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As you can see, my name is above me, but you can call me Displace, for short. Anyway, I am looking for writers to help me out with my stories. Also, Hamster_Master, you are not permitted to be here.

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Lord Metarex/Radmes and Displace Character Sheets · 10:36pm Feb 7th, 2017

Name: Lord Metarex (L.M. for short) [Displaced]. Radmes [Earth].

Aliases: "Your Highness" [Star Swirl], "L.M." [Present], "Radmes" [Himself and Earth].

Disciple of: Displace, superior to Lord Metarex and is his Displacer. Is MUCH more powerful than Lord Metarex, but stays hidden in the shadows.

Allegiance: The SOUL Soldiers, leader. Displaced of Displace, the Displacer. Order.

Trademark: 1. wears this on his cape, always.
2. His right hand and left foot, made out of different, stronger metals than the rest of his body.

Natural Habitat: His Universe (Good/Pacifist version), His Universe and also the Evil Displaced Universes (Evil/True Genocide version), the Multiverse and beyond (Neutral/True Harmony version), Omniverse (Future/Displacer version) (it might not be a place, but you can create a place there, right?).

Status: Great (Good/Pacifist), Lusting for blood and death (Evil/Genocide), Harmony throughout all of existence (Neutral/Harmony), bored out of fuckin' mind (Future/Displacer). [Active, every version]

Appearance: As tall as Luna, including her horn, looks like a combination between Mecha Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic, right hand and left foot are made out of Darksteel and Darkiron, stronger than any normal metal when combined, has two mismatched eyes (right eye is fiery red and glowing, sometimes emits embers when angry, left eye is electric blue and glowing, sometimes emits sparks when angry), has two scars, one going down his left arm, the other going down the left side of his face, going over his eye.

Personality: Depends which version. For the good/pacifist version, he's funny as shit, cocky, and reckless, but is willing to do anything to save those that he loves. For the evil/genocide version, he's a masochist and a killer, and he's married to his Sweetie Belle, but he will act serious from time to time and will worry for Sweetie Belle. For the neutral/harmony version, he's calm and similar to Zenyatta from Overwatch. For the Future/Displacer version, he's all of them, except being a masochist.

Facts: Chopped off a hydra head, has had sex with Sweetie Belle and Princess Luna, has revived Skeletron Prime, the Destroyer of Worlds, and the Twins (Retinazer and Spazmatism), has befriended some Timberwolves, and has saved Star Swirl from the stone prison of a Basilisk.

Name: Displace.

Aliases: None.

Disciple of: No one. No one knows his past or anything else except what is listed.

Allegiance: Lord Metarex and The SOUL Soldiers. Order, to a certain degree.

Trademark: Wears brown cape, cannot be removed. Has green, glowing eyes in the shape of bolts of lightning. When he or his Displaced are angry, their eyes glow either green or the normal color of their eyes.

Natural Habitat: Omniverse.

Status: Unknown, but alive and well [Active].

Appearance: Unknown, but does have Green, glowing eyes in the shape of bolts of lightning and wears brown, unremovable cloak.

Personality: Calm and very wise in comparison to his Displaced.

Facts: Unknown. Not much is known about him other than what has already been listed.

Comments ( 13 )

Name: Displaced Name is Lord Metarex (L.M. for short). Non-Displaced Name is Radmes.

Name section is questionable. You could easily do this.

Name: Lord Metarex [Equestria] ; Radmes [Earth]

Aliases: "Your Highness" (By Star Swirl), "L.M." (By Everyone), "Radmes" (Himself In Private).

Aliases means titles in this case, like things he has been called in the past or has called himself.

Aliases: Highness [Past] ; L.M [Nickname] ; Radmes [Earth]

Disciple of: Displace, superior to Lord Metarex and is his Displacer. Is MUCH more powerful than Lord Metarex, but stays hidden in the shadows.

Just, stop. There is an approved list of concepts and such, as well as plenty of examples of other sheets. Plus, we do not need this commentary.

Disciple Of: Falsehoods

Allegiance: The SOUL Soldiers, leader. Displaced of Displace, the Displacer.

Alright, no. This is too ridiculous and I am very much not okay with this. 'Displace' is a horrid and awful name. It is insanely unoriginal and reads like you're trying to self insert, no offense.

Allegiance: Entropy

Trademark: 1. wears this on his cape, always.
2. His right hand and left foot, made out of different, stronger metals than the rest of his body.

Image is broken, and trademark means what he does to mark a Displaced he makes, or HOW he Displaces them.

Trademark: ???

Natural Habitat: His Universe (Good/Pacifist version), His Universe and also the Evil Displaced Universes (Evil/True Genocide version), the Multiverse and beyond (Neutral/True Harmony version), Omniverse (Future/Displacer version).

Okay, the future stuff is unnecessary. We don't need information on his alts, only he himself. Omniverse also isn't a place, its a generic word for existence.

Natural Habitat: His Home Universe

Status: Great (Good/Pacifist), Lusting for blood and death (Evil/Genocide), Harmony throughout all of existence (Neutral/Harmony), bored out of fuckin' mind (Future/Displacer).

Inactive, aka dead, or active, aka alive and doing stuff.

Appearance: As tall as Luna, including her horn, looks like a combination between Mecha Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic, right hand and left foot are made out of Darksteel and Darkiron, stronger than any normal metal when combined, has two mismatched eyes (right eye is fiery red and glowing, sometimes emits embers when angry, left eye is electric blue and glowing, sometimes emits sparks when angry), has two scars, one going down his left arm, the other going down the left side of his face, going over his eye.

This works, just bold Appearance.

Personality: Depends which version. For the good/pacifist version, he's funny as shit, cocky, and reckless, but is willing to do anything to save those that he loves. For the evil/genocide version, he's a masochist and a killer, and he's married to his Sweetie Belle, but he will act serious from time to time and will worry for Sweetie Belle. For the neutral/harmony version, he's calm and similar to Zenyatta from Overwatch. For the Future/Displacer version, he's all of them, except being a masochist.

Bold Personality. The rest is okay, though we only need the original's information.

Facts: Chopped off a hydra head, has had sex with Sweetie Belle and Princess Luna, has revived Skeletron Prime, the Destroyer of Worlds, and the Twins (Retinazer and Spazmatism), has befriended some Timberwolves, and has saved Star Swirl from the stone prison of a Basilisk.

Again, bold. Facts just means details you couldn't include about him earlier in the sheet. History can be a section fi you want to include it.

Name: Displace.

You already got my spiel about the name. And the bolding.

Aliases: None.

He has to have some, as it means titles.

Disciple of: No one.

He isn't a concept, who would he study under?

Allegiance: Lord Metarex and The SOUL Soldiers.

Wrong definition you have in your head. We'll say Entropy, or Order. You can chosoe which for both him and Metarex.

Trademark: Wears brown cape, cannot be removed. Has green, glowing eyes in the shape of bolts of lightning.

Trademark, again, means how he marks them. Does not mean what he wears.

Natural Habitat: Omniverse.

Not a place.

Status: Unknown, but alive and well.

Unknown, But also alive and well? What? Okay, is he ACTIVE or INACTIVE?

Appearance: Unknown, but does have Green, glowing eyes in the shape of bolts of lightning and wears brown, unremovable cloak.

...You can't known what he looks like and not at the same time. Sure, a real person could, but you made him.

Personality: Calm and very wise.

Aren't they all? be more descriptive.

Facts: Unknown.

Same as the first sheet.

Considering the first and second sheets are for the same person, as far as I can gather, work on that. If they aren't the same person, why does the level of detail drop? Why does it drop since they are the same? Displace needs fixed and renamed because that name is so unoriginal I could randomly generate a name and it'd be more original, no offense.


First, this is the image: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/E8jXHN0llfPjfTVAq5cCK5_WnR3LpjWfrlQRMzwZrppXlMeYFc1lW7tVmhzObdvqqoNN-zn2zA=w3840-h2400-rw-no

Second, Displace and Lord Metarex are not the same person. Displace is Lord Metarex's Displacer.

And third, Displace doesn't have that much information and isn't very detailed because he's kept a low profile of his existence for hundreds of thousands of years. And he's a lot more calm and wise than anyone else, if compared to his Displaced, who vary in personality due to being parts of a single soul, like Lord Metarex being the Adventurous side of the soul and Lewis being the Caring side of the soul.

And for trademarks, Lord Metarex casts a spell on his Displaced that protects them from all powerful evil and randomly gives them one of his five types of magic (Dark Magic, Chaos Magic, Tirek's Magic, Dream Magic, and Changeling Magic). For Displace (I am NOT changing his name), his trademark is rather simple. When he or his Displaced are angry, their eyes will glow brightly in either the color their eyes are currently or in the color green, Displace's eye color.

For allegiance, they would be both. They are Entropy and Order... but it can also be a gray area.


Either way, the name is terrible.


They can't be both, they're one or the other.


Isn't there a gray area in between for Entropy and Order?

If there isn't, that's kinda stupid.


Entropy means destruction, Order means creation. That's the basic premise.


Well, Lord Metarex, the good, neutral, and future versions, are Creation, and so is Displace, to a certain degree.

The evil Lord Metarex, however, is primarily Destruction.


So, then put Order. As for the alt versions, they aren't necessary


Then keep a version for yourself, and make the version I mentioned. SImple


Or you come focus on the main version, the good/pacifist version.


That's what I meant.

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