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Disney's The BFG (2016) Is An Awesome Movie · 5:33pm Feb 14th, 2017

The most recent version of The BFG didn't get a lot of press for whatever reason. But regardless, it is a great film. I really loved the book when I was younger. I've always been a big fan of all of the works of Roald Dahl, especially his lesser known short story collections aimed at adult readers. However, I've never been a big fan of the way many people attempt to make his stories into films or television shows. Mostly because they don't seem to get Roald Dahl's dark humor or wit and always attempt to dumb things down for a younger audience. I was pleasantly surprised with Disney's recent adaptation of The BFG though. They actually captured the tone of the book quite well.

The story follows a girl named Sophie who lives with many other girls at an orphanage. The owner of the orphanage is scatterbrained, which leaves Sophie to take care of all of the stuff like collecting the mail, locking the doors at night, and making sure the orphanage doesn't fall apart under the owner's watch. There are rumors in the orphanage that no one should ever go out on the balcony during the witching hour or something bad will happen to them. So Sophie usually steers clear of the balcony during this time. However, on one occasion Sophie sees a giant outside the window. She goes to get a better look but runs away when she sees the giant running towards her. However, by the time she jumps under the covers of her bed to hide from the giant, it is too late. The giant has already spotted her. He picks her up out of her bed and takes her to the land of giants where he tells her that he can't let her return home because if he does, the humans will learn about his home, and try to kill all of the other giants.

The story then follows the developing friendship between Sophie and the BFG as he tells her about the world of the giants and introduces her to his profession of catching 'dreams' which he mixes together and blows into the windows of humans. Sophie learns that this has been his job for centuries and that most giants are about as old as the world itself. She eventually decides that she wants to help the BFG catch and make dreams (as a sort of assistant). She also wants to free him from the other giants of the realm who bully him and even worse, journey to the human realm to eat children during the witching hour.

The movie has beautiful visuals and an excellent soundtrack. The characters are also portrayed very well. Somehow this movie seemed to capture the dark humor, wit, and magic that is so iconic of Roald Dahl's storytelling format. I definitely recommend checking it out if haven't done so already. It's a great film and a highly faithful adaptation of the original source material. It is a magical story with a great message that all ages can enjoy.

Comments ( 7 )


4422134 I loved both as well. XD The animated version of The BFG was pretty good too. You should definitely check it out if you haven't seen it. :)

I remember the book. It's good to hear the movie was good as well.

4424077 I enjoyed it very much. I thought that the actors did a very good job and it was very well directed. I definitely recommend checking it out. :)

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