• Member Since 12th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 23rd, 2017

Sean Shamrock

Who gives a shot anymore my stories suck and none of them are good, not to mention I have no reason to call myself an author or writer

More Blog Posts102

  • 347 weeks
    I'm Back!!!

    Yes after a LONG ass time I've finally returned to where it all began. Some of my followers may be wondering "Where the hay did you go"? Well to put it simple I dropped off the face of the earth because I let assholes on the fimfic discord govern my writing. Well not anymore Sean Shamrock is back baby and I'll be writing stories again the way I want, see I kept writing to make others happy with

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  • 362 weeks
    I Need Help!

    Ok so I've been battling with myself for the past few days on what to do, I'm canceling Conaterlot Chronicles because I feel as if I don't have a comfortable grip on a 3rd person story. So in the mean time I'm gonna continue the Romantic Equestria Romamce Series.

    Now here comes the question; WHO DO YOU GUYS WANNA SEE NEXT?

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  • 362 weeks
    Canterlot Chronicles on Hiatus

    Its on Hiatus until I can figure out how I want to advance the plot XD

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  • 362 weeks
    I need a new live editor

    ok so due to prsonal reasons the person who originally helped me can no longer do that job. Sadly this means i need to recruit a new editor, this means your name goes in the description of my stories so please pm or comment ASAP.

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  • 363 weeks
    A Note to all Readers of Canterlot Chronicles.

    Ok so I understandablely need to make this post, those of you who have read Canterlot Chronicles have noticed (and politely pointed out some story breaking issues) I want to point out that this is one part me not being used to a Ominipresent 3rd Person format and one part things purposely don't make sense as they will be rectified in later editions because again "A Hero is Born" is Book 1 on a 4

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Sean the Human's Equestrian Adventures (Sneak Peak) · 4:01am Apr 18th, 2017

“So, you got lost in the woods while looking for your sister?” Sean asked as he set a plate of fresh cooked vegetables in front of his guest. She smiled and began to eat while keeping her eyes fixed on Sean, Chrysalis was a creature that could take the shape of any living thing to trick her prey but instead of eating the victim they drain them of their love and energy. The result is a dry wrinkled husk of what was once a living creature.
“Yes I saw her enter the forest but never come out I fear she may have fallen to the myths of this forest.” Chrysalis said with a smirk as Sean paused and looked at her with a look of curiosity.
“What Myths?” Sean asked as Chrysalis began to laugh and throw off the coat Sean placed around her letting her wings stretch out and her fangs show. Scared Sean jolts up and begins backing towards the wall of the cave.
“My you humans are so easy to trick all you need is a sob story and you melt like ice in the hot sun. Now, then times for introductions Sean.” She said as his eyes shot open with shock. “What you thought I didn’t know who you were? I have changelings all over Equestria spying for me, I know everything about you right down to the fact that you bunk with Ms. Twilight Sparkle my sworn enemy, not to mention how loyal you are to Princess Celestia. Honestly, your allegiance is impressive so I’ll give you two options. Either join me Queen Chrysalis in my hive and allow me to drain you of your love and compassion making me stronger or resist me and I’ll kill you and that little welp Twilight.” Chrysalis said as Sean kept a close eye on her while he mulled over her offers thinking back to Applejack's words from the day prior. Sean clenched his fist and stepped forward condemning all other thoughts from his mind. Sean didn’t want to betray Twilight or Princess Celestia but he knew that if he wanted to live long enough to be reunited with her and her friends, he would have to accept her offer.
“How would you harvest me and will it kill me?” He asked as a devilish smile began to stretch across Chrysalis's slate black muzzle. She reveled in the circumstance that a human was so willing to surrender to her without her even having to break a sweat.
“It’s simple; Twice a day I will require your stored love and stamina to keep me healthy. It will be harvested orally and once harvested you're free to do what you want inside the hive but try and contact anyone to get them to rescue you and I will kill you without hesitation. Now then shall we begin the harvest? After all, I need to recharge before we go.” She said with a seductive smirk and half-lidded eyes, Sean gulped and nodded before she used her magic to knock him unconscious. Sean's body was laid out on the ground as Chrysalis leaned down and began nuzzling his crotch.
“Good he is like other ponies in this aspect let’s just hope he can match a stallion.” She said as she used her magic to undo his button and zipper. She bit her lower lip before slowly sliding down his pants and underwear and enveloping his shaft in her magic. She leaned in and gave it a slow lick from base to tip as it hardened and throbbed, mesmerized by the girth and taste she quickly wrapped her muzzle around the head and began to gently suck before lifting up her head. “He may not be as big as a stallion but he tastes so much sweeter.” She said licking her lips before diving down swallowing every inch. Satisfied she began to bob her head and suck as she used her hooves to gently nudge his balls. Chrysalis bobbed her head faster twisting it and letting her long tongue caress the underside of his shaft. Feeling her marehood drip between her legs she used her magic to lift Sean’s hand and insert three fingers into her. She moved his finger in and out of her wet slit while bobbing faster letting out soft moans. Fingers were a foreign concept to her and found herself melting under the feeling of his fingers inside her. She began to feel the base of his shaft throb, knowing what was coming next she worked harder and faster before feeling the hot sensation of Sean's semen enter her mouth and run down her throat. She lifted her head up and licked her lips as she moved his fingers more and moaning loudly at the new sensation. Chrysalis knew that time was of the essence but she couldn’t help but plunge Sean's fingers deeper inside her.
Twilight and the others charged through the forest as they followed the rabbit to Sean’s cave. Twilight's worry had been building up and growing ever since Fluttershy gave her the news, she knew Sean wouldn’t stand a chance should Chrysalis try and attack him. A tear escaped from twilight's eye as she stopped and froze up. The consequences of failure tormented Twilight as she shook her head and quickly caught up with her friends. Meanwhile, Chrysalis laid on her bed pumping her slit with Sean's fingers faster before letting out a loud moan and cumming onto the cave floor. She stood up and panted looking down at Sean and smiled putting his clothes back on him. “Oh, my he will be a lovely addition to the hive. Next time I’ll leave him awake so that he can participate, mmm I hope he is an animal harvesting is boring when the other partner won’t lend a hand.” She said as She threw Sean on her back and began walking out of the cave, as she carried him away his head smacked against the rock knocking his glasses to the ground and leaving drops of blood on the floor as it dripped from his nose and mouth. Chrysalis didn’t realize he was hurt so she didn’t notice the glasses or the thud from Seans face hitting the rock.
After a few hours of running the girls finally arrived at the cave scared at what would be waiting for them they swallowed their fear and charged into the cave. As they searched the floor and walls they came across a large burnt circle on the ground with a trail of blood leading to it. Worried Twilight ran ahead before finding Sean's camp and by his tent where his glasses broken and mangled. Twilight slowly sat down thinking she was too late to save Sean, she looked down at the ground as tears once again fell to the ground this time soft sobs followed as her friends slowly walked up behind her. As they looked down at the glass a wave of grief fell across each one of the five friends. Applejack felt worse than anyone as it was her careless words that caused Sean to run off.
“Girls search the camp for clues on what happened here.” Twilight said fighting back tears as she slowly walked into the tent Sean was using and searched lazily. Rarity went back to the burn in the ground and scanned it closely before she gasped and ran back to the others. “Girls Sean might still be alive, the burn we saw back there was from someone using a teleport spell. I remember reading about the spell in one of Twilight's books. Sean may be alive and being held captive by Chrysalis.” She said as the girls breathed a sigh of relief but Twilight still had a look of pain on her face. The girls gathered around her and hugged her tight. “Don’t worry Twilight we will get Sean back safely all we gotta do is try and find her hive. Then, we will rescue him we Pinkie Promise.” Rarity said as the girls smiled and began to leave the cave. Their goal had become clear; they had to find Chrysalis and her Hive, defeat her, and save Sean. The six ponies trekked deeper into the forest watching carefully for a hint or something to link them to the hive. Meanwhile, back in the hive, Sean had just recently regained consciousness in a weird room accented with a black and green decor and an overwhelming sense of fear. As he scanned the room Chrysalis came walking in once again wearing a sultry look on her face. After the escapade in the cave it was obvious to Sean what she had meant by “Harvesting his love” and the sudden realization of that both frightened and for some odd reason set a relaxing feeling through his body.
“Hello my little pet, normally I’d let you rest for a few more hours but after the incident in the caves.” Chrysalis climbs on the bed standing over Sean. “I want to harvest you some more but this time I want you to participate.” She said before lowering her plot onto his crotch and gently grinding against him. “Be lucky human as you're the first person to...b-be able to personally quell my d-desires.” Chrysalis said stuttering slightly from the sensation beneath her. “Oh, Sean quickly please tame your new queen I want to feel those fingers inside me again..” Chrysalis moaned as she ground harder as Sean tried to fight it.
“This is wrong, I’m a human and she is a horse I shouldn’t be enjoying this...despite her being able to change form this is still against my morals.” Sean thought to himself still thinking he was on Earth and his morals were still valid. As Chrysalis began to remove his pants he felt the cool air caress his shaft causing it to stand at attention and twitch, a voice began to ease its way into his head.
“Sean this world is not yours and things here are handled differently as a human you must do what you can to survive. Holding on to the past will only set you back.” The voice said as Sean's mind became clear and his body began to loosen up. Chrysalis smiles and begins to bob her head once again on his shaft. Sean reached a handout and began to pet and rub Chrysalis’s head, the sensation of his fingers running across her head made her push his shaft deeper and deepthroat him at a quick and steady pace. “Mmmmf mmmf mmmf.” Chrysalis said vibrating his shaft causing him to moan and buck his hips gently as Chrysalis began to enjoy the sensation building up inside her. Sean pulled her head off his shaft as she panted softly. “More I need more.” She said as Sean gripped her and turned her around lowering her wet marehood onto his lips before gripping her hair and shoving her head down onto his shaft once again.
Sean slipped his tongue inside her plot and began to lick and swirl his tongue wildly as he controls Chrysalis’s head making sure he was rough he gripped and pulled her mane gently as her moans increased and his shaft felt harder vibrations as his mind clouded with pleasure. “Oh dear Celestia he is more savage than I had hoped I can feel his tongue wiggle inside me and his hand grips my mane. I must surrender my plot to his shaft I want to feel him ravage me.” Chrysalis thought to herself before removing Sean's hand and lifting her head up. She gave him a seductive smirk and slid her body down as the tip of his shaft met her dripping wet plot. She moaned and spread her legs as Sean gripped her flanks and slammed her down onto him as his shaft shot into her slamming her cervix. She let out a loud moan as Sean rose up to his knees and forced her head into the cover before pulling her mane back and thrusting deeply into her.
“Oh fuck yes right there Sean fuck your queen till she breaks.” She moaned loudly as Sean angrily pounded harder not saying a word. Chrysalis looked back to see a fire in his eyes that made her body shiver with pleasure as Sean gave her ass a hard smack before shoving three fingers into her anus eliciting a loud scream from Chrysalis as her walls clenched around Sean's shaft and her tongue rolled out and onto the bed as she drooled and moaned as cum leaked from her marehood dripping onto the bed. Sean pulled out and let her fall on the bed and with almost as if she were paralyzed from the sheer force of the orgasm. Sean waved his hand in front of her eyes when her eyes refused to move “Well, Sean looks like you overloaded her on love and stamina.” Sean smirked and quickly got dressed. Once dressed Sean began to stealthily make his way through the hive, after hours of sneaking he found an exit and went through it. Once he felt the cool breeze he made a mad dash down the path running away from the hive. As he tore through the forest vines and barbs from bushes and tall grass cut his body multiple times, as he fought through the pain he found a big clearing “Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash where are you!?” Sean yelled as his voice echoed through the forest.
Meanwhile, Twilight and the others were walking down a path that seemed to go on for hours before they finally heard Sean’s voice in the distance. The girls smiled as they began charging for the source of the voice after what seems like minutes Sean turned to see Twilight, the second her eyes locked on Sean she charged at a rapid pace and tackled him to the ground hugging him tightly and nuzzling him. “Sean thank Celestia you're ok, we found your glasses and blood near the campsite and got so worried.” Twilight said as Sean wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug and rubbed the back of her head. Twilight smiled and nuzzled into his neck ecstatic that her friend was unharmed. Sean stood up as Twilight jumped own and began walking away with Sean and her friends.
“So, in how did you guys manage to find the cave I was…” Sean's voice was suddenly cut off as a sharp black horn pierced his back and impaling his chest. “Gah...fuck…” He said as Twilight turned around and with a look of horror, she screamed as Chrysalis ripped her horn out of his chest. Sean’s eyes met twilight's as his body collapsed to the ground as Twilight let out a horrified scream prompting everyone to turn around and immediately take a fighting stance and sneer angrily.
“I told you the alternative was death you lousy human, you should’ve stayed my pet so I wouldn’t kill you in front of your friends. Such a shame I had to kill you, harvesting you was fun humans are so fun to toy with.” Chrysalis said as Twilight looked at Sean with eyes full of tears before looking at Chrysalis and sneering angrily.
“Fluttershy I want you and Rainbow Dash to take Sean to Princess Celestia Pinkie Rarity Applejack we are fighting Chrysalis then escaping.” Twilight said as the girls nodded and whisked Sean away quickly as the ponies stared down Chrysalis before attacking her.
“Holy cow he is a heavy one.” Rainbow Dash said as Fluttershy nodded and supported Sean's other side.
“Poor Sean I hope he will be ok if we lose him Twilight will be devastated not to mention Applejack considering this was all her fault, to begin with.” Fluttershy said as she and Rainbow Dash doubled their speed as they went straight for Twilight's Castle. As Sean hung from between the two ponies his mind while still in a fuzzy haze began to recap his entire life, and as he went through his childhood a warm sensation began to run through his veins, surprisingly this was the same feeling he got whenever he would lock eyes with Twilight. As the girls reached the castle one last memory played out in front of Sean, almost as if it was a reality he felt the ocean breeze and could hear children laughing in the distance, as he turned his head he saw a sight he thought he would never see again. Standing on the edge of the water was a boy who looked strangely like Sean. As the boy walked deeper into the water Sean charged after him screaming for the boy to come back, Sean soon found himself catching up to the little boy but just as Sean reached out for the boy a large wave engulfed them both.
Sean opened his eyes slowly to find himself lying against the same tree Twilight found him lying under, this caused Sean to become confused as he was unconscious when Twilight found him, he then remembered the story Twilight told him about where he was and how he got to the castle. However, before anything else could be made clear Sean jolts awake screaming loudly in fear as Princess Celestia rested her head on his shoulder and held onto him.
“Sean its ok you in danger, you are back in Twilight's Castle safe and sound.” She said as Sean slowly calmed down and gripped his chest. As his fingers gripped his skin he could feel a large hole in his chest with several tubes coming from it. Confused he looked down and gasped. Without skipping a beat Celestia quickly explained what had happened.
“Sean I have good news and bad news; The good news is that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy got you here just in time, the bad news is that when Chrysalis stabbed you she pierced your heart and since you're a human your heart is smaller than most ponies. This means that there simply wasn’t enough of your heart to save. So, in short, these tubes are the only thing keeping you alive until we can figure out human physiology. So, I’ve instructed my sister and Rarity to take care of you until you can recover, once you recover we will send you to another world as you will be banished from Equestria.” Celestia said as she coldly left the room causing a loud silence to fill the room, Sean thought about what she said and kept focusing on the fact he would be going home.
“Princess wait, why am I the one being punished so severely when you said it yourself. I am a fledgling and know nothing about this world. How is any of this my fault?” Sean asked worried only for Twilight and how she will take this news. Celestia turned to him and spoke clearly and in a monotone voice.
“Because you don’t belong here you act like a petulant child and disobeyed an order from Twilight, She warned you about the dangers of our world and you let your pride as a human sway your thinking and it nearly cost you your life. I could never allow such a reckless creature live among us ponies, my word is final and once you recover my word will be to banish you to another world.” Celestia said as she walked away and down the hall. She wore an evil smile as her eyes flashed green before she climbed into her carriage and ushered her servants off. “too easy Celestia, it’s amazing what lengths you will stoop to when the fate of your precious Twilight hangs in the balance.” Chrysalis said with an evil laugh as Rarity and Luna's eyes also flashed green as they watched from Sean's window. As Sean laid back trying to once again fight back tears a thought crossed his mind, not once did Celestia mention Twilight which was odd for her but he chalked it up to her being angry at him for putting the Elements in danger. However, something in the back of his head didn’t feel right but he was in no shape to fight it or even get out of bed. Sean let out a long depressed sigh as he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
Meanwhile, in a cave below the Canterlot Castle Celestia, Twilight, and her friends were chained up in a cell as they looked around with a worried look on their faces. “We have to think of something girls Sean must be saved before something bad happens to him.” Celestia said weakly rising to her hooves.
“You mean worse than being impaled and being banished to another world without knowing we are here?” Pinkie said as the others put hooves to their faces and sighed. “I mean what if they banish him somewhere nice like the world you went to Twilight, it's populated by creatures that look just like Sean.” Pinkie continued to say as the others looked at her with a look of disdain.
“Pinkie while we appreciate your optimism but please… shut up.” Twilight said in an angry tone as she traced a plan in the dirt with her hoof.
“Now, hold on Twi ya can’t just take your anger out on poor Pinkie, after all, it’s your fault we lost. If you didn’t have feelings for Sean than Chrysalis never would have used it against you and we would have won.” Applejack said as Twilight froze up and tears began to swell in her eyes.
“Girls that's enough if we just sit here and argue not only is Sean as good as dead but that means that Rainbow and Fluttershy will also be in danger. Without a doubt, Chrysalis has replaced everyone with Changelings including me and since the population already hates Sean, she won’t have an issue turning them on him especially when she has my form at her disposal.” Celestia said as Twilight stomped her hoof into the ground with vigor.
“That's it, Princess can you get a letter to Sean?” Twilight asked as Celestia looked at her confused.
“Yes, but the ponies will never listen to Sean especially if he says their leader is a fraud that would just give them a reason to upgrade his banishment to his execution.” Celestia said as Twilight shook her head and showed them the dirt blueprint.
“No, we send a message directly to him explaining everything, then we tell him about the mirror to the other world. We tell him what to do and once he is there to find a man named Radiant Symphony. We tell him to give the same note to Radiant and ask for his help. Sunset says that the Twilight of that world is just as intelligent as me and has access to different technology. She could also help Sean. This means we can work on overthrowing Chrysalis without Sean getting hurt not only that but if he likes that world enough…” Twilight stops and begins to cry. “He can stay there where people will accept him right away.” She says as Celestia smiles and hugs her tightly rubbing her back with her hoof.
“Twilight that is a wonderful idea and if Sean can execute it then he will be in your debt. However, tears are not needed Twilight if he cares for you as much as you do for him, he will choose you over the world where he fits in. I’ve seen you two together, there is a love there all you two have to do is nurture it so it will grow. Sure you won’t find love in the way your brother found cadence but love is a mystery not eve Starswirl himself could figure out.” Celestia said as everyone came in for a group hug.
“Awww, now that's just adorable it almost makes me cry that you think your puny plan will work. I made sure Sean would be too weak to move thanks to a toxin I have being pumped into him, once I’ve drained him to a shriveled husk ill activate the toxin and kill him. Then I’ll go pay Radiant a visit and take him out to. That way no one will be able to stop me as I rule Equestria with an iron fist.” Chrysalis said before letting out an evil laugh and blasting Celestia against the wall severely wounding her. “Ahh that look of pain on your faces is so satisfying, oh, and Twilight I think I’ll force you to watch when I drain your boyfriend of all his energy, but for now I’ll leave you all down here to lament in our defeat tata.” Chrysalis said before disappearing with a poof of dark smoke. Twilight and the others rushed over to Celestia as she groaned before sitting up.
“Twilight send that note now and tell Rainbow dash and Fluttershy to rip those tubes out of Sean and replace it with this.” Celestia said as she began to conjure a green stone in the shape of a shamrock surround by piles of bits. “Once placed into his chest it will send magic through his body and keep him alive. Have them tell him he is the Element of Good Fortune and he is our last hope, for after this I’ll have used all my magic and will disappear forever.” Celestia said with tears in her eyes as she looked into Twilight's eyes that soon began to fill with tears. “Twilight once this is over I’ll entrust you and Sean to run the kingdom.” She said as her body began to fade away into dust, from her ashes rose the stone and the note explaining what Sean had to do. Twilight fell to the ground crying as the others joined in sharing the moment of sadness. Twilight wiped her eyes as she used her magic to poof the note and stone to Rainbow Dash.
Meanwhile, back in Canterlot Castle Rainbow and Fluttershy were busy helping Sean bathe as the note fell on the floor in front of them. Curious Rainbow goes over and picks up the note and begins to read. She crumples the paper angry and picks up the stone and walks over to Sean. She bites his tubes and angrily rips them out before punching the stone into his chest. Rainbow moved so quickly that Sean didn’t have time to react before he began to groan and writhe in pain before his eyes became enveloped in a pink magic and his body twisted and contorted as a Shamrock and bits appeared on his stomach. He gasped and began to breathe heavily looking at Rainbow and Fluttershy.
“What the hell did you do to me Rainbow…” Before he could finish Rainbow Dash decked him as hard as she could.
“I didn’t do anything but you better be lucky that you're our only hope.” Rainbow yelled misplacing her anger at Sean instead of Chrysalis.
“What the hell are you talking about Rainbow?” Sean asked as Fluttershy whipped blood from his lip.
“Apparently Twilight and her friends were captured by chrysalis and the Celestia and rarity that are here are Chrysalis and one of her little bugs. Celestia used the last of her power to make you the element of Good Fortune at the cost of her own life. Now Twilight wants you to use your new powers to find the purple mirror in Celestia's chambers, go to the world inside the mirror, find an old friend named Radiant Symphony and get him to ready you to take Equestria back and avenge Celestia.” Rainbow Dash said as guards broke down the doors.
“Oh no they must have heard your yelling Rainbow Dash quickly Sean get dressed and get out of here.” Fluttershy said as the guards pushed in and grabbed Fluttershy and Rainbow. Angered Sean pointed at the two armor clad ponies.
“Release them now!” Sean yelled as a bolt of lightning shot from his hand nailing the guards in their chests killing them instantly. “What the hell did I just do?” Sean asked startled by his new power.
“Looks like my sister entrusted you with her life force.” Luna said walking into the bathroom as Sean quickly got dressed. “I heard everything, come with me and I’ll get you to that mirror.” She said as the three of them nodded and stormed out of the room. As they ran down the halls Sean used his magic to wipe out anyone trying to stop them, after what seemed like hours of running Sean and the others found the mirror and barred the door closed as guards began slamming the doors. “Look I do not have time to go into details but Celestia put her life energy and magic into the stone inside you and made you the seventh Element of Harmony. Go through the mirror and find radiant we will be fine!” Luna said before kicking Sean into the mirror as the doors busted open and the three fought off the armored ponies. Sean found himself falling through reality before being thrown onto a grassy yard outside a High School. Sean looks around confused as he looks around to see human versions of the same ponies he saw in Ponyville. “Where the hell am I?” he said as he looked at the sign on the building. “Canterlot High School?”
Sean stood up dusting himself off before walking into the school and looking around him. “This is so surreal, I wonder if there is a Twilight in this world too. I mean there has to be all around me are human counterparts of ponies I’ve seen back home, even their skin tone is the same.” He said to himself as he saw a girl with a leather jacket and red hair, accented with yellow streaks. Curious he walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. “Excuse me I’m Sean and I was wondering if you could help me find someone by the name of Radiant.” Sean said as the girl turned around to reveal soft blue eyes and a warm smile.
“My names Sunset Shimmer and I’d love to help but why Radiant?” She asks as Sean looks around before pulling her into a nearby janitor's closet.
“What the hell are you doing?” She asked annoyed as Sean used his magic to float a ball of light above them before handing her the note.
“I was sent here to find him and ask him for his help, Chrysalis has taken over Equestria and imprisoned Twilight and the other elements, not to mention Celestia died turning me into the seventh element.” Sean said rapidly as Sunset put her hand on his mouth.
“Ok, I get it just start from the very beginning.” She said as Sean went into details as he explained everything that happened starting with how he got to Equestria. After several minutes of talking Sunset cut him off and began to speak.
“I can’t believe Celestia's actually dead and she entrusted all her power to a human.” She said before opening the door and walking out with Sean. “Look this is gonna sound weird but come to this address immediately after school, I have a few thing’s I need to get ready.” She said as Sean nodded and turned to leave the school before bumping into a girl with glasses. He picks up her glasses and apologizes before handing them to the girl and locking eyes with her.
“T-Twilight?” Sean asked as Twilight blushed slightly once her eyes met his face.
“Y-Yes, who are you?” Twilight said as Sean felt himself die a little on the inside before quickly thinking of a way to fix things.
“Names Sean...Sean Shamrock, I’m new to this school and people around the school said I should meet you.” He said with a nervous laugh as Twilight blushed and curled one of her side bangs around her finger.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Sean and I would love to hang out some more but I have to go meet my friend Sunset, she said it’s important but meet me out front of the school tomorrow and you can treat me to coffee.” She said with a smile before running off.
“Huh she’s like Twilight yet different, anyway guess I have to find a place to stay while I’m here.” Sean said before being tackled by a blur of bright pink.
“Hi, there are you new? You have to because I know everyone here and I’ve never seen you before so you must be new and if that's the case hi there my name is...Sean put his finger against her lips to stop her hyper onslaught of words.
“Your name's Pinkie Pie.” Sean said in a monotone voice as she hopped up and gasped and smiled.
“Oh my god are you psychic?” Pinkie asked as Sean felt his brain slowly shut down from the ridiculousness of the statement before realizing where he was and what happened prior to coming here. “No just call it a lucky guess.” Sean said as Pinkie giggled and lifted him to his feet.
“Well, I heard you need a place to stay while you are attending school here so if you want you can stay with me. I have a two bedroom house and no one for the second room. So, long as you don’t mind parties, and working then you're free to stay.” She said as Sean gave her smile and nodded.
“Sounds good to me, when can I move in?” He asked as she jumped up and down excited.
“Later but now it’s lunchtime let’s go get some food at the local cafe.” She said taking Sean's hand and yanking him as she ran out of the school and threw him in her car before hopping in and speeding off. Sean had a big task ahead of him, one that would me certain death for everyone he care about if he were to fail but for now, he will have to take things one day at a time.

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