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Some Thoughts About the Future Role of Starlight Glimmer · 3:23pm Apr 17th, 2017

Some Thoughts About the Future Role of Starlight Glimmer

I was thinking a lot about Starlight's role in this and other seasons. And I was thinking that it would actually be pretty interesting if Starlight was put into a position where, despite being a powerful magic user, she didn't have a position that related to it much.

I don't like the idea of Starlight becoming a princess because there really is no reason for her to become one. Twilight is the princess of Friendship so she can watch over the Elements of Harmony and spread the magic of friendship with her friends using the Cutie Map. Cadence is a princess to watch over the Crystal Empire. Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon and rule over Equestria. Flurry heart is just the replacement for Cadence. Starlight has no reason to be a princess unless another kingdom is discovered that needs a ruler. But I somehow doubt that will be the case.

All that being said, I do enjoy Starlight's character and it is good seeing her in an episode every once in a while. And I feel the same way about Trixie.

I like that both Starlight and Trixie have a lot of flaws. Starlight tends to turn to magic to fix problems and is anti social. Trixie is full of herself and likes to brag. But this is a cover for many of her insecurities.

It's good to have their personality dynamics added to the mane six who all have very different personalities as well.

I've always felt that Starlight had an interesting back story. It doesn't look like she had a stable home life. She might have been an orphan along with Sunburst. And that is why they both relied on each other so much. I think Starlight looked to Sunburst as a sort of brother or family member since she was an orphan. And when the brother figure got taken away it really affected her.

Things like that really mess with kids. I know because I have volunteered at orphan houses/ foster organizations. Many kids their age really messed up because they don't have any parents to help them out with stuff/ no role models in their lives. A lot of them are in juvenile detention of some kind or do drugs. It isn't the happy thing many people paint it out to be in films or television. Anyway, I can see Starlight being victim of the foster care system and it messing her up both in her social skills and how she interacts with the world around her. So I can understand her character quite a bit.

Trixie on the other hand is a self-taught magic user. She uses some basic magic to enhance her tricks but otherwise is below average in her magic casting abilities.

It would be interesting to have some kind of back story that explains why Trixie doesn't appear to have any family and travels from town to town, performing her magic tricks on her own.

We might not know much about her origins, but it is easy to see what motivates Trixie to do the things she does simply by looking at her personality. Trixie has a big ego because she needs that persona to command a large presence while performing her magic tricks on a stage. This transfers to her 'off-stage' persona (or normal persona) but in a different way.

Her ego as a stage magician is just a part of her magic act. But her ego in real life is there to cover for the many insecurities she has about not being very good at using magic, being mistrusted or outright disliked by other ponies based on her past actions, and her self-awareness that she doesn't have the best or most agreeable personality.

Being a performer is kind of an escape for her where she can pretend to be great, important, and powerful, when in reality she is really not.

The duo of Starlight and Trixie is really interesting. Their personalities contrast and balance each other quite well. And that's why I think an interesting direction for the show to take would be to have Starlight become a permanent assistant for Trixie.

She could use her magic to enhance or improve Trixie's magic acts. She would get a chance to travel with Trixie all across Equestria and help anyone she comes across with her magic.

What makes this scenario even better is that Starlight would be using her magic for something unsuspected. She wouldn't be important in regards to saving the world from eminent doom (like the Mane Six). But she would be important in helping to spread the magic of friendship by helping other ponies or creatures she comes across with their friendship problems. And of course Trixie could help with this too.

The interesting thing about Equestria (or the lands beyond it) is that it doesn't have the most powerful members of society as its heroes or royalty.

Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Trixie, Cadance, Sunburst, Thorax, Luna, and Celestia are all less powerful than Twilight Sparkle, Flurry Heart, Discord, or Starlight Glimmer. But that doesn't make their roles any less important.

On the other hand, Star Swirl the Bearded was a very powerful and legendary magic user. But despite this, he never ruled over any kingdoms, or became a hero that saved the world (Luna and Celestia handled that until the mane six showed up to replace their roles as the official guardians of Equestria). 

The magical sentient force of the world seems to choose whoever is the most capable in their personality, determination, and other characteristics that ultimately make them worthy of becoming guardians of specific things or rulers of specific kingdoms.

If Starlight Glimmer does become a princess, it isn't like I will rage quit the show or anything. If the writers think of a legitimate reason for her to become one, such as ruling over a kingdom or becoming the guardian of something, then I am fine with it.

But I still think her character would be better utilized as an individual who is in a supporting role, using her magic to help others.

For example, helping Trixie with her magic shows and helping ponies along the way.

Or becoming the seventh element of harmony (similar to how Sunset is the seventh element).

Or even doing as Twilight suggested and studying with Sunburst in the Crystal Empire so they can both become better at casting magic and help to protect the Crystal Empire together as a team.

Putting Starlight in a supporting role would probably also help to curb the hatred for her. Because the Mane Six would still have their much deserved spotlight. But Starlight would just be there for backup (similar to Trixie, Spike, or Discord).

But those are just some of my thoughts.

What do you think is the best role for Starlight in future episodes or seasons? Feel free to share your thoughts on this subject in the comment section below.

Comments ( 12 )

I quite frankly feel like other characters need more, not less, spotlight. As much as I love the Mane 6 and the CMC and all, I want to see more of the other characters in the show.

4499774 I think it would be neat to have more episodes that focused on the Dragons, Griffons, Changelings, and other sentient creatures of the world. :)

That would be interesting; maybe focus on Ember and Spike for Dragons, Gabby and Gilda for Griffons, and Thorax for Changelings.

4499821 Oh my gosh I LOVE that idea!! I hope that the writers do that. That would make my year!!

That would be really great

4499828 It would indeed! :pinkiehappy:

Well, I gotta go to Daily Motion and watch the episodes I missed.

4499842 There are tons of reactions to them on YouTube as well. :)

Yup, totally agree on her relationship. When you put in that way Starlight's backstory, it makes a lot sense. Like, a freaking lot sense. The other characters really deserve a spotlight. I mean, there's a reason why we like them, right? That doesn't hurts.

But I still wonder if they're continuing with the backwards development and aesop amnesia. Sorry for bringing that up, but that's what I think of the previous season.

4500305 I didn't think that the characters had any backwards development in season six. They learned different lessons. Like Fluttershy learned that it is okay not to like something just as long as she has tried it first in that Halloween episode. Rainbow Dash learned to only prank ponies who are in on the joke in the zombie episode. Those were very different than lessons they learned in previous seasons.

The magical sentient force of the world seems to choose whoever is the most capable in their personality, determination, and other characteristics that ultimately make them worthy of becoming guardians of specific things or rulers of specific kingdoms.

Oh good, i love/hate this theory.

What do you think is the best role for Starlight in future episodes or seasons? Feel free to share your thoughts on this subject in the comment section below.

Evul communist dictator. a support role would be fine, but i also like the idea of starlight becoming a leader in the future and i said LEADER not alicorn/princess.

4503567 I could see her becoming a leader/ or guardian of something. But I definitely don't want her to be an alicorn princess because I just can't see that fitting her character.

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