• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.

More Blog Posts107

  • 226 weeks
    Actually nice content

    Have a look at this lovliness.

    Remember a while back when I made some Hearths' Warming content, the pony version of Santa and the Krampus. It was a nice thing, a happy thing. The opposite of caribou and zebras. And I finally got something drawn on that subject. The Hearthkeeper, Kampfite, and their Pooka wives Klåsa and Kråmpa.

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    1 comments · 519 views
  • 242 weeks
    Why I stopped (and might not restart)

    It's a short answer. They broke me. Given some replies in the past, I can actually say to some readers, you broke me.

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    24 comments · 1,041 views
  • 244 weeks
    I finally found it

    Way back when, at the start of the Fall there was one specific image I was mining for context before I had more primary sources. It colored the entire perception of the caribou and gave rise to the ultra-harsh depictions as literal Nazis, and also why I hammer their racism so hard. If you happen to notice, all the women are ponies, and some men as well. Other species don't exist EXCEPT acceptable

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    11 comments · 597 views
  • 245 weeks
    Placed in the monster pen

    A popular setting for horror anything is the haunted asylum. See, it was filled with crazy people. Crazy people are all sociopathic professional serial killers, and when they die they all turn into ghosts with have an insatiable drive to kill stupid teenagers. Nevermind that the inmates of asyla generally had even fewer rights and protections than even regular prisoners for a ridiculously long

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    8 comments · 492 views
  • 253 weeks
    Help needed from Fallout: New Vegas fans

    It's no secret I'm a strong Black Isle fanboy. I believe in the purity of Fallout one and two. It had the retrofuturistic feel and look of the old atompunk pulps, the senseless exuberance and clean lines of streamline moderne and Googie mixed with B-Movie sci-fi and all the little idiot lies that made it fun. There was a frivolousness to it. A joyous abandon when designs aped Mad Max, when people

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    17 comments · 403 views

Why I am slightly mistrustful of protestations · 12:11am Mar 22nd, 2017

A real human being wrote this. An allegedly adult real human being wrote this to be read by other human beings and intended that others agree. And they do.

What you say tells me who you are. I stopped buying "It's just a prank, bro!" "It's just a social experiment, dude!" "It's a non-connected separate-brain-state fantasy expression, my bromide!" after the hellmouth called the Gamer Gate opened up to let the alt-right free. After they had social cachet they dropped the need to hide and opened up their terms and plans so we all got the equivalent of The Wedge Document, for Fascists rather than creationists.

I don't believe contrary protestations because the Manosphere and it's neoreactionary dark enlightenment revealed The Dark Triad, the ideals of an alpha who believes in all the things linked in the above. Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. All of that would make a kind of sociopathy if done with foreknowledge and understanding. It would mean that the person knows they are wrong but must lie to those around them, especially those who question them, that they are not bad. It's like racists who claim they only follow science, that they are merely "race realists" who believe in "human biodiversity." The Machiavellianism part makes any protestations from those giving off a strong odor of being a Manosphere satellite (MGTOW, Incel, religious or secular male supremacist, general misogynist) suspect because lying is not only a strategy but an ideal.

Though note, mistrustful just means wary. I'll usually just accept the line but remember "Maybe not the type to believe when they talk about social matters." Seeing an intersection between extreme sexist porn and real human Fascists and their essays (including female supremacy; radfems, especially TERFs, are equally bad) creates, well, a connection. It means the two might be linked.

Report Gabriel LaVedier · 475 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
Georg #1 · Mar 22nd, 2017 · · 1 ·

So nice to see the Scientific Method is held in such high regard by said bloggers that they refuse to even sully its purity with a touch. :scootangel:

Well.... those were words. Not coherent words, but words nonetheless.

I'm kind of impressed. It's the Red Pill/Quiverfull crossover I should have seen coming.

(I have to admit that I'm fascinated by cults, so I know more about Quiverfull than any sane person should.)

The Alt-Right and the Regressive Left are just a match made in heaven, even if they aren't aware of it. Honestly, I think you're blowing all of this a bit out of proportion. I do, however, agree that MGTOW is pretty much bullshit. However, MRAs shouldn't be ignored because of them, just as WRAs shouldn't be because of Third-wave wave Feminism. GamerGate was also just another incident blown out of proportion (and since proved to be a constructed Third-wave Feminist attack against "games journalism") that held no real precedent over anyone who could see past the bullshit. Unfortunately, psychopaths like the ones you describe actually thought that GamerGate was their awakening, and they jumped out into the harsh light of day half-cocked and ill-prepared. Quite hilarious, actually.

It's really scary to see leftist extremists speak as though they have an enraptured audience. Safe spaces and echo chambers were a mistake.

Aburi #6 · Mar 22nd, 2017 · · 2 ·

It's really frustrating to me that people hole up extremes tripe like this as an example.

Yes, there is a strong MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement. And they use a Red Pill/Blue Pill symbology. As with any other movement, the attitudes rance from mild to extreme. In this case, the "Red Pill" goes from "women have unfair advantages in society" to the extreme garbage you reference, which claims that women are incapable of love. The bulk of the movement centers around men simply giving up on romantic relationships.

And no. No one agrees with that. How do I know? Well, only 6 people bothered to comment on that post, and exactly zero were supportive of it. So yea, only the idiots writing that tripe believe it. It is a waste of your time to pay it any attention.

I second this motion. lol.


I write a lot of crap, but I hold it firmly in the world of fantasy. In real life, people are hurt by these sorts of things. Yes, this is an example of an extreme. But think on this:

This person exists. They interact with people. I have met people who firmly believe this crap. They are a minority, but they are real.

These are the kind of people that hurt other people, really hurt beyond base feelings, because they don't feel like a subset of people are really people. The thought process at its core is like this: I am a person. I understand me. I don't understand them at all. Therefore, they are not a person. Therefore, they are less and can be explained by simpler rules. Since they are less, they can be controlled/owned/protected/etc.

It's the same thought that gave rise to slavery and very oppressive religions/cultures thousands of years ago. It's not new, and it's not going away. Keep it out of legislature, keep it out of your life as best you can, but don't be surprised when you see it. And don't let it get to you or tear you down. You can be strong.

Even though humans have always been selfish and violent animals, people can be much more than that. Just be better.



I'm not sure I get what you're saying, because some parts seem to contradict, but only seem to. So, you're against incels and radfems (and by definition TERFs) which is great. But you also appear to be a conspiracy theorist, maybe. I'm not clear on that part. A movement driven by chan boards and anonymous (presumably majority male) cogs in a very excellent illustration of the destructive power of emergent complexity, was actually a top-down arch-fake arch-orchestrated arch-conspiracy arch-by arch-women? It's unique, I'll give you that. And if it makes you feel good, heck, it's less a crazy thing than Fall of Equestria. Have fun with it.


Err, FSTDT is a board to post things worthy of note, not a place to promote the subjects in question. They disagree with it because that's what they do. On his own blog Jim likely has support, and is in accord with similar and larger organizations like Chateau Heartiste, Vox Populi and the subreddits often quoted.


I just had a peek at your works. I'm surprised you noticed this journal. We seem to be very different. Our imaginations are violently incompatible. And what fantasize about is indeed your business and I shouldn't let it get me down. You might be what you proclaim. Sure, you are. You're a nice person who will never hurt people. It's good to meet you and I hope you enjoy the things I wrote. I looked over a lot of your work and think it was presented in a vaguely Cormac McCarthy way, very "floaty" and postmodern, and always morally nullified. Quite avant-garde and open of you.

4479330 No no no, my point was that the entire GamerGate nonsense turned out to be a few vindictive people using single-instance accounts to harass someone and others blew it totally out of proportion. This blowing out of proportion then led to psychopaths like the IRL Caribou (a section of the Alt-Right) jumping the gun on their ideas, and now everybody knows they exist. In summary, it was a fuckfest that led to some great chuckles, and then faded away into mist, and now most people really don't give a shit anymore.

4479330 Oh, not to mention the Crash Override Network debacle. Wasn't that just poetic fuckery? Indeed it was.

Comment posted by Aristagtle deleted Sep 24th, 2017
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