• Member Since 21st Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen June 2nd

Silver Inkwell

"Take me away to a dream and I will live like it was real, wake me up to reality and I'll live it like it was a dream."

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List of Dislikes · 2:14am Feb 16th, 2017

Dances (not dancing, I have nothing against that, and yes, THERE is a BIG difference).
My Family
Annoying people
Small Annoying Children
Whenever people don't listen to me...
Or respond to comments...
Or actually post comments when I keep asking for them...

And finally...
People in general.

(I'm at a a Valentine's Dance right now, suffice it to say it's very lame indeed.)

Comments ( 17 )

Turns out we have so much in common... And that's why I'm skipping tomorrow's dance. :twilightsmile:

Wow, how much DO WE have in common?

(We should really talk sometime soon.)

4424288 A lot by the looks of it. And that whole list is why I live during the weekend night. No one can bother and annoy me then, they're all asleep! And I have the whole night and all of FimFiction to myself. :raritywink: With break coming up, I'll live like I did last summer. Stay up till 3 AM when I'm practically dead, and wake up sometime in the afternoon.

(We will.)

Let me give a list of everything else that I dislike (well, part of it):
Incomplete stories
Bad grammar
No grammar,
People who don't give me money when I beg for it
People who dislike a story because of one spelling mistake and think they're HELPING
Loud people
People who don't know when to shut up
People who argue with me (no one has come back alive from that)
The world (except for a few people, you included. There's about 30 people in the whole world that I actually like.)
And every single thing on your list!
:twilightsmile: I can make a much longer one if you want. Where I list the names of every person I dislike in the world. And trust me... That'll be very long.


Yeah, I don't LIKE Trump (or Obama for that matter too as well), but I can still respect them if they try to do their jobs right, or at least think that they do.

And that's why I don't read the news.

Because they're always disrespecting people.

(Oh, I forgot the news because of that reason, and it also moves too fast for me, I like to take life slow one moment at a time and enjoy it day by day, which is why I can have a plan but now always stick to it because I'll probably forget it.)

(I also forgot school, and boring jobs that make me wait for my next task because I want to get it over with and then relax and have some fun you're wasting both my time and yours, and you're paying me to do nothing when I WANT to be doing something because the only time I'm impatient is when I'm working on something that I hate/dislike.)

I like some people too, just not ones that are TOO close to me (like family members or certain teachers)

However if we don't see each other much (like I will with my family after I probably hopefully finally move in the summer sometime to sunny California) then I will like them.

You see I can LIKE people online (especially if I haven't seen their faces yet) based on their words.

In real life it's based upon time contact.

Too much and I'll get annoyed.

Too little and we'll grow apart.

But jut enough lands you in my like folder.

It's a very small list (just like yours).

Wow, that was a long rant.

What if I'm a kid who sometimes acts like a small annoying kid? Would chu hate me?

Yes, but the level of hate would depend upon how much you do it (percentage of time)

For example, Pinkie Pie is like a small kid, without any of the annoying, if you acted like her you would be fine.

If you complained, cried, whined, etc. well I don't like that at all.

However children are very creative at ideas.

So I would probably ask you to write a story to calm down.

I then would edit that story and give credit to you.

Speaking of family do you have any (I NEED/ WANT more ideas)?

4424323 I'm told I act wike Pinkie, and I never complain.

I alsos has family and Fim family

4424306 Wow... :rainbowderp: Finally there's a person that feels the exact same way about friends as me! I don't even try with IRL friends anymore, I just end up getting annoyed at them or leaving them. I've stopped considering real life my 'place where I belong' if you know what I mean. I spend every free second here or on DeviantArt, where I actually like some people. :derpytongue2:

We've got so much in common, even I'm amazed. Also, I don't read the news anymore either for those same reasons. :twilightsmile:

Wow, amazing and awesome how much we relate.

I haven't given up on Real Life yet, but I probably will once I move away (and yeah, I do spend a whole lot of time writing because that's where my very best friends are, you know, the ones that I won't ever let die no matter what).

Anyhow I may be a bit cold and cruel at times (especially if you break my heart since I'm fragile on the inside when I really truly open up to others and be completely honest which I always try to be/ do), but I always try to be a very nice kind generous guy in both words and actions.

(Which was why my last anger breakdown explosion was actually contained by my own will power, which means that I am always improving, even on my negative side of myself, 'the monster within' you could even say).

Anyhow I find people that don't change too much (e.g. fictional characters) easier to be with.

Unless they're spontaneous like me or Pinkie Pie, in which case welcome to the crazy Discord club, because who ever wants to be normal?

(Speaking of friends I would totally let them die first because I doubt that I could ever get that attached to them.

I'm just saying, I mean if the two of us faced a criminal and he was going to shoot one of us I would probably not object if you decided to sacrifice you.

But that doesn't mean that I will kill you if you're a friend.

It just means that you can get favors me.

Being a best friend upgrades you to death protection.

[Which is exactly why I don't have any real ones at all.])

Oh, new quote.

"Who needs friends when you have books/stories to read?"

After all...
So many books...
So little time...

Anyhow I'll be leaving the dance soon (like in 10-20 minutes)

So anything else to say before tomorrow (I'll be back at around 7AM Arizona time)?

Achievement Earned:

Isolated: Go to a dance but don't dance with anyone at all.

(There's always a first time for everything, especially firsts.)

4424355 Cya! I'll be around on Friday, 4 PM Arizona time next time... I have a long, boring Thursday in front of me. :twilightsmile: Wish I could be around anytime tomorrow but unfortunately I can't, but bye for now!

4424350 Best quote ever! And I completly agree and follow it. :rainbowlaugh:

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