• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen February 23rd

Feather Note

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have." ~ Margaret Mead

More Blog Posts188

  • 173 weeks

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  • 204 weeks
    FIMFiction Review #9

    Hello everybody! I'm back and with a review of a story that was hilarious in its execution, even for an old story by this author. So, without further adieu, we shall jump straight into it!

    Long Story Short, Things Went Down

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  • 205 weeks
    July 1st 2020 - Update

    Well, well, well. Here I am! Sorry about the gap in blog posts (again). Been on more of a mental self-care. What with the world basically crumbling around us day by day. So you know, that's been what is keeping me so busy. That and trying to find a job, too. The good news is... my mental health has finally stabilized (for now). Found out what was causing my issues which was just one big well of

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  • 219 weeks
    The True Nightmare ~ Replication - Repost

    As promised I have set Replication for a repost. Auto-approval this time so it doesn't take all day. But regardless, I know I haven't made it much further than the previous chapter length, but, oddly enough, reposting it again has... oddly peaked a small little fire once more. Honestly I feel like I could return to this story very soon. And that's not just to sound like I'm puffing air out my

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  • 220 weeks
    The Long Awaited Update + Info on the Current Situation

    So! Just as I was feeling up to put up a blog, it seems like the world decided to lose its collective shit at the last possible moment. But as for how I'm doing? This'll be a short blog but I'll get the writing stuff out of the way before the important stuff.

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The True Nightmare: Third Story Questions & Answers · 5:49pm Mar 4th, 2017

Sorry this took so long. Had to deal with school. And it took up... well, a lot of my free time. But don't worry. I'll try and get some writing done with the story. For now, here are the answers to the questions that everybody has been looking forward too. Hope you enjoy it!

(To hope that it doesn't suck like this movie? Oh don't worry. This movie wasn't really that great). :rainbowlaugh:

There were only four readers who brought up questions, but it was still quite a bit, so hopefully these shall have answered some of your thoughts or concerns. And if you have any others, then don't feel shy, go ahead and ask on the blog or through PM. I'll be happy to tell you what I can say.

Admiral Wyatt Stone

“About the characters, are we going to see a clone of April O'Neil in the story? I was also thinking about the Changelings or even Starlight for the matter. I know we have never seen them in the story, but with this fanfic's story, are we going to see them as well? Hmmm.... what about Discord, Thorax, or Princess Ember? I've been wondering where that Draconequus has been since all hell broke loose.”

To start off with the first question. That is… rather hard to explain at the moment. What do I mean by this? You’ll all be getting this simple answer. Maybe.

Second question. This takes place… at least quite a few years into the future. So relations with the Changelings becoming better? That’s pretty much a possibility. Starlight Glimmer appearing in the story? You can definitely count on that.

Third question. Discord appearing? Pretty much. To explain why I didn’t use him? Because his chaotic demeanor would have… been odd for the story itself. I’d definitely use him this time around since the fate of the world is not at stake at the beginning of the story. Plus, depending on how said writer views him. It can be in a positive or negative light. I view his character as both. He also would have solved the situation rather quickly with his Chaos magic, so therefore, that would not have worked to put him in the story.

King Thorax will also, most definitely make an appearance. Same going for Princess Ember. As I have said, a certain time has passed. So therefore, characters in the canon show from season five and six will show up, since Epitaph took place in-between seasons four and five.

Black Hoof

“I wonder how Twilight and Cadance will take it when the next threat arises?”

Well, if it’s anything like the first three stories. They’ll be surprised and scared by what shall take place. However, after going through this about two times, I’m pretty sure they’ll handle it with less fear than what they’ve shown.


“But I think I know my main question (I think a few other people might've asked this as well): Will the humans make an appearance?”

Like Admiral Wyatt Stone’s question, this is going to be a big maybe. Does that mean a yes. No. Does that also mean a no? Not really. So as for the humans making an appearance? I will say this. No natural humans shall appear. What does that mean? Well… that’s all I can really say.


“For my question, maybe for an antagonist in the next sequel, if you're planning to bring back the predators, you could have one of them be forced to team up to face a greater evil with the main character despite attempting to hunt them down earlier, similar to what happened in the first A.vs.P movie?”

Hmm… while this does sound fun. The last time it was done was… well, not well. The whole idea for a Predator joining forces with the protagonist sounds good on paper. But even executing it is another thing. These beings have always known to be solo hunters and killers and would prefer not to hunt alongside comrades or even humans for that matter. The first AVP Movie also was… not that great, to be honest. It’s probably the best we’ll ever get. But yeah, I probably won’t implement a Predator into the story.

I hope this helps clarify things. If there are any other questions, I shall reiterate this once more. Feel free to ask more questions. I'll gladly tell you more. Thanks again for the questions to those of you who have asked. And hopefully I see you around soon. Thanks again!

Comments ( 1 )

Awesome Q&As, and with Alien Covenant coming out soon, this is going to be a great year! :)

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