: Time to be honest.
[5:15:11 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: Neither Trump or Clinton were good candidates in regard to net neutrality
[5:15:33 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: The best candidate in that regard, was Rand Paul
[5:15:42 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: and he dropped out early
[5:17:16 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: to explain a little more about what net neutrality really means, it means that all data is treated the same as well
[5:17:42 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: no matter where that byte came from or where it's going, it's treated the same as another byte
[5:18:14 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: with that thought in mind, i'm gonna quote two paragraphs from this article
[5:18:20 PM | Edited 5:18:28 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: "America currently considers the Net to be neutral after a 2015 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision officially ordered businesses to treat it that way. The Open Internet Order mandated, among other things, that ISPs could not create “internet fast lanes” where internet traffic is prioritized based on who pays them more, nor could they throttle or block access to specific sites. That’s why you can type any URL into your browser and have data retrieved as fast as your ISP allows it, regardless of the URL.

In a world without Net neutrality, ISPs could and would weigh each byte differently. They’d be free to bill you extra for the use of streaming services such as Netflix or Spotify. They’d have more subtle power, too, like the ability to block or throttle access to sites that criticize them, or to allow access to only news media sites that share their political ideology or pay them for access."
[5:19:57 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: so the easiest consequence example of this is that if an ISP CEO hates the idea of porn, they'll block access to porn for the consumers paying for their internet service
[5:20:18 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: all data related to porn is blocked
[5:20:48 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: you know how it is in school computers, they limit access to where you can go on the internet? imagine that everywhere, on your personal computer
[5:21:40 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: oh and it might get more expensive because no net neutrality means no regulations means they're free to raise the prices. and it might get slower because if you can't afford to pay for better internet, you're left in the dust
[5:22:24 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: It's shitty all around
[5:23:40 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: very
[5:24:34 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: net neutrality isn't broken, but big name ISPs are trying to fix it for their own benefit while fucking over everyone else that can't afford it.
[5:24:56 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: and I feel powerless
[5:25:38 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: the only option that's ever offered to me was to contact my "representative" and tell them how this is an issue needed to be addressed
[5:25:41 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: but here's the thing
[5:25:53 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: i'm pretty sure my state or federal representative receives tons of different requests
[5:26:18 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: it's not likely he'll be an internet person like me
[5:26:36 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: and he can likely afford the increased cost of internet
[5:26:51 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: so why would he fucking care about net neutrality
[5:31:50 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: He does like them sweet, tasty votes though

[5:31:50 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: He does like them sweet, tasty votes though
[5:40:53 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: also for people who think there are pros for getting rid of net neutrality, shoot em back with this question: "Do you think it's better if regulations were lifted off of companies that deal with public utility such as electricity or water?"


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Comments ( 4 )

I gave up after a few lines; it's just too hard to read dude. can you clean it up a bit?

4520219 No. Here's your tl;dr.

[5:19:57 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: so the easiest consequence example of this is that if an ISP CEO hates the idea of porn, they'll block access to porn for the consumers paying for their internet service
[5:20:18 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: all data related to porn is blocked
[5:20:48 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: you know how it is in school computers, they limit access to where you can go on the internet? imagine that everywhere, on your personal computer
[5:21:40 PM] Chaotic Noote 『Real Good Hands』: oh and it might get more expensive because no net neutrality means no regulations means they're free to raise the prices. and it might get slower because if you can't afford to pay for better internet, you're left in the dust
[5:22:24 PM] Flanagan The ಠ_ಠ: It's shitty all around

4520225 Oh, that again? I'm sure the internet is going to rise up yet again and beat it down into submission. If it gets passed, people will have a very legitimate reason to riot.

4520234 Yeah this is like the second or third time we had to deal with this bullshit. Last time, it was SOPA.

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