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  • 41 weeks
    My Good Friend Needs Help

    Hey, gang, I'll keep it brief.

    My good friend Majin Syeekoh needs your help. He set up a GoFundMe, and if you could all help him out a bit, I'd be forever grateful.

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  • 42 weeks
    NSFW IGO Poll

    I Get Off is in the works, and in addition to the new chapter update, I would also like to write some straight up lewd shorts. I'm curious as to where would be more appropriate to post those shorts, right here on chillbook1 or on my NSFW alt. So I threw up a poll

    If there's no particular consensus, they'll probably end up on LewdChapter.

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  • 43 weeks
    It's Back, And It's Finished

    There was supposed to be more to this, but the guy who set that up... I'm not him anymore. So I wanted to give this story some proper closure even if it meant skipping a bit to the end. Sorry if it's a little sloppy, but I needed to do this.

    Man, it feels good to see this thing marked as complete

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  • 43 weeks



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  • 70 weeks
    Pulse Check

    Anyone still here?

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My First Session of Mass Effect: Andromeda · 8:29pm Mar 22nd, 2017

In my first "session" (heavy airquotes around that word. I actually had to start and stop several times) of Mass Effect: Andromeda confirmed what I already thought to be true: The game is solid, the internet was blowing things out of proportion, and I should stay away from Reddit.

So far, I created my Ryder (a girl named Alex, which is as appropriate as it was coincidental), became Pathfinder, and landed on Eos, my first world I have to attempt to colonize. In that time, I've had a blast. I was totally captivated by the game's visuals, the sheer spectacle of space. I really enjoy how the game shifts into first person during space travel. It really hammers home the whimsy of it all.

I did notice the animation foibles, but only because I knew to look for them. If the internet hadn't already poisoned my brain to search for it, I probably would've looked right past it. It's not exactly what I'd call a damning offense.

I'm enjoying it quite a lot, and see no reason why that would change. I'll likely report back when I've completed my first playthrough. Let this be a lesson to you; Don't let other people scare you off of liking something.

Comments ( 6 )

Back in the ol' days we did not listen to the internet hype before the game was even out. We played the games, formed our own impressions and we liked it that way! And then we complained for stupidest things.
Ya kids these days with your tubes and edits. Bah I say. BAH.

Seriously though so glad to get positive confirmation. Or at least impression after the damn game was out. I do hope to hear more about your Ryder and crazygoofs.

And again eereeeeeew reddit. How can you even go there the UI is uglier than internet stone age era forums and navigation is awful... oh also community something something. Actually no clue bout reddities.

And there is a weird thing where you keep running if you hit the run button, but overall, the game's pretty good. With its flaws, I rate it an 8.2. Apparently , the multiplayer team had to work on it, as the old team left after ME3

I'm super glad to hear this. Particularly because I'm trying to build a new PC primarily to RUN THIS GAME and I'm having a hell of a time. All my Mass Effect buddies from work are already two days into it already. The guy who sits next to me woke up at 3 am so he could play before work.
Part of me is cranky & miffed, BUT, I've taken a week off of work for this and I'm still trying to get said new PC going. Once it does.... it will be glorious!


I see this sort of thing for a lot of games. Take Nier Automiacina

Every ones focused on the girls arse so much they miss the deeply depressing story and the fact the main chat is the guy tagging along with the girl.

Seems to be the in thing to do now focus on one thing and ignore everything else.

4468627 Are you implying that gamers should pay attention to other things in games besides cute girls bottom and pretty graphics? What a radical notion. Heretical even.

But seriously though you have a point.

This is honestly how i'm feeling about it as well. It's certainly still Mass Effect. The internet blew quite a few things out the water for not enough substantial reason. As someone who's thoroughly played the trilogy I can say this plays like a mix of 1 and 3 with much better combat. If the writing were a bit better this would be a solid 9 but it being rough around the edges doesn't really merit that hate it's been generating. Then again fanboys will be the destruction of anything if they try hard enough.

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