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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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SEASON 7 REVIEW · 4:04pm Apr 15th, 2017

As An Anti-Brony, I watch the show to study it so I know what to make for my Starfleet Series, as well as to badmouth the characters (Not the fans, not the VAs, not the makers... just the show itself)

So, come here every week where I will jot my own opinion of what each episode is like to me (Be assured it won't be very pretty) this for steam blowing.


While I do approve Twilight is learning an ACTUAL life lesson of letting go, and seemingly developing empty-nest syndrome. I do not approve of the way she's acting overboard like she did in "Lesson Zero" (Then again she's still a bonehead and always will be to me)

About the only thing I like about the episode is Celestia laughing hysterically (No doubt THAT will be posted as vid memes and gifs)



URGH!! Another song about how Friendship is so special and the way the ponies blow it over the top. Still, at least by singing it they screwed up and blew their chance at the record.

I do however like how Pinkie Pie is talking in Rhyme as she does those cheers (No real difference than how Rhymey speaks, or Zecora. So maybe people should learn to BUTT OUT with all the hating on rhymes and stuff "there is no difference, a rhyme is a rhyme")

As for Starlight losing the map, that plot was just plain dull to me.



Copying off me again, are they?! https://www.fimfiction.net/story/336763/adventures-in-royal-foalsitting-a-fic-i-extremely-hate I wrote that fic long before Season 7 was ever announced.

"Alien Alicorns VS Space Pirates" Well, well... it's like they were READING my Starfleet series too.

I guess it shows that my ideas and the way I write my fiction for this show may not be as HORRID as people bash at me for.

For that, I'll give this episode...


I still didn't really get what I wanted, plus CADANCE is in the episode. (I ought to kick her clear into orbit)

Rock Solid Friendship

Oyi! As if I couldn't think Pinkie was any more on CRACK than ever. I had to take my head phones of when she went "EEEEEEEEEE!!" on the train!

Not to mention this is like "A Friend indeed" all over again, Pinkie is so unbearably annoying (Despite her good intentions) I could almost use a headache pill. she really needs to learn.

I do approve of Maud, however, I like her neutral attitude, and not showing much excitement of things, or fear, and I especially approve of her wish to be alone at times.

I give it 4/10


I don't believe it myself, but I'm actually going to give this episode the highest I've ever given any episode (Even higher than Amending Fences which scored 6/10)

-Dr. Fauna is finally NAMED on screen! (Dr. Fauna's head is what I used to create Dr. Penny Sillon)

She happens to be my favorite female civilian in my Starfleet franchise.

-Fluttershy gets duped, ignored, insulted, and she learns a lesson the hard way about TRUSTING people.

-A lot of the FIM ponies act exactly how I usually portray them in Starfleet; Misguided, reckless, and above all things, BLIND to the truth.

-Finally, this episode seems to teach about "BELIEVING" something my Starfleet franchies teaches a lot (Just in a different way) Believe in yourself, in when things seem impossible.

I still have to mark it down though because things worked out in the end, however, as I said... BELIEVE IT OR NOT... I give this ep the highest mark I've ever given an MLP ep before.


(I accidentally watched PARENTAL GLIDENCE FIRST, but... eh, as long as I blogged it)


Hmm, and episode involving the absolute WORST pony of the Mane Six, and a complete reversal of Sisterhooves Social not to mention extreme character contradiction... this has PATHETIC written all over it!!

Starting with Rarity's attitude, I understand she misses Sweetie Belle, but the WAY she does, and the all those MEMORIES in her book. So Contradicts THIS...

And this...

Even though THIS happened...


Rarity may have learned form her mistakes, it doesn't change a thing, and I don't like contradicting character development. You pick ONE trait and STICK WITH IT, or it becomes HARDER to deal with.

To me, Rarity is nothing more than a pompous idiotic Diva (Would take first Prize in a Stupidity Contest) That's all I ever see her as, that's all I WANT to see her as, and hey lots of people agree with me (Check my comments on those vids up there)

Cuite Marks AGAIN!! UGH!! Feel free throw up, I know I want to. I really do not like those things (YOU DO NOT NEED SOME TATTOO ON YOUR ASS TO TELL YOU WHAT YOU'RE GOOD AT)

OYI!! It's bad enough Rarity's acting OOC... Now there's another Episode being slightly repeated, Somepony to Watch Over Me (When Applejack treated Applebloom like a baby... and acted WAY OOC) Now Rarity can't take the hint either! (Of course the only accurate thing about this is Rarity never really knew much about Sweetie Belle to begin with, the way she acted in SHS)

I know this next one seems to contradiction my own down-voting but, this episode is about CHANGE... which automatically makes me think of (Yes... THAT...) Teen titans: Things Change...you lose something you loved very much, you can never get it back (As it doesn't want you) you can never replace it, and you just keep losing more and more, sinking lower and lower into misery because of what the changes have done.

Plus, it reminds me how close I used to be with my sibs (We were like a team, we played video games together, we drew, we made stories, we role-played and sang... we even played Yugioh) Then we grew up, but while I stayed the same, they changed, and we grew WAY far apart (Now we only play games once in a great while, and it really hurts.

"Things Change... the person you want me to be is just a memory."

"Those days are over"

"I've moved on... you should do the same!"

*Hangs my head low*

*Sighs sadly*

Seriously, I'm really upset right now! So many painful memories, so many false hopes...!

ZERO... and I mean ZERO out of Ten!

Only the Canterlot Royal Wedding and Magical Mystery Cure hurt me more than this episode did. Forever Filly is hereby dubbed my 3rd most hated episode!

Now I need one of my vids! (With the right song)

(Skip to 2:11)


I guess some places are one episode ahead of mine, oh well (It guess it means I'll be done a little sooner)... I saw it, here's the review.

So we finally see Rainbow Dash's folks eh? I guess that's all of them, and a good thing for viewers, but I do wish we could see SCOOTALOO's folks FOR ONCE!! (I suppose I can't mark that down those) I actually sort of like it.

Reason: People keep yakking at me to show Starfleet families (That are not dead) right away, but why should I? It's taken 7 years for Rainbow's family to be introduced on screen (And besides, you cannot show every single thing about a single character in just ONE episode)

so I'll give that a point because it helps support my style of writing.

Okay, her folks overly obsessive enthusiasm... they're acting like Pinkie Pie. These are character traits I am so not fond of... (So embarrassing!!) that's a double down-mark.

When Rainbow pops off and tells her folks off, the way she breaks Scootaloo's spirit, that gives a mark up.

Reason: Not only does it support my writing style, (Characters revealing their TRUE characters... usually awful and horrid) It reflects on actual experiences I had in life. People used to be nice, but then they CHANGED and turned into dick-weeds who like to be horrid and nasty, even towards their legit fans (Not caring about them, treating them like they are lower) This hasn't just happened to me, I've seen others suffer too

As for the moral of the episode... "Parents should be more supportive of their children", well that is something the real world needs, instead of parents being the opposite (Like I had, which is half the reason I couldn't make my dreams come true... Not enough help or support)

As supportive as that moral may be, I have to mark it down, because it gives many children (With un-supportive parents) False hopes (More than 90% of all MLP morals give false hopes to everyone anyway. Our world just doesn't work that way, it isn't that simple)

This ep gets a 3/10

Hard to Say Anything

-Well, well, Big Mac's got a Legit Crush, looks like this may stir up Shipping rivalries for those who ship him with Cheerilee (I don't ship Big Mac with anyone)

-Wow, the Crusaders are actually REFLECTING upon a previous lesson learned, only to mess it all up again because LIFE ISN'T LIKE A FAIRY-TALE, or a TV SHOW either. It's all scripted to happen that way. In real life ANYTHING can happen.

I'm pleased that the girls learned from this mess-up, but then again, these are CMCs; these things ALWAYS happen to them.

Plus, I did find the episode a little boring, and sexist, not to mention horribly embarrassing.

I rate it 2/10

Honest Apple: Review

Ha! An episode about Critiquing, perhaps I won't barf as much as I usually do.

Hmmm, and indeed I haven't barfed as much, I really applaud Applejack's attitude, she's acting exactly like... ME.

The way she

-Doesn't lie
-Points out the flaws in people who don't listen
-And isn't really being a bully because shes not saying hurtful things (I only say hurtful things to other people cuz they said horrid things to me first)

But then she turns right around and flip-flops, that costs her major points.

Though, I do approve how this episode is GREATLY reflecting reality; the way people critique one another, people don't listen, refuse to change, and often make mountains out of molehills (Starting huge heated arguments over petty things)

this ep deserves a 5/10 at best!

A Royal Problem

Oh, my! Oh, my, my, my... for the first time in my life, an MLP episode that hardly made me puke at all, because it reflects more on realityt han ever before... not to mention it looks like ANOTHER one of my Starfleet episodes predicted MLP's future (Copying off my again... the stinkers)

-Bickering sisters: That's REALITY. Siblings don't always get along, it's happened to me, it's happen to you. Even the Vas may not get along all the time with their siblings. IT'S A PART OF LIFE!!!

-Twilight is being portrayed exactly as I usually portray her; bone-headed (She can't face the facts of life that sometimes siblings bicker; aware her concerns are well-meaning, her attitude is really getting the worst)

-This episode coincidentally copies ANOTHER of my Starfleet episode, proving once again... MY IDEAS are not as bad for MLP as people have mocked me for

[iSeason 3 Episode 14: "TWI-LIGHTNING!": While Twilight mixes a potion for a project, the incomplete potion accidentally spills on her and Lightning, causing them to switch bodies (Lightning is Twilight... Twilight is Lightning) The both have difficulties understanding and using each other's bodies and powers, and the only way to reverse the magic and get their real bodies back is to LEARN MORE ABOUT ONE ANOTHER]

-Also, I learned a lot more about Celestia than ever (which helps due to the fact I have an UNWANTED Cartoon Crush on her) I'm glad to see she cooks for herself.


Oh, Oh yeah... I'm feeling it! I've oftened pictures Celestia EVIL (Heck I made her Evil in my MLP Yugioh story)


I cannot believe I'm doing this... but...

This ep gets... 9/10 (Highest I've ever had)

RenegadeTheUnicorn... I really don't want to hear another "Perfect rating" thing again, please

Not Asking For Trouble

Well, I do applaud the Yak's stubbornness, and the way they refuse to accept help. In many types of characters that's a trait I like... depending on the situation of course.

And much as I'm not too fond of overly optimistic friendship, that IS a good life lesson about HELPING others, giving what they NEED WHEN THEY NEED it (Unlike the people I grew up with who don't help at all)

I'll give this 6/10 (the ep was still rather boring)

Discordant Harmony

Oh, no, an episode with Discord (In my view, the single most pathetic character in the entire franchise)

Oh well...

Well, I do approve of the lesson; It's important o be true to yourself, something I keep trying to tell people but the people still rudely scoff at me for it.

But Fluttershy seems to be acting teency bit out of character (She's not acting all meek and timid) but at least she gets the idea that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT

All-in-all that was a very boring episode.

I give it 3/10

The Perfect Pear 

I've not seen so many examples of Ridiculousness!

Petty feuds over simple stupidity. Life's not a contest ya know!

An old Romeo and Juliet Cliche...

Parents forcing kids against their wishes (Well that does give me inspiration for another Friendship is Failure) but still harsh

and once again we still don't know the ultimate fate of Applejack's parents. Are they dead, or alive? (at least when I make fics I always add the ABSOLUTES to it)
3/10 (I gave it an extra point because the tragedy inspired me for my next Friendship is Failure)


Well, for one thing, I think the real reason that journal is ratty and dirty is because, all those friends lessons were all PATHETIC from Day one, and the only thing I've learned from that crap called a book... is what I don't want to be like.

But I do like the way Rarity and Pinkie get burned... especially because maybe certain riflers and mockers can learn that "Words Hurt"

And I also like how the contradiction of the lessons finally gets called out on (Learning the same thing over and over)

Still, I don't like the way how things worked out for them in the end... and no one in real life is going to learn from this episode anyway (The mockers haters and riffers claim to bask in friendship, yet they act like just the opposite all through the series) Mockers and riffers don't really deserve redemption, just punishment.

So I, rate this ep...




Telling someone how you feel DOES NOT always work, especially if the people you're talking to don't give a damn and only bark at you for feeling in the first place.

And Being too assertive drives people away, it doesn't make them want to listen to you.

This entire episode is a load of contradictions... one after another.

Either way you act, in the real world, it's not going to get you far (It's every ONE for them self) that's what I learned, saw, experience, and was taught.

The only thing I approve of this ep is that Spike was responsible for STARTING the friendship problem, which proves me right that Spike and the Ponies are more troublemakers than helpers.

I rate it...

1/10 (Still not very high)

Campfire Tales

Scootaloo is acting extremely OOC here. Child or not, previous experience or not, a Cutiemark Crusader like her is supposed to be brave and bold all the time. Few things may frighten you. But stepping on a twig like that and freaking out... Only Fluttershy is allowed to behave like that, NOT Scootaloo.

Like I prefer: PICK ONE TRAIT AND STICK WITH IT (Screw flaws and development... or I'll screw with you)

However, I approve of those "FLY-DERS" attacking the group (Makes me wish I had sent them myself... hahahaha)


URGH!! Another one of those small guys building themselves up and become the big hero. You've seen one those you've seen em all, Tres... Lame!

and what's this? "Rockhoof sudden;y became stronger" Gee, people harsh on me for making such Deus ex machina  yet MLP and other shows use it over and over again... OY-VAY!

And also, I guess it wasn't reallyt he power of Friendship or Believing in yourself that did the job, it was whatever that magical thingy was that he struck that gave him the power. If he hadn't hit it, he would've failed... LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE!!

"He was fighting to protect his village, which IS an act of friendship."

That don't mean JACK SQUAT to me! It wasn't friendship that did it... so there!

Wow, now Rarity's acting OOC. She's supposed to be vain, snobbish, and not like getting her hoofs even the least bit filthy (Regardless of her past experiences) She would never find that cave to be beautiful...!


I like it...

Jealousy taking over someone, getting angry and going mad because of problems, and making other people miserable in an act of payback and revenge... NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' 'BOUT!!

But the whole happy ended and the selfless sacrifice at the end... *Sighs* another automatic fail!

I prefer if Sable Spirit had died, and Mistmane mourned over the loss of her friend, feeling she was responsible (Despite any facts)

But that's not what happened, instead it was another Friend making a sacrifice and the bad guy opening up to be reformed... You get a fat 'F' from me for that!

(For Once, Can't an MLP story have a bad ending like I did with Beast Boy in Equestria?)


(Okay seriously, these are really making want to hurl... that's why WHEN I MAKE PONIES, I give them simple and easier names)

Hmm... okay, not bad, since it plays out like my own Starfleet scenes, (Battles, strategy, ect, ect... and for ONCE a DUDE is the hero)

Overall, I rate this EXCUSE of an episiode


Pharynx... He was pretty much the best part of the episode, until he gave into the feelings of love and transformed. That's another automatic fail. (And he was doing so well too)

At least he called Starlight and Trixie losers for reforming, and Trixie and Starlight messed up again by leading the malwurf to the hive.

This is why I am not pleased that the Changelings have reformed (I wish Thorax had died in the previous season)

I also don't approve of Starlight's speech "You may have been unstoppable, but you were not Free"

That doesn't make sense at all, you can only be ONE... Unstoppable or Free... but either way

"Not because you have to, but because you CHOOSE to"

but in our world, whether it's HAVE TO or CHOOSE to... nothing really changes for the better at all, and people get worse (Bullies keep mocking... good fortune does not come your way without you looking like a fool) It's all one thing... it's CAVING IN... going against your beliefs!

I rate this episode 4/10

Pharynx... He was pretty much the best part of the episode, until he gave into the feelings of love and transformed. That's another automatic fail. (And he was doing so well too)

At least he called Starlight and Trixie losers for reforming, and Trixie and Starlight messed up again by leading the malwurf to the hive.

This is why I am not pleased that the Changelings have reformed (I wish Thorax had died in the previous season)

I also don't approve of Starlight's speech "You may have been unstoppable, but you were not Free"

That doesn't make sense at all, you can only be ONE... Unstoppable or Free... but either way

"Not because you have to, but because you CHOOSE to"

but in our world, whether it's HAVE TO or CHOOSE to... nothing really changes for the better at all, and people get worse (Bullies keep mocking... good fortune does not come your way without you looking like a fool) It's all one thing... it's CAVING IN... going against your beliefs!

I rate this episode 2/10


Well, looks like another episode as a slap in the face to those who mock and riff other people by creating stories of falsehood or being completely judgmental. Not to mention being highly unappreciative of a hero who tries to help others.

A.K retiring just because of a few bad reviews... PATHETIC. I get picked on all the time, and I keep going because...

-I am not giving haters the satisfaction of quitting

-By continuing to make more of my stuff, I keep pissing off the haters (Because it shows they don't know how to IGNORE something if they don't like it)

-Even if quit... where would I go... what would I do? There are things I refuse to put up with and want out of my life, and even if it means I'll get bored to death I STILL do not want them again.

Rainbow is being a complete doofuss. It hasn't been that long since FAME AND MISFORTUNE and she thinks she can CONVINCE every pony to think otherwise? She's more dimwitted than I thought.

As for the collateral damages to Somnambula, despite the obviousness that it's better than the whole town being destroyed, something the ponies can't seem to understand (Like those who mock me won't get off Starfleet's back)


Dr. Caballeron... EEYUP... just as I thought, this ep is practually made as a partial slap in the face to unscrupulous mockers and riffers.

The truth did finally come out, but in real life its a different story, there's usually no forgive and forget, especially when people don't even care what the truth is if they just keep going at it and hurting people's feelings.

I'll give this ep a 4/10

(Finally Home from the states so I can rant on this episode)

It Isn't the Mane Thing About You

Hmm, so far, Rarity is just being Rarity... that's fine, she hasn't hurt anything yet.

As for Zecora, I'm glad she's here, so I can rub in people's faces about rhyming (There's nothing different whatsoever the way Zecora talks that Rhymey talks... so don't be shallow)


It's quite annoying how people mock,
There's nothing wrong with the way we talk.


Dat is true, dere's nothin' wrong with us,
It's DEM who have da problem, which is why dey fuss!

As for Rarity, getting in an awful mess, and then losing her mane like that... as an Anti-Brony... I am quite amused... HAHAHA! (too bad she's not a Space Pony... Then her mane and tail would grow back in just half a day. "It's special magical thing they have. Their manes don't grow any longer than normal. If they wish them extended or shortened, they get a special magical adjustment (Like a laser surgery))

However, the ponies are acting really superficial, just LIKE Rarity, (Now Rarity's normal attitude is causing trouble, as usual) Ponies can't help you if they don't recognize you? TRES LAME!! Looks aren't everything you know!

As for Rarity asking people to PRETEND IT ISN'T THAT BAD!! Oyi-vay... she really is vain! You can't just PRETEND not to notice it, and nobody likes it when something in sugar-coated... it's not good for the self-esteem.

Hmm, Rarity's punk look does suffice an okay appearance change.

I suppose I can give this half and half.


A Health of Information

My, my,
It's more than about time,
you learned to speak in rhyme.

I fairly approve of this much,
to get back at my haters as such

*Talks normal now*

Well, well, a disease caused by a flower, serious Deja Vu from Zecora's debut episode, and then again just like an episode form my Starfleet Season 6, when Trixie was poisoned by a plant.

I also approve of how the cure is not directly known in Equestrian pony databases. Helps me to continue to point out that even the Equestrians don't know everything (My Starfleet ponies don't know everything either, they just know MORE than they Equestrians, and probably WOULD have a cure)

Um... how could Fluttershy have stayed up all night long and not look more frazzled? (Typical animation things)

First Flyders... now Flashbees? Oh, boy, they are seriously running low on ideas, but at least they're immune to Fluttershy's stare (Then again, anyone can be... she's just looking at you after all)

Well, this episode doesn't seem too bad, but just a little boring to me.

I'll give it 5/10

Marks and Recreation

Well, well, well... their finally getting the idea that SOME PONIES do not even WANT a Cutie Mark... (Alas, doth I sense Rumble will be just like the rest and flip-flop on me?) and the fact that this IDEA is happening, looks like they got off from my Starfleet Season 2

Ugh! The Crusaders are written as such dodos. Anyone can see that he's plain not interested and that he purposely fumbled on those events. (Until later)

As for Rumble telling them he doesn't want a Cutie Mark (Even if he flip-flops on me) I will cherish that moment.

"Not wanting a cutie-mark is like not wanting to breathe"

"Every pony wants to know what their meant to do"

More perfect examples of how I feel Cutiemarks are pathetic, and not necessary. (You do not need some picture tattooed on your ass to tell you what you're good at!)

Wow, this whole episode has the makings of a FRIENDSHIP IS FAILURE (This ep gets major points for using MY KIND OF IDEALS again)

*Sighs* Yep, Rumble flip-flopped on me (Not that I couldn't see it coming) He gets a big fat "F"

Still, I'll give this ep 7/10

Once Upon a Zeppelin

First of all, Spike wanting to takeover to Twilight's duty's... PRINCESS SPIKE... they just never reflect upon their past mistakes, do they? (Well sometimes they do)

"You're as much a part of my family as Any-pony" I'm aware she was talking about the ponies in her family, but again... SPIKE ISN'T A PONY... you cannot use "Any-Pony" on him.

NEIGH-AGRA FALLS?!?! How dare they slap the crown jewel of my country like that (JK)

Iron Will, huh... What a dork! He's just too big and loud for his own good.

*Sighs* Obviously Twilight's folks can be a little AIR-HEADED at times for not READING before JUDGING.

Wow, Shining Armor gets wimpier every time we see him.

-First he gets brainwashed at his own wedding
-Then he can't stand up to a weak enemy like Sombra (Naturally)
-Then he gets weepy at other ponies weddings,
-and NOW he's got such a weak constitution that he gets air and seasick.

...I'm glad I made him stronger in my Starfleet series.

Well, I must say I like Twilight's freak out... She's finally getting a message I've been telling people for years. "Just because others are happy for what you did... doesn't mean YOU YOURSELF are happy"

I'll give this ep 5/10

Secrets and Pies

Ugh! Pinkie Pie and her overblown celebrations. She may be showing hoe much she cares, but how annoying can she possibly be?!

the ways he converses with Gummy as if he's actually paying attention... yep, Pinkie is definitely the most INSANE of the mane six.

Animals just can't digest pony-food? Reality check, Cheerilee... YOU ARE AN ANIMAL AND YOU CAN DIGEST PONY FOOD WHICH IS ACTUALLY HUMAN FOOD!!! GAAAAAAAH!!!

Rainbow Dash is being very rude by not telling Pinkie the truth. Covering it up and lying like that is no way to let someone down gently.

I myself tell people I don't eat pies right off the bat because I don't like pie. People SHOULD know that off the bat so they can understand me later down the road, but Rainbow... Oh, mama...!

Doing ridiculous and complex things to make someone happy, but still lying in the process... I don't think that's a good thing.

I'll give this episode 5/10.


Hmm... why do I get the feeling this is revise of FOREVER FILLY?

Huh, it's not... it's WORSE. It's a view on doing things that someone just interested in... (I'll give that a point)

??? So if Twilight laughs too hard she causes a magical mishap? Super RIDIC...!

I must say, I feel I can actually relate to Starlight in this ep, feeling left out of things due to changes, and people forgetting who they once were, then again this episode is hurting me inside because it reminds of what I lost and will never get back becuase people grew up and changed.

As for Trixies remark on redemption... Puh, it doesn't erase that you did what you did. That's why I don't forgive people who claim to be apologizing to me (they don't mean it, and it doesn't erase what they did) They DESERVE to be shunned and scorned.

As for the ending... I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. Once you've grown apart, that's it. It's done, can't be undone... say your goodbyes and go away!

I give this episode 4/10 (I had to take points off for the sadness it made me feel)


URGH... no surprises. another Lame villain that will be defeated easily in just 2 episodes.

So Starswirl taught the royal sisters... unless I've forgotten about that, why are they only mentioning this now?

This Pony of Shadows seems like a Fusion of Nightmare Moon and King Sombra (The writers are definitely running low on ideas)

Hmm... finding all the ancient relics to unlock the portal, a very common form of writing that supports my own style, so up yours, haters (This will do excellent for my own season 7)

Well, well... Twilight screwed up BIG TIME because she wanted to meet her idol, and then some... another perfect example of what a loser she is.

I do approve of the way Starswirl is scolding Twilight, and saying "Unless you have a better idea" much like the way my Starfleet ponies tried to get through with her "Sometimes you have to do what's best... even if it involves risk or sacrifice."

so the Sirens had a role in this as well... talk about pulling out of a hat.

Ah, finally, friendship not being forgiven and reconciled which created evil... I LIKE, and the the seven ponies being judgmental...

and the way Starswirl is behaving... I always suspected he wasn't as great as was proclaimed, (Once again MY THEORIES prove correct. So quit mocking me)

Ah... my writing supported even more... Stigeon is portrayed almost exactly how I portray Beast Boy in my Teen titan fics.

The ending really sucks, Starswirl and the others shouldn't stay, this isn't their world to live in.

But for heavily supporting my writing and giving a better villian than King Sombra... I'll give this episode...


Comments ( 11 )
Comment posted by DakariKingMykan deleted Apr 16th, 2017

Okay, so a I have a legitimate question: If you keep telling your haters to not read your fics if they don't like them, why don't you do the same for MLP?

As An Anti-Brony, I watch the show to study it so I know what to make for my Starfleet Series, as well as to badmouth the characters (Not the fans, not the VAs, not the makers... just the show itself)

1: I know your Starfleet series is MLP-centerd, but why can't you get inspiration for it from somewhere else? Why specifically MLP? Plus, I think you once said you watch the show for "character study" as well (which could just as easily be a mistake on my part), but what purpose does that serve if you're preferred way of writing the characters is by picking one character trait and sticking with it?

2: Do you really need to watch and follow the show in order to badmouth it? Isn't having seen a few episodes enough to point out it's flaws?

This might just be me misunderstanding you, but I ask again: If you don't like MLP, why watch it?

I feel fluttershy is sheding her shyness away little by little all those lesson of being brave is paying off also did you notice that when celestia finished daybreaker off she said not again does that mean it happened before?


Fluttershy still can't steer away form all her roots like that. She's Flutter-SHY and always will be. She can't just change like that, not even over years.

No, Daybreaker never happened before. She's just an alternate possibility.

You have point also would it have been interesting if the day Luna was sent to the moon she felt stress from the deed and plus summer day celebration was something she dreaded since is the day Luna is gone from her life would the possibility that she turn her daybreaker during her lowest point only regain her composure after realizing she would just like nightmare moon


My Fanfic... FRIENDSHIP IS FAILURE 9: INHERIT THE SUN gives Celestia something else to be sad about on Summer Sun Festival (Something that was her fault)

Dang it is official all of the mlp in those stories need moral support


Sadly, this isn't the right place to ask for it (90% of all the people here are a bunch of dodos)

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