• Member Since 8th Aug, 2016
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Writer of many kinks. And if you like futa, whooooo boy are you in for a treat. http://www.patreon.com/Drace

  • MFantasia
    Don't pretend to be a magician in the face of true magic. That's a lesson Trixie has to learn, and one Adagio is eager to teach. Sure, her student might put up a bit of a fight, but...oh well.
    dracedomino · 3.5k words  ·  144  22 · 6.2k views

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New Dazzling Stories Today and Tomorrow · 10:56pm Mar 31st, 2017

Hey everyone! Today and tomorrow I've got all new stories featuring the Dazzlings for ya. Today's is Fantasia; a story about futa Adagio punishing Trixie for daring to pretend to be a magician. The other puts the Dazzlings on the defensive as a futa Celestia and Luna teach them a lesson for their actions in Rainbow Rocks.

The Dazzlings are easily one of the most requested group of characters people ask me for, so I hope you enjoy these stories! Please make sure to visit them and give them a like/comment to help push them up, I really appreciate it!

PS: Anyone know if there's any way to block someone from adding your stories to folders? I get irritated when I see literally every story I write added to some childish Pissbaby's "These stories suck" folder a few seconds after I post them.

Report dracedomino · 448 views · Story: Fantasia · #dazzlings #adagio #trixie
Comments ( 14 )

This might be the first time I read about Futadagio. You'd think one could find them more easily, but no...

4478893 This is true. I'm surprised she isn't all over.

I would try blocking whoever it is, and report them and their bookshelf.

I have a question too. Does it tell you when people add your story to their library if the library is private?

I might have recently made a bad fic shelf. I was sick of finding stories I'd already read, not knowing why I never added them to my Stories I've Read library, and rereading them just realize why I never added them.

I figured since I've never gotten people thanking me on my page for adding their stories to a privated shelf that they didn't get notified, if they do I'm definitely going to have to change that. I'm not trying to be an asshole to those people or anything.

Mind you Drace you're nowhere near that shelf I only follow writers that make multiple stories I love to read.

As far as I know, the most you can do is make it so certain negative groups don't show up on the story's page. You can't actually remove them from the group yourself, even if you wrote them. Can't say I agree with Fimfiction's handling of this... Even DeviantArt asks me for permission every time someone wants to submit one of animations to a group.

wait... you mean, the Dazzlings and the futa principals? :rainbowderp: :raritystarry: :rainbowkiss: i love you so much right now

Is there a way we can throw ideas at you? you don't have to pick them up, but if they interest you?

4479688 It's up right now and available, enjoy! As for suggestions/requests, I mostly operate from commissions so I'm somewhat limited in what I can incorporate. But if I know there's a lot of people looking for a particular kink to pop up, I can sometimes work those into commissions if the client approves.

4478965 I blocked them already, but they still seem able to add my stuff. Ah well, not sure if it's a reportable thing or not, it's just annoying. Like a constant thing that I know 100% of my stories will get added to the "Whiny Pissbaby doesn't like this" folder. >.>

4479004 I don't know if it notifies with private libraries. I didn't even know you could have private ones, actually. FIMfiction has a lot of utility and interface options that I just sort of ignore, it took me three months before I realized I could add stories to groups. >.>

4479164 Gotcha! So far I haven't noticed being added to any groups, just a reading list. But that's good to know if it does come up!

4480333 fair enough. I wish i could commission people. I wanna see so many ideas come to light. :pinkiesad2:

Private and unlisted bookshelves don't notify authors when you add stories to them, only public shelves do. The other difference between all three is that public shelves are listed on your account and anyone can go look. Unlisted shelves aren't listed under your bookshelves page, but can be linked to, so you can share a list of them with other people. Private shelves can only be seen by you and neither unlisted nor private shelves notify authors.

Yeah I private most of my clop favorites. Recently privated my "finished reading" library because the only requirement for me to put a story on there is that it's passable enough to be read all the way through and not make me want to hide that I've read it.

If a story loses me half way through but I still want to read it later I put them in the "Bookmark" bookshelf which is also hidden.

About the only bookshelf I don't hide is my personal favorites bookshelf. Which the requirement of is only that I have read the story more than once or know I will want to come back to it later to read it a second time. Got tired of trying to find my actual favorites in my 700+ finished shelf.

That a relief thank you.

Anyone know if there's any way to block someone from adding your stories to folders?

No, there isn't. There's no way to block the notifications either.

not sure if it's a reportable thing or not

Report for harassment and block evasion and see what happens?

I've kind of given up on your work ever getting better, but I hate this behaviour and broken functionality as much as anyone else. (Actually, I think I'll go bother the staff about the general broken functionality again. Edit: Aaaaand bothered.)

4480588 Thanks...? I think? The insult was kind of out of nowhere and completely unnecessary.


It was a response to recent stories and a response to this blog rolled into one. I've stopped bothering to comment on your stories (or read most of them) because you don't respond much to anything but praise and haven't perceptibly worked on the flaws in your writing in the face of several people's good advice. (Construing such comments as "insults" could explain why... huh.)

I get how it seems out of the blue without that context though.

At any rate, the block issue has been raised and the response is that blocking someone is supposed to block bookshelf notifications. My interpretation is that they'll get around to it.

4480865 I don't respond enough to most comments, positive or negative. I'll freely admit that I'm not the best at correspondence. I only dismiss the criticisms that are fully subjective in nature; things like "I don't like this subject matter so therefore the whole story is bad." I take other comments seriously even if there isn't a perceived difference in my work. That said, I should make a conscious effort to publicly acknowledge those comments more.

That said I'm glad to know the Blocked notifications thing is at least a known issue. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but it's a nice to know it's on the radar.

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