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Season Seven Of MLP Was Eaten By Dinosaurs · 10:00pm Mar 15th, 2017

Some butt hurt fans who refuse to believe the show exists after season two trained dinosaurs to eat all of the footage for seven seven.

So long story short, there will be no season seven now.

I believe they are trying to get the giant beasts to eat the footage for the movie and season eight as well.

But for now, it is only season seven that has been eaten by the rogue creatures.

It may still be salvaged by pulling pieces of the computers it was animated on out of the droppings left behind by the prehistoric animals.

In that case, it will just be very delayed. And a very crappy situation indeed.

P.S. I wasn't kicked out of my place after the building managers and repair staff did their inspection of my apartment today, so thank you for your good vibes, everyone. Your positive thoughts and prayers helped me out a lot.

Comments ( 43 )

So long story short, there will be no season seven now.

4457594 Don't worry. They might be able to salvage the parts of the computers that season seven was animated on. And in that case, it will just be delayed. :rainbowkiss:

4457605 :pinkiegasp:yay u and ur mom still have a roof over ur heads :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

Umm, what exactly happened? :rainbowderp:

4457609 We do indeed. Thank you for the positive vibes, my friend. They helped a lot. :)

4457613 What do you mean?

Geeze, can't the universe just give you two a break. Seriously. Sorry this happened to you, Lyra.

Best of luck to you and your mother again, you guys keep fighting the good fight.

..... Has there actually been a delay, or are you being a silly?:duck:

4457664 Thank you for the encouraging words, my friend.

The inspection by the apartment people went pretty good today, though. So my mom and I can still live where we currently are. :)

4457673 I am just being silly. XD

She's Lyra, of course she's being silly. What, you actually thought she was being serious?

4457698 Oh my goodness, I misread it ... blargh! :twilightoops:

So very glad to hear it!

4457702 I am very rarely serious about things. :P

4457704 It's okay. :) Thank you for looking out for my mom and I. It means a lot to me.

And I am happy that we passed the inspection as well.

4457702 Just checking. After all, Young Justice Season 3 may as well have been eaten by dinosaurs.

Vandal Savage shook hands with Darkseid... AND SO I HAVE WAITED. FOR FOUR... LONG... YEARS.:flutterrage:

4457735 I was also sad when Young Justice was cancelled. It was a great show. :fluttercry:

4457736 Many hugs and snuggle to you, my friend. :heart:

4457740 But! Netflix rescued it and now we're getting Season 3!!!:rainbowkiss:

4457746 Hurray! I can't wait to see what will happen in the next season. XD

About season 7. You said that the season was eaten by dinosaurs.

4457882 Oh, I was just joking. :P

Glad you still have a roof over your head dear.

4458009 Thank you for the kind words, my friend.

I am happy that we were able to pass the inspection as well. :)

I'm glad you're still at home and doing okay. :scootangel:

But when season seven's first glimpse is the high praise of the show's most worthless character, you tend to get a bit annoyed. :ajbemused:

4458108 I personally like Starlight Glimmer. She adds a necessary dynamic to the mane six. The mane six on their own are kind of lacking a certain personality dynamic which Starlight Glimmer has. Pinkie brings the laughter. Rainbow Dash brings the awesome. Twilight Sparkle brings the nerdy. Rarity brings the posh. Fluttershy brings the timid. Applejack brings the down to earth. And Starlight brings the leadership/ snarkiness. The only thing that would make the dynamic better would be to have Sunset Shimmer return to Equestria and become and eighth element (with Starlight being the seventh). She would bring the wisdom dynamic to the team.

I really hope that the show goes in that direction because I think it would be awesome. I can have my dreams anyway. :P

4458520 Twilight has the leadership and Fluttershy has the snark. Starlight is completely unnecessary. She doesn't even do what she was supposed to do in this show: have a decent reformation arc. She actively avoided responsibility and complained a majority of the time, and when she didn't, she did absolutely nothing. The only way she was useful was by removing every other useful character in the main cast--hands down, the most contrived and unlikely scenario in the history of the show.

I'm sorry if you like her. A lot of people still do. But I can't for the life of me figure out why.

4458769 I like Starlight because she is one of the most real characters in the show, She had a traumatic event in her childhood which set her on the path of doing what she 'thought' was right. And that was making a perfect society where everyone is equal so no one will ever have to surpass anyone else and leave other people behind. She thought that Twilight and the mane six took this perfect society away from her. So she sought revenge in the form of changing the past. But she did so without realizing the consequences for her actions. And once she realized that what she was doing was wrong, she made an effort to try to understand the real meaning of friendship.

When you look at all of the back stories of the characters in the show, there are very few characters who are as complex as Starlight Glimmer. Princess Luna and Celestia have complex backstories because they've been around for thousands of years.

But most of the other characters don't have the same level of depth. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all came from someone stable families and had pretty normal upbringings. The challenges they have faced have mainly come in the form of evil people they've faced in the show. This is fine, and it works for their characters.

But Starlight Glimmer has a lot of depth and a very interesting back story that many of the main characters don't have.

The same can be said for characters like Discord and Sunset Shimmer, who are also very interesting reformed villains and great assets to the mane six.

But that is just my personal view on things.

4458780 Starlight's "traumatic event" was a slight inconvenience that she took way too personally and didn't even try to make better.

She used magic to strip ponies of their lives just to make herself right, and avoid processing her emotions and trying to find the friend she cared about so much. Proving that she cares more about herself than she does about her friends.

Her revenge was done at the expense of Equestria, and when she was faced with that, she tried to destroy the spell and make it all irreversible. Once again, her own thoughts and feelings were the only thing she cared about. And if it weren't for plot convenience, the world of Equestria would have ended.

A bad background doesn't make for a complex character. In fact, some of the worst fan characters ever made were made with the faulty logic that a bad background makes for an interesting character. And Starlight is not even complex. She's selfish, sneaky, ungrateful, and bland, and contributes nothing to the series. She does nothing throughout the show except dodge responsibility and use magic to take the easy way in doing things she has to do. She complains about her past, despite having no one to blame but herself, she chooses a total stranger (who is also a former criminal) over the one who gave her a second chance, she went straight back to brainwashing to get her way, and she actually did something useful when every other useful character was kidnapped.

And the worst part is, this was all given to her, gift-wrapped and on a silver platter. She was handed a major role in the series and does literally nothing to earn it.

Sunset may have been given a chance to change, but she actively strove to make the change, and her actions left enough of an impression on others to make that difficult for her.

For Starlight, the whole world likes her, no one cares what she did, so she faces no consequences of her actions, and everything she does to not develop is met with "Oh, it's okay Starlight, you don't have to do that, you can still be our friend."

Sunset took the hard road, changed for the better, and is one of the franchise's best characters. Starlight was handed everything and rejected it all.

There's no change, no complexity, no nothing. Just one bland, unfunny character repeatedly doing the wrong thing and getting rewarded for it. Now, she's also been handed some nonsense "graduation ceremony" after having put no work into anything, and has reached a point in her tenure on the show that took Twilight, the MAIN CHARACTER, three seasons to reach.

Fluttershy has anxiety and struggles with it every day, but doesn't let it control her life. Pinkie Pie is an immature airhead a lot of the time, but she's become much more mature over the years, and doesn't lose her fun personality. Twilight started out as anti-social and questioning the importance of friendship, and is now the Princess of Friendship. They all had experiences that challenged their character and changed them for the better.

Starlight did not. She stood around and complained, dodged responsibility, and was given everything for doing nothing.

Again, I'm sorry. There's just nothing likable or deep about this character. You can like her if you want, but I will never understand why you do. There's nothing there to like, and they are forcing us to like something that simply isn't there.

4458810 Starlight has been trying to be better though. She does feel bad for what she has done. I mean most of season six was Starlight Glimmer trying to learn how to be a better friend and overcome her fears of becoming to close to other ponies. She even made friends with Trixie. And in the season six finale, she helped to save Equestria by working together with Discord, Thorax, and Trixie to infiltrate the Changeling hive and defeat Chrysalis.

I don't think she is badly written at all. Starlight was never a villain to begin with. I think many fans are angry that she didn't 'stay evil' or something. But the thing is that Starlight was never evil. She genuinely thought that what she was doing was the right thing. And when she went back in time, she didn't realize the consequences for her actions. Also, time travel isn't illegal in Equestria. Other famous wizards and creatures in general have done it. Why isn't it illegal? Well because if the past is fixed, despite how many scenarios you go through, it is like nothing ever happened. That's why the season five finale was kind of pointless. There were literally no effects that Starlight or Twilight had on the past long term, just as long as things were fixed. It really just served to help Starlight realize that getting rid of the mane six and not attempting to change in any way was going to just lead to her ruin in the end.

So Starlight was never evil, She was misguided and thought what she was doing was right until Twilight (and the mane six) showed her a better way to live her life. And honestly I am glad that show didn't make her 'evil' because it wouldn't make sense with her character arc at all. She was basically the head of a communist town. And she time traveled to change a past which even in the books and supplementary material most characters aren't worried about because time, as long as it is resolved, will always be the same.

I like her better as a reformed a character. She is kind of like Star Swirl The Bearded in a way. Star Swirl was a very powerful magic user (possible the most powerful one to ever live) but he could never master friendship. Despite this, he was a court magician for Celestia and Luna. And he helped with many important tasks. Starlight is the same way. She is basically Twilight's Star Swirl the Bearded. I think it would be great it she took the role of Twilight's palace magician or something like that.

But anyway, I happen to enjoy her character for more than one reason. I also like her friendship with Trixie which I think is the perfect complement to her personality. But that is just my personal opinion. And I certainly respect the opinions of fans who don't like Starlight for one reason or another.

4458839 Like I said, you can like her if you want. I'm glad at the very least that someone can see the bright side.

But Starlight really does not try. You say she does, but look back on her episodes.

"In "The Crystalling", when confronted with the notion of seeing Sunburst again, she did everything within her power, short of using magic, to avoid doing it. And when she finally admitted to Sunburst why, all she did was whine and complain that she had a bad life, despite most of it being her own fault. And she helped resolve the end simply by virtue of the fact that she's a powerful Unicorn. Sunset or Moon Dancer could have done the same thing.

In "No Second Prances", she was supposed to make a new friend and come to Twilight's dinner with Celestia. When Twilight warned her that this new friend is not right for her (for all the wrong reasons, making Twilight in the wrong), Starlight very ungratefully blew her off. If she were really trying, she would have tried to make her friendship with Trixie and her duties as a student work. She didn't.

In "A Hearth's Warming Tail", she complains about Hearth's Warming Eve. What kind of likable character pisses and moans about Pony Christmas, for God's sake?! :twilightangry2:

In "Spice Up Your Life", she helped fix the Cutie Map. The one that her shenanigans broke in the first place. You don't take a child to Red Lobster just for cleaning her room. That was her responsibility, and it should not be rewarded as though the deed were not necessary.

In "Every Little Thing She Does", she brainwashes five of her friends to handle Twilight's lessons. You know, brainwashing . . . the EXACT THING THAT MADE HER A VILLAIN.

In "The Times They Are a Changeling", she does nothing. Literally nothing. She serves no purpose whatsoever except ask stupid questions and point out the obvious.

And in "To Where and Back Again, she only served a purpose when every other character that served purposes was kidnapped.

Every. Main character. KIDNAPPED.

Every one of them.

How contrived and unrealistic are the writers prepared to make their story just to make Starlight useful? The only way for her to solve a problem without weaseling out of it or using magic to fix it in a second is to put the entire main cast in danger? Really?!

And now, all of a sudden, after only a season of doing nothing, she's instantly graduated from friendship lessons.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have been reformed (even though she shuldn't have been), but there are so many other reformation arcs in cartoons that were done infinitely better. Zuko from "Avatar", Vegeta from "DragonBall Z", Peridot from "Steven Universe", Marik from "Yu-Gi-Oh", Xanatos from "Gargoyles", Terra from "Teen Titans" and Artemis from "Young Justice", just to name a few. Reforming a villain can be done well, and with the exception of Sunset, I have yet to see MLP do it right.

Like I said, I don't understand what makes this character so appealing. If you like her, that's okay. But not everyone is going to share your enthusiasm. And not everyone will agree with your points.

But if her character doesn't frustrate you enough to the point of irrational anger, I commend you for that alone. :ajsleepy:

4458887 It is interesting because I viewed all of those episodes in a completely different way.

I like Starlight's relationship with Sunburst and it was nice to see the two of them interact with one another in The Crystalling. I could understand why she was nervous about talking to Sunburst as she always thought of him as her closest friend and admitting to her past mistakes was something she wasn't looking forward to. It made sense for her character and it helped to make the episode interesting.

In No Second Prances, Starlight did learn some very valuable lessons about friendship. She learned to like someone, despite what they have done in the past. Actually, she learned more about friendship than Twilight on this subject, as Twilight seems to have a hard time getting along with both Trixie and Discord. This is something I would like to see the writers work on, in regards to Twilight. If she is supposed to be the princess of friendship, she needs to be more accepting of people, despite their past. I think it would be awesome to have an episode where Trixie and Twilight actually get along in some capacity. Or any episode where she gets along with Discord. Anyway, Starlight did well in this episode with everything besides blowing off the dinner with Celestia. But given the circumstances, you could see her motivation for doing so. Plus the ending scene with Cranky was pretty funny. I'm sure this isn't the first time Celestia as been stood up. She is wise and compassionate enough to forgive other creatures for mistakes. So it was kind of a non issue.

In A Hearth's Warming Tail, Starlight never said she didn't like the holiday per se. She just said she didn't understand the excitement and enthusiasm about getting gifts. It was just a concept she didn't understand, especially coming from 'Our Town' where they probably never celebrated the holiday as the town has its own traditions (as seen in To where and Back Again). But Twilight helps to explain the importance of the holiday, which opens Starlight's eyes to why it is something that is worth celebrating. And at the end of the episode, Starlight does join in on the fun, after learning that the holiday is more about just getting presents. It is also about spending time with friends, family, and just appreciating the value of love and friendship in general.

In Spice Up Your Life, yes, she helps to fix the Cutie Map. Which is a very good thing to do. She could have just let someone else do it. But she decided to take responsibility for her actions and help to fix the problem. So I think she deserved praise for helping to right something she had previously done wrong.

In Every Little Thing She Does, her motivation for putting the mane six under a spell wasn't to make them all be the same like in previous episodes. She was just genuinely afraid of doing activities with her friends because she was afraid she would mess up or do something that would cause the friendships to end. And that is very relatable. There are many times when I am afraid to hang out with people (due to my social anxiety and agoraphobia) because I am afraid I am also going to do the wrong thing. In fact I put off hanging out with people a lot because I can't emotionally handle it or will pass out if I come into contact with people. This is the reason I work out of the home and barely have contact with people in general. So I could actually relate to Starlight in this episode quite a lot. These types of fears are very real to a lot of people. And at least Starlight was able to overcome her fears and hang out with her friends the right way at the end of the episode.

In The Times They Are a Changeling, Starlight was just interested in going to the Chrystal Empire to spend time with Sunburst. Which actually shows her progression as a character because she actually wants to have a closer relationship with Sunburst rather than just avoid him (like in the season premiere episodes). So that was a good subtle hint that she is in fact doing her best to change and make as many friends as possible.

In To Where and Back Again Starlight offered her leadership skills to help Discord, Trixie, and Thorax infiltrate the Changeling hive and defeat Chrysalis. Without her leadership skills, the group would have never even made it into the hive to begin with, let alone make it to Chrysalis's throne room. And it was because of Starlight's speech that the changelings decided to give love instead of take it. So she actually helped quite a lot in that episode.

I could really see Starlight's progression as a character in season six. And honestly I think her episodes were some of the most interesting ones, besides the episodes with Discord (I especially liked the D&D episode). But again, that is just my perspective on things. I saw what the writers were going for and I thought they did a really awesome job helping to reform Starlight's character in season six. I kind of which they would spend more time on introducing Discord to new creatures or showing his adventures when he is not in Equestria because I honestly find him to be a very interesting character as well. And it would also be nice to have some episodes that just focused on Celestia and Luna. But Celestia is particular because we have never had an episode that really just focused on her. And I would love to see that.

If they brought Sunset Shimmer back to Equestria that would just be the icing on the cake and would make my entire year. I would love to see her become the eighth element (with Starlight becoming thee seventh) because I think the dynamic of all of the personalities would work so well.

But those are just my personal wishes for the direction of the show. And if they don't happen, there is always fan fiction. :P

4458950 If she cared about Sunburst so much, she wouldn't have had such a problem talking to him. If she didn't care enough to tell him the truth, or didn't care enough about him to find him after he moved away as a kid, then they are not real friends, and her behavior is purely selfish and juvenile.

"Actually, she learned more about friendship than Twilight on this subject." Twilight. The Princess of Friendship. Learned more than the Princess of Friendship. This is a clear-cut example of the world around a character changing it's own logic to suit the needs of the character--a huge part of the classic Mary Sue. Twilight forgives Trixie and Starlight, then is suddenly protective of the stranger and shows animosity towards the one she already forgave? No. This never should have happened. This is blatant destruction of continuity just to suit Starlight. Again, handed everything.

Her reasons for complaining about Hearth's Warming are irrelevant. She still whined about it, and Twilight still went out of her way to make her feel better, when all she could have said is, "It's a holiday, you ungrateful vretin, shut up and have some eggnog".

And no, she does not deserve praise for doing what she should have done in the season five finale. Again, you don't praise someone for doing something they ought to have an obligation to do. When I drop a vase or a glass at work, I sweep it up. Do I get a raise? Hell no. Because I made the mess, and I had to clean it up. For once, Starlight cleaned up her own mess, and she deserves no priase for it, only scorn for never doing it again.

Again, her reasons for brainwashing her friends are irrelevant. It was still a bad thing to do, and if she had changed by this time, she would have known it was a stupid, morally wrong decision and tried something else. I don't care whether she panicked; it shows she still falls into old habits she's not even trying to break. And powerful brainwashing Unicorns are not relatable.

And if Starlight wants to spend time with Sunburst, make it a focus instead of making it an intrusive add-on. The episode was about Spike, not Starlight. This was another case of the writers forcing her in where she wasn't wanted or needed. They rush her "character" here and there instead of focusing on actually improving it, forcing us as viewers to read too much into it and make assumptions that the show did not outline. Sure, Starlight wanted to see Sunburst again, but one: she should have done that from the very beginning, and two: it should have been it's own episode. Don't tack her onto a good episode and drain essential time from a plot she's not even a part of.

And Starlight never showed "leadership skills" before this. Unless you count tyranny and mind control, which does not count. No, she did not have those skills before, and she showed no buildup to getting them before, either. Just another ability to give to the Mary Sue to suit her in spite of the world around her not giving her that ability naturally beforehand.

Starlight made no progression of character because she has no character. Her idea of personality amounts to "Hey, I was a mind-controlling tyrannical sociopath once! And that's funny!" She made no strong attempt to hang out with Twilight's friends, she fell back on old habits instead of showing initiative and trying to do better, and no matter how badly she screwed up, Twilight would wipe her up, change her diaper, and praise her for just going where she is and not even show her where the toilet is. So Starlight just spreads her shit all over, and the rest of the season suffers.

If it wasn't for Spike, Fluttershy and the CMC, this season would have been the worst. Bar-none.

4459650 I personally enjoyed season six. I thought the episodes were well thought out and interesting. It was definitely a step up from many of the episodes in season five which fell flat in a lot of ways. Not to say that season five didn't have its good episodes, because it did. But it also contained some of the worst the show has ever seen like Princess Spike and some other choice episodes in the second half of the season.

Season six was pretty consistent in its quality and enjoyment. I would rank it just after season four in my season rankings. The full ranking would be, season four, season six, season five, season three, season two, and season one.

I am looking forward to the MLP movie. If it turns out to be the best thing since sliced bread, I will rank it first and season four second (and so on).

I think I am one of the few fans who actually likes all of the Equestria Girls movies. I like them all so much that it is kind of hard to rank them. But I really enjoyed the newest one (Legends of the Everfree) so I would probably rank it first, Friendship Games second, and the other two are kind of tied for third place. I'm also one of the few fans who doesn't put the second Equestria Girls movie on a pedestal. It was fun, but I think I prefer the Equestria Girls movies that have the all human cast and don't involve the pony Twilight. I was happy to see the human Twilight surface emerge in The Friendship Games and I really enjoyed the human Twilight in Legends of the Everfree. It would be neat to see Equestria Girls have its own spin-off series which focuses on their powers (as shown in Legends of the Everfree) and them handling magical creatures who cross over from Equestria or are in possession of its magic. This probably won't happen but I can have my dreams. :p

4459695 I think Season Five was the best season. It really only had three objectively bad episodes ("Princess Spike", "The Cutie Re-Mark Part 2" and "Tanks for the Memories"), ad a whole slew of great episodes ("The Cutie Map", "Castle Sweet Castle", "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone", "Scare Master", "Amending Fences", "The Mane Attraction", "Rarity Investigates", "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep", "Brotherhooves Social", "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" and "Slice of Life"). Season Six is only better than Season Three because it had four legitimately good episodes ("Gauntlet of Fire", "The Saddle Row Review", "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks" and "Flutter Brutter"), five or six debatably good ones, and the rest were trash. "The Cart Before the Ponies", "No Second Prances", "Where the Apple Lies", "28 Pranks Later", "Applejack's Day Off", and the sin against nature that was "Newbie Dash" especially stick in my craw. :facehoof:

4459709 The second half of season five kind of fell flat for me, like I mentioned. It had a really strong start, but then after that, the episodes became kind of hit or miss. I feel that season six had consistently good episodes the entire way through. And that is why I rank it above season five. But still below season four which I consider to be the best season of mlp.

Season seven will rank higher than all of them if it has a Celestia episode, they focus on the other established races like the dragons, griffons, and changelings (I find the non-pony creatures to be the most interesting in the show), we actually get to see Yak Yakistan, they introduce some of the anthropomorphic characters we've seen pictures of from the movie information like the parrot pirate and cat pirate creatures, they introduce the Flutterponies, rock lobsters, or other interesting creatures from generation one, they have a seapony, merpony, or kelpie episode, or they bring any of the story lines from the comics or books into the actual show (which I think would be a good move because the books and comics have some interesting adventures in them that would work well as animated episodes).

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