• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
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More Blog Posts286

  • 42 weeks
    My Good Friend Needs Help

    Hey, gang, I'll keep it brief.

    My good friend Majin Syeekoh needs your help. He set up a GoFundMe, and if you could all help him out a bit, I'd be forever grateful.

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  • 43 weeks
    NSFW IGO Poll

    I Get Off is in the works, and in addition to the new chapter update, I would also like to write some straight up lewd shorts. I'm curious as to where would be more appropriate to post those shorts, right here on chillbook1 or on my NSFW alt. So I threw up a poll

    If there's no particular consensus, they'll probably end up on LewdChapter.

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    3 comments · 198 views
  • 43 weeks
    It's Back, And It's Finished

    There was supposed to be more to this, but the guy who set that up... I'm not him anymore. So I wanted to give this story some proper closure even if it meant skipping a bit to the end. Sorry if it's a little sloppy, but I needed to do this.

    Man, it feels good to see this thing marked as complete

    6 comments · 360 views
  • 44 weeks



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  • 71 weeks
    Pulse Check

    Anyone still here?

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Updates & Questions · 2:22pm Mar 16th, 2017

With the exception of a few one-shots here and there, I've been more or less dormant in terms of releasing content. Ever since Crime Pays ended about a month ago, things have been slowing down. I released Where Do Babies Come From? (which did way better than I expected) and Kinnamon with a K (which did about as average as I expected) mostly to let you know that I'm not dead. I decided to write this blog to inform those of you wondering of what I plan to do in the future, as well as ask a few questions.


So, with CP behind me, I have basically a clear docket. It's actually really strange to not really be working on anything. So, let's fix that, and start working on stuff. The question now is "what to work on"?

If you go to my user page, you'll find a section labeled Stories That Need Updates. This is for stories that I don't really intend to finish in the near future, but can't bring myself to properly trash it. That section contains stories the likes of LES; Blades, Boats, And Booty, Oh My!; Remnants of Equestria: ASSD; and Sweetie Belle Sucks At Video Games. Now, I don't think anyone would be super disappointed if any or all of these stories just vanished, but I know a few people (myself included) want to see them finished off. So these things are, as always, on the back burner of my mind. Sweetie Belle Sucks especially has been plaguing me. I've been trying to find a more interesting way to portray the story, and I'm struggling to not just reboot the whole damn thing. But those are old ideas. I have some new ones, too.

Firstly, a mafia Octavia story. Technically, this is a very old idea, one that recently got revitalized much in the way that CP was. I've been wanting to do a mafia Octavia story for ages now. Something about a criminal with class just grabs my attention. The plot underwent serious reworks, but I think I found a balance of drama, romance, redemption, tragedy, and religion. The main plot follows Octavia, who's been tasked with diffusing something of a coup d'état, all the while trying to redeem herself of her past wrongdoings. After the success of CP, I felt confident that I can do drama. Not everything I write has to be silly or corny. No release date as of now, but I'm bringing chapter 1 to a close rather soon-ish.

Secondly, something really weird that half of you probably won't be into. This will likely the most niche story I ever write. With the help of Disel Delta and Prince Conjure, I've put together an AU human story about a WWE-esque wrestling federation. This was spurred on by a blog post I made in January that was me bitching about poor booking decisions made by WWE. So, after some encouragement from DD, I decided to see if I could do it better. This will follow any and every MLP character I can find a place for and have two shows a week with PPV's at the end of the month. Because of how long the production of chapters is going to be, I decided to get about a month of content finished before I start releasing. Currently, I'm finishing up week 1, so this will be a bit of a ways away as well.

Thirdly, this is another really weird one. So, just last night, I was listening to Wubcake sing Basket Case by Green Day, but as Aria Blaze. That cover resparked my love for Aria, and so I decided to write a story about her, no matter what. I search through derpibooru in search of inspiration, not finding much that did anything for me.

Enter: Prince Conjure.

Now, I don't know if he went looking for this image, or if he just happened to stumble across it, or if he had this pic on tap, but he sent me something. Aria was looking back, kinda annoyed looking, pointing at her butt. Conjure sends me a potential title: Could You Not Stare At My Ass?. The idea was that Sonata won't stop staring at Aria’s butt, Aria gets flustered, and it turns out Sonata was just trying to get some dirt or something off of Aria’s jeans. I went to sleep thinking that was the funniest idea ever. But, when I woke up today, I had a brain-blast. I sent him the following message:

I think I've come up with more plot for the Ass story.

What if Aria’s ass has slight mind-control powers? When the pendants broke, the mind-control magic had to go somewhere. Why not her ass? Sonata’s went to her tits and Adagio’s went to her hips. And what if I scrap the Slice genre and turn it into an AU superhero story where one of the girls has sex-related powers?

He has yet to respond.

But, seriously, I think this is a damn funny idea. There's a lot I can do with that, I feel. If I want to make it actiony, I can. If I want to make it more comedic, I can. If I want to make it clop (I probably won't), I can. I just think it's really funny for some reason to have superheroes have sex-themed gimmicks.

And this actually segues to the next section of the blog...


What type of stories do you want me to write? What genre do you prefer from me? Is there anything you think I should work to improve on or stay away fromy entirely? I'm always trying to improve, and your feedback would be much appreciated.

Which of these ideas would you most like to see? I think the three I listed have three distinct flavors, none necessarily better or worse than the other 2. Just different.

Do you prefer stories that are weird or more classic? Is originality more or less important than execution?

If I made a Discord server to chat with you guys, would anyone be down with that?

If I released a novel, completely independent of this site, would you consider reading? That's not exactly around the corner, though.

If I were to slide back into the habit of writing non-MLP fanfics, what media would you like to see me do?

Thanks for your time, guys. I'll get back to work now.

Report chillbook1 · 244 views · #IRL #Me #The Future
Comments ( 5 )

1. This will sound corny but write which ever genre you want. I personally liked your humor and then I realized "Wait, same person that wrote Crime Pays?" so it would cruel to limit you to specific genre. As for improvement I am not qualified to nag about that as I haven't yet read most of your stories.

2.a Mafia Octavia while not a new concept is still cool idea and after CP I would looove to see what you would pull off. I personally might be bored by almost unavoidable romance with Vinyl since it was done so many times but I 99% sure that everyone else will kill me for saying that. On the other hand romance with not-Vinyl could be deadly for you so bunker up.
2.b WWE pony wrestling is so absurd it peaked my interest. Heh curious if reader would be able to bet on the ponies or vote for inclusion of specific show pony.
2.c I am most certainly in minority here but the premise hasn't peaked my interest and characters that would be featured don't interest me. Yes, I am heartless monster that feeds on the tears of frightened kids.

3. Sorry no clue, classic vs weird alone isn't enough for me to decide. Definitely going for execution over originality though.

4. Maybe? I am sure your long time followers would love to. I am shy! :fluttershysad:

5. I would consider reading it, the issue would be getting it.

6. There is such thing as Non-Mlp fanfiction :pinkiegasp:. You should probably do it since if you want to grow then you need to go beyond ponies.

4458655 First, thanks for your reply

curious if reader would be able to bet on the ponies or vote for inclusion of specific show pony.

There was a WWE PPV a long time ago by the name of Cyber Sunday, wherein the fans voted before the show for what matches they wanted to see. I've been thinking about how to implement that here.

I'm sorry that the superhero idea doesn't really appeal to you. I get it, though. It's weird and probably not as funny as I think it is. Hopefully, though, I'll have stuff in the future that speaks to you.

I was thinking about a Discord server to celebrate 450 followers or something. Just thinking for the future.

Firstly, a mafia Octavia story.

I'm all for this idea. After reading Crime Pays, I'm very confident that you could tell a story about Octavia being a classy mafia boss or something of the sort. If you'd like someone to pre-read the first chapter, I'd love to lend a hoof! :twilightsmile:

4458699 Well either there would be blog that would act as a poll, though sadly as far as I can see no actual poll feature is present. Or after each chapter in Author's Comment you would list candidates and readers would vote in comments which probably would be better as not all readers would be watching your blogs. It probably should be limited pool of ponies to chose because if there are too many then chaos might ensue.

And hey don't be sorry. Just because premise didn't peak my interest it doesn't even mean I won't like the end product or one of the other products.

And heh that would be cool milestone celebration to open it with discord party.

4458712 It's not so much the logistics of it that I’m concerned with, cause I was gonna just make a Strawpoll. My problem is the timing of it all.

Say it's the top of the month, and I have a match booked between Vinyl and Lyra, and I want them to fight at the PPV. I also want the people to vote on what type of match it would be. If I did it like WWE did, I would cut off voting the Saturday before the PPV, which gives me very little time to put the actual match together. I'll figure something out, though, cause I really love the idea.

Cheers, mate.

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